
CPT 2022: Professional Edition 4th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1640160873


CPT 2022: Professional Edition 4th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1640160873

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  • Publisher: ‎ Amer Medical Assn; 4th edition (October 15, 2021)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 1640160876
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1640160873

CPT® 2022 Professional Edition is the definitive AMA-authored resource to help healthcare professionals correctly report and bill medical procedures and services. Healthcare professionals want accurate reimbursement. Payers want efficient claims processing. Correct reporting and billing of medical procedures and services begins with CPT® 2022 Professional Edition.

Only the AMA, with the help of physicians and other experts in the healthcare community, creates and maintains the CPT code set. No other codebook has the accurate, complete official guidelines for the latest and current procedural terminology for procedures and services to help you code medical services and procedures properly.

The CPT® 2022 Professional Edition codebook covers hundreds of code, guideline and text changes and features:

  • CPT® Changes, CPT® Assistant, and Clinical Examples in Radiology citations — provides cross-referenced information in popular AMA resources that can enhance your understanding of the CPT code set
  • A comprehensive index — aid in locating codes related to a specific procedure, service, anatomic site, condition, synonym, eponym or abbreviation to allow for a clearer, quicker search
  • Anatomical and procedural illustrations — help improve coding accuracy and understanding of the anatomy and procedures discussed
  • Coding tips throughout each section — improve understanding of the nuances of the code set
  • Enhanced codebook table of contents —enable a quick search of the codebook’s content for quick access
  • Section-specific table of contents — provide a useful tool to navigate effectively and quickly through each section’s codes
  • Summary of additions, deletions and revisions — provide a summary and quick reference of the 2022 changes in the codes without having to compare editions
  • Multiple appendices — offer additional information for modifiers, clinical examples, add-on codes, vascular families re-sequenced codes, and MAAAs and PLA services
  • New Appendix Q coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines and their associated administration codes
  • New Appendix R — provide digital medicine services taxonomy
  • Comprehensive E/M code selection tables — aid physicians and coders in assigning the most appropriate evaluation and management codes
  • Notes pages at the end of every code set section and subsection

Table of Contents:

Inside Front Cover
Place-of-Service Codes for Professional Claims
Title Page
About CPT
Maintenance and Authorship of the CPT Code Set
Release of CPT Codes
Section Numbers and Their Sequences
Instructions for Use of the CPT Codebook
Format of the Terminology
Requests to Update the CPT Nomenclature
Application Submission Requirements
General Criteria for Category I, II, and III Codes
Category-Specific Requirements
Add-on Codes
Place of Service and Facility Reporting
Unlisted Procedure or Service
Results, Testing, Interpretation, and Report
Special Report
Code Symbols
Alphabetical Reference Index
Use of Anti-Piracy Technology in CPT Professional 2022 Codebook
CPT 2022 in Electronic Formats
References to AMA Resources
Illustrated Anatomical and Procedural Review
Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots
Surgical Procedures
Directions and Positions
Additional References
Medical Dictionaries
Anatomy References
Lists of Illustrations
Anatomical Illustrations
Procedural Illustrations
Evaluation and Management Tables
Legend for CPT® Code Symbols
Evaluation and Management (E/M) Services Guidelines
E/M Guidelines Overview
Classification of Evaluation and Management (E/M) Services
Definitions of Commonly Used Terms
Guidelines Common to All E/M Services
Guidelines for Hospital Observation, Hospital Inpatient, Consultations, Emergency Department, Nursing Facility, Domiciliary, Rest Home, or Custodial Care, and Home E/M Services
Instructions for Selecting a Level of E/M Service for Hospital Observation, Hospital Inpatient, Consultations, Emergency Department, Nursing Facility, Domiciliary, Rest Home, or Custodial Care, and Home E/M Services
Guidelines for Office or Other Outpatient E/M Services
Instructions for Selecting a Level of Office or Other Outpatient E/M Services
Unlisted Service
Special Report
Clinical Examples
Evaluation and Management
Office or Other Outpatient Services
Hospital Observation Services
Hospital Inpatient Services
Emergency Department Services
Critical Care Services
Nursing Facility Services
Domiciliary, Rest Home (eg, Boarding Home), or Custodial Care Services
Domiciliary, Rest Home (eg, Assisted Living Facility), or Home Care Plan Oversight Services
Home Services
Prolonged Services
Case Management Services
Care Plan Oversight Services
Preventive Medicine Services
Non-Face-to-Face Services
Special Evaluation and Management Services
Newborn Care Services
Delivery/Birthing Room Attendance and Resuscitation Services
Inpatient Neonatal Intensive Care Services and Pediatric and Neonatal Critical Care Services
Cognitive Assessment and Care Plan Services
Care Management Services
Psychiatric Collaborative Care Management Services
Transitional Care Management Services
Advance Care Planning
General Behavioral Health Integration Care Management
Other Evaluation and Management Services
Anesthesia Guidelines
Time Reporting
Anesthesia Services
Supplied Materials
Separate or Multiple Procedures
Unlisted Service or Procedure
Special Report
Anesthesia Modifiers
Qualifying Circumstances
Thorax (Chest Wall and Shoulder Girdle)
Spine and Spinal Cord
Upper Abdomen
Lower Abdomen
Pelvis (Except Hip)
Upper Leg (Except Knee)
Knee and Popliteal Area
Lower Leg (Below Knee, Includes Ankle and Foot)
Shoulder and Axilla
Upper Arm and Elbow
Forearm, Wrist, and Hand
Radiological Procedures
Burn Excisions or Debridement
Other Procedures
Surgery Guidelines
CPT Surgical Package Definition
Follow-Up Care for Diagnostic Procedures
Follow-Up Care for Therapeutic Surgical Procedures
Supplied Materials
Reporting More Than One Procedure/Service
Separate Procedure
Unlisted Service or Procedure
Special Report
Imaging Guidance
Surgical Destruction
▶Foreign Body/Implant Definition◀
Integumentary System
Musculoskeletal System
Respiratory System
Cardiovascular System
Hemic and Lymphatic Systems
Mediastinum and Diaphragm
Digestive System
Urinary System
Male Genital System
Reproductive System Procedures
Intersex Surgery
Female Genital System
Maternity Care and Delivery
Endocrine System
Nervous System
Eye and Ocular Adnexa
Auditory System
Operating Microscope
Radiology Guidelines (Including Nuclear Medicine and Diagnostic Ultrasound)
Subject Listings
Separate Procedures
Unlisted Service or Procedure
Special Report
Supervision and Interpretation, Imaging Guidance
Administration of Contrast Material(s)
Written Report(s)
▶Foreign Body/Implant Definition◀
Diagnostic Radiology (Diagnostic Imaging)
Diagnostic Ultrasound
Radiologic Guidance
Breast, Mammography
Bone/Joint Studies
Radiation Oncology
Nuclear Medicine
Pathology and Laboratory Guidelines
Services in Pathology and Laboratory
Separate or Multiple Procedures
Unlisted Service or Procedure
Special Report
Pathology and Laboratory
Organ or Disease-Oriented Panels
Drug Assay
Therapeutic Drug Assays
Evocative/Suppression Testing
▶Pathology Clinical Consultations◀
Molecular Pathology
Genomic Sequencing Procedures and Other Molecular Multianalyte Assays
Multianalyte Assays with Algorithmic Analyses
Hematology and Coagulation
Transfusion Medicine
Anatomic Pathology
Cytogenetic Studies
Surgical Pathology
In Vivo (eg, Transcutaneous) Laboratory Procedures.
Other Procedures
Reproductive Medicine Procedures
Proprietary Laboratory Analyses
Medicine Guidelines
Add-on Codes
Separate Procedures
Unlisted Service or Procedure
Special Report
Imaging Guidance
Supplied Materials
▶Foreign Body/Implant Definition◀
Immune Globulins, Serum or Recombinant Products
Immunization Administration for Vaccines/Toxoids
Vaccines, Toxoids
Special Otorhinolaryngologic Services
Noninvasive Vascular Diagnostic Studies
Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Neurology and Neuromuscular Procedures
Medical Genetics and Genetic Counseling Services.
Adaptive Behavior Services
Central Nervous System Assessments/Tests (eg, Neuro-Cognitive, Mental Status, Speech Testing)
Health Behavior Assessment and Intervention
Hydration, Therapeutic, Prophylactic, Diagnostic Injections and Infusions, and Chemotherapy and Other Highly Complex Drug or Highly Complex Biologic Agent Administration
Photodynamic Therapy
Special Dermatological Procedures
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Medical Nutrition Therapy
Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment
Chiropractic Manipulative Treatment
Education and Training for Patient Self-Management.
Non-Face-to-Face Nonphysician Services
Special Services, Procedures and Reports
Qualifying Circumstances for Anesthesia
Moderate (Conscious) Sedation
Other Services and Procedures
Home Health Procedures/Services
Medication Therapy Management Services
Category II Codes
Composite Codes
Patient Management
Patient History
Physical Examination
Diagnostic/Screening Processes or Results
Therapeutic, Preventive, or Other Interventions
Follow-up or Other Outcomes
Patient Safety
Structural Measures
Nonmeasure Code Listing
Category III Codes
Appendix A—Modifiers
Appendix B—Summary of Additions, Deletions, and Revisions
Appendix C—Clinical Examples
Hospital Inpatient Services
Subsequent Hospital Care
Emergency Department Services
Critical Care Services
Prolonged Services
Care Plan Oversight Services
Prolonged Clinical Staff Services with Physician or Other Qualified Health Care Professional Supervision
Inpatient Neonatal Intensive Care Service and Pediatric and Neonatal Critical Care Services
Appendix D—Summary of CPT Add-on Codes
Appendix E—Summary of CPT Codes Exempt from Modifier 51
Appendix F—Summary of CPT Codes Exempt from Modifier 63
Appendix G—Summary of CPT Codes That Include Moderate (Conscious) Sedation
Appendix H—Alphabetical Clinical Topics Listing (AKA – Alphabetical Listing)
Appendix I—Genetic Testing Code Modifiers
Appendix J—Electrodiagnostic Medicine Listing of Sensory, Motor, and Mixed Nerves
Appendix K—Product Pending FDA Approval
Appendix L—Vascular Families
Appendix M—Renumbered CPT Codes-Citations Crosswalk
Appendix N—Summary of Resequenced CPT Codes
Appendix O—Multianalyte Assays with Algorithmic Analyses and Proprietary Laboratory Analyses
Appendix P—CPT Codes That May Be Used For Synchronous Telemedicine Services
▶Appendix Q—Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) Vaccines◀
▶Appendix R—Digital Medicine-Services Taxonomy◀
Inside Back Cover
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