Tag Archives: education

Testing Is Only Part Of The Evaluation Of Learning

Every time you ask a question in class, monitor a student discussion, or read a term paper, you are evaluating learning. Moreover, the evaluation process (whether it involves examinations or not) is a valuable part of the teaching process. The primary purpose of evaluation is to provide corrective feedback to the student, the secondary purpose…

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Defining Goals And Objectives Is Indispensable To Course Planning

Many college teachers use a simple, content-centered planning model. By contrast, the planning model presented in this section focuses on the student rather than on the content. The operative planning questions are: –    In what ways will students be better thinkers when they finish the course? –    What should students be able to do with…

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Specific Student Outcomes Should Drive The Design Of Instruction

Through a liberal education students acquire frames of reference and the ability to analyze and reflect that influence how they view their experience and how they choose to behave. If this is a desired outcome of a liberal education, how can we as educators help students achieve it? A number of institutions of higher education…

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Effective Teachers Plan Discussions As Thoroughly As They Plan Their Lectures

The teacher-led discussion is used in college classrooms to help students develop a deeper understanding of course material and practice basic thinking skills. This type of discussion fits easily into lecture courses and is often employed in separate discussion sections for large classes. Although teachers appreciate the importance of class discussions for achieving higher-order objectives,…

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The Search For An Educational Holy Grail

What is good teaching? Who is a good teacher? The search for the answers to these questions has become for teacher education a search for an educational Holy Grail. While appearing to be deceptively simple and seductively straightforward, these questions have instigated an enduring and ever-multiplying research tradition as well as a many sided international…

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Service-learning Provides The Environment In Which Students Will Apply Ideas From The Class Or The Readings

Service-learning, the newest name for a teaching strategy that has been used successfully for many years, integrates community service into a traditional academic curriculum. Courses that have a service component can help students connect material learned in class and experiences acquired in their placements. Ideally, this should be a two-way process: students should apply what…

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We Must Have Even Higher Expectations For Teachers

Setting high standards for student learning is important, but if we are to attain true excellence in our schools, we must have even higher expectations for teachers. Traditional preparation and certification programs are failing to provide sufficient quality and are deterring many talented candidates from entering the classroom. To address these realities, states are exploring…

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New Teachers Are Receiving Support, Orientation, And Formal Training

As a shortage of teachers grows toward crisis proportions, the nation’s schools are struggling against twin burdens to hire well-prepared new teachers and to keep them from leaving the profession. Many schools, particularly those in urban areas, have turned to formal programs of training and support for novice teachers as a way of easing what…

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The Course Pack Is Designed To Be The Primary Source Of Course Materials

Custom course packs give university instructors enormous freedom in course design. Unlike traditional textbooks, course packs can take any shape, and can be tailored to fit almost any subject matter, teaching method, or educational goal. These qualities, combined with their reasonable cost, make course packs very popular among university instructors. Cost aside, however, many university…

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