Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment 11th Edition by Charles Zastrow, ISBN-13: 978-1337556477
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
- Publisher: Cengage Learning; 11th edition (January 1, 2018)
- Language: English
- 848 pages
- ISBN-10: 1337556475
- ISBN-13: 978-1337556477
The main objective of social work is to facilitate positive changes in individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. The first step in this change process is accurate assessment and that’s the primary focus of UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT. Focusing on individual behavior within families and other systems, this book will help you understand the underlying reasons why people act the way they do. You’ll learn about biological, psychological, and social development at different lifespan stages, as well as about the benefits of strengths and empowerment approaches to social work. To further prepare you for your career, this edition’s content aligns with the core competencies and recommended behaviors outlined in the current Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) set by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).
Table of Contents:
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
About the Authors
Chapter 1. Introduction to Human Behavior and the Social Environment
Explain the Importance of Foundation Knowledge for Social Work with an Emphasis on Assessment
The Profession of Social Work
The Process of Social Work: The Importance of Assessment
Identifying and Evaluating Alternative Courses of Action
Review the Organization of This Book That Emphasizes Lifespan Development
Common Life Events
Typical Developmental Milestones
Describe Important Concepts for Understanding Human Behavior
Human Diversity, Cultural Competency, Oppression, and Populations-at-Risk
Focus on Empowerment, the Strengths Perspective, and Resiliency
Critical Thinking about Ethical Issues
Employing Conceptual Frameworks for Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment: A Person-in-Environment Perspective
Employ a Conceptual Framework for Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment: Ecosystems Theory
Understanding Key Concepts in Systems Theories
Application of Systems Concepts to a Case Example of Child Abuse
Understanding Key Concepts in the Ecological Perspective
Recognize People’s Involvement with Multiple Systems in the Social Environment
Micro, Mezzo, and Macro Systems
Interactions between Micro Systems and Macro Systems
Recognize Social Worker Roles
A Variety of Roles
Identify Knowledge, Skills, and Values Necessary for Generalist Social Work Practice
Chapter Summary
Competency Notes
Web Resources
Part I. Infancy and Childhood
Chapter 2. Biological Development in Infancy and Childhood
Describe the Dynamics of Human Reproduction
Diagnosis of Pregnancy
Fetal Development during Pregnancy
Prenatal Influences
Drugs of Abuse
Prenatal Assessment
Problem Pregnancies
The Birth Process
Early Functioning of the Neonate
Explain Typical Developmental Milestones for Infants and Children
Growth as a Continuous, Orderly Process
Specific Characteristics of Different Age Levels
Individual Differences
The Nature-Nurture Controversy
Relevance to Social Work
Profiles of Typical Development for Children Ages 4 Months to 11 Years
Age 4 Months
Age 8 Months
Age 1 Year
Age 18 Months
Age 2 Years
Age 3 Years
Age 4 Years
Age 5 Years
Ages 6 to 8 Years
Ages 9 to 11 Years
A Concluding Note
Significant Issues and Life Events
Examine the Abortion Controversy: Impacts of Social and Economic Forces
The Impacts of Macro-System Policies on Practice and Access to Services
Incidence of Abortion
Reasons for Abortion
Methods of Abortion
The Importance of Context and Timing
Arguments for and against Abortion
Social Worker Roles and Abortion: Empowering Women
Abortion-Related Ethical Dilemmas in Practice
Explain Infertility
Causes of Infertility
Psychological Reactions to Infertility
Treatment of Infertility
Assessment of Infertility
Alternative Options for Starting a Family
Social Work Roles, Infertility, and Empowerment
Chapter Summary
Competency Notes
Web Resources
Chapter 3. Psychological Development in Infancy and Childhood
Summarize Psychological Theories about Personality Development
The Psychodynamic Conceptual Framework
Critical Thinking: Evaluation of Psychodynamic Theory
Neo-Freudian Psychoanalytic Developments
Behavioral Conceptual Frameworks
Phenomenological Conceptual Frameworks: Carl Rogers
Feminist Conceptual Frameworks
Critical Thinking about the Relevance of Theory to Social Work
Examine Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development
The Sensorimotor Period
The Preoperational Thought Period
The Period of Concrete Operations
The Period of Formal Operations
Critical Thinking: Evaluation of Piaget’s Theory
Review the Information-Processing Conception of Cognitive Development
Development of Information-Processing Strategies
Apply Vygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development
The Zone of Proximal Development
Private Speech
Critical Thinking: Evaluation of Vygotsky’s Theory
Explain Emotional Development
Infants’ Emotions
Infants and Temperament
Examine Self-concept, Self-esteem, and Empowerment
Significant Issues and Life Events
Discuss Intelligence and Intelligence Testing
Cattell’s Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence
Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
Intelligence Testing
Targeting Special Needs
Other Potential Problems with IQ Scores
Analyze Intellectual Disabilities and the Importance of Empowerment
Defining Intellectual Disability
The Significance of Empowerment by Support Systems
Macro-System Responses to Intellectual Disabilities
Social Work Roles
Examine Learning Disabilities
Common Problems Involved in Learning Disabilities
What Causes Learning Disabilities?
Effects of Learning Disabilities on Children
Interventions for Learning Disabilities
Policies to Achieve Social Justice for Children Who Have Learning and Other Disabilities
Discuss Attention Deficit Disorder
Treatment for ADHD
Social Work Roles
Chapter Summary
Competency Notes
Web Resources
Chapter 4. Social Development in Infancy and Childhood
Explain the Concept of Socialization
Analyze the Family Environment
Membership in Family Groups: Variations in Family Structure
Positive Family Functioning
Macro Systems, Families, and the Pursuit of Social and Economic Justice
The Dynamics of Family Systems
Apply Systems Theory Concepts to Families
Negative Entropy
Assess the Family Life Cycle
Describe Learning Theory
Critical Thinking: Evaluation of Theory
Respondent Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
The ABCs of Behavior
Apply Learning Theory Concepts to Practice
The Use of Positive Reinforcement
The Use of Punishment
Additional Issues
A Specific Treatment Situation: Time-Out from Reinforcement
Examine Common Life Events That Affect Children
Membership in Family Systems
Membership in Sibling Subsystems
Gender-Role Socialization
Assess Relevant Aspects of the Social Environment
The Social Aspects of Play with Peers
The Influence of Television and Other Media
The School Environment
Examine Child Maltreatment
Incidence of Child Maltreatment
Physical Child Abuse
Child Neglect
Psychological Maltreatment
Macro-System Responses to Child Maltreatment
Sexual Abuse
Chapter Summary
Competency Notes
Web Resources
Chapter 5. Ethnocentrism and Racism
Ethnic Groups and Ethnocentrism
Race and Racism
Aspects of Social and Economic Forces: Prejudice, Discrimination, and Oppression
Racial and Ethnic Stereotypes
Racial and Ethnic Discrimination Is the Problem of Whites
White Privilege
Hate Crimes
Race Is a Social Concept
Institutional Values and Racism: Discrimination in Systems
Discrimination and Oppression in Organizational Macro Systems
Discrimination and Oppression in Community Macro Systems
Sources of Prejudice and Discrimination
Countering Insecurity and Inferiority
Competition and Exploitation
Socialization Patterns
Belief in the One True Religion
White Supremacy
Evaluation of Discrimination Theories
Impacts of Social and Economic Forces: The Effects and Costs of Discrimination and Oppression
Stereotyping and Multiculturalism: A Perspective
Intersectionality of Multiple Factors
The Effects of Discrimination on Human Growth and Development
History and Culture of African Americans
Effects of Discrimination on Development of Self-Concept
The Afrocentric Perspective and Worldview
Suggest Strategies for Advancing Social and Economic Justice
Traditional Models of Community Change
Contemporary Conceptual Frameworks of Community Change
Community Strategies to Promote Social and Economic Justice
Mass Media Appeals: Striving to Change Institutional Values
Greater Interaction between Minority Groups and the Majority Group
Civil Rights Laws: Changing the Legal Macro System
Affirmative Action: A Macro-System Response
Confronting Racist Remarks and Actions
Minority-Owned Businesses
Asset-Based Community Development
Human Rights and Social Justice
Social Work Practice with Racial and Ethnic Groups
Ethnic-Sensitive Practice
Strengths Perspective
Culturally Competent Practice
Cultural Humility
Social Work Roles for Countering Discrimination
The Future of U.S. Race and Ethnic Relations
Chapter Summary
Competency Notes
Web Resources
Part II. Adolescence
Chapter 6. Biological Development in Adolescence
Define Adolescence
Describe Major Physical Changes during Adolescence
The Growth Spurt
The Secular Trend
Primary and Secondary Sex Characteristics
Explain Psychological Reactions to Physical Changes
Body Image and Self-Concept
Early and Late Maturation in Boys
Early and Late Maturation in Girls
Brain Development during Adolescence
Adolescent Health, and Substance Use and Abuse
Describe Sexual Activity in Adolescence
Unplanned Pregnancy in Adolescence
Teenage Fathers
Why Do Teens Get Pregnant?
Assess Sex Education and Empowerment
Sex Education by Parents
Current Policy and Sex Education Programs
Abstinence-Only-before-Marriage Sex Education Programs
Comprehensive Sex Education Programs
Identify Sexually Transmitted Infections
Pubic Lice
Genital Herpes
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
Preventing STIs
Explain Major Methods of Contraception
The Pill
The Birth Control Patch and Vaginal Ring
Depo-Provera Injections
Hormonal Implants
Emergency Contraception (EC)
Vaginal Spermicides
Condoms for Men
The Female Condom
The Diaphragm and Cervical Cap
The Birth Control Sponge
The IUD (Intrauterine Device)
Fertility Awareness Methods
Contraceptive Methods of the Future
Chapter Summary
Competency Notes
Web Resources
Chapter 7. Psychological Development in Adolescence
Explore Identity Formation in Adolescence
Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory
Implications of Identity Formation in Adolescence
Marcia’s Categories of Identity
Critical Thinking: The Evaluation of Theory and Application to Client Situations
Glasser’s Theories on Identity
Comments on Glasser’s Theories on Identity
Examine Race Culture, Ethnicity, and Identity Development
An Alternative Model of Racial and Cultural Identity Development
Communities and Schools Can Strengthen Racial and Cultural Identity Development for Adolescents
Explore Moral Development
Moral Development: Kohlberg’s Theory
Critical Thinking: Evaluation of Kohlberg’s Theory
Moral Development and Women: Gilligan’s Approach
Critical Thinking: Evaluation, of Gilligan’s Theory
Ethical Applications of Gilligan’s Theory to Client Situations
Moral Development: A Social Learning Theory Perspective
Review Fowler’s Theory of Faith Development
Fowler’s Seven Stages of Faith Development
Critical Thinking: Evaluation of Fowler’s Theory
Social Work Practice and Empowerment through Spiritual Development
Significant Issues and Life Events: Assertiveness and Suicide
Assess Empowerment through Assertiveness and Assertiveness Training
The Relevance of Assertiveness
Nonassertive, Assertive, and Aggressive Communication
The Advantages of Assertiveness
Assertiveness Training
Application of Assertiveness Approaches to Social Work Practice
Explore Suicide in Adolescence
Incidence of Suicide
Causes of Adolescent Suicide
Lesbian and Gay Adolescents and Suicide
Suicidal Symptoms
How to Use the SAD PERSONS Scale
Guidelines for Helping Suicidal People
Community Empowerment: Suicide Prevention and Crisis Intervention
Chapter Summary
Competency Notes
Web Resources
Chapter 8. Social Development in Adolescence
Describe the Social Development Changes That Adolescents Undergo
Social Development Changes in Adolescence
Movement from Dependence to Independence
Is Adolescent Rebellion a Myth?
Interaction in Peer Group Systems
Empowerment of Homeless Youth
Describe Some Major Problems Encountered by This Age Group: Eating Disorders
Social Problems
Eating Disorders
Understand Theoretical Material on the Causes and Treatments of These Problems
Impacts of Social Forces
Describe Some Major Problems Encountered by This Age Group: Emotional and Behavioral Problems
Emotional and Behavioral Problems
Understand Theoretical Material on the Causes and Treatment of These Problems
Assessing and Treating Unwanted Emotions: Application of Theory to Client Situations
Describe Some Major Problems Encountered by This Age Group: Crime and Delinquency
Macro-System Problems: Crime and Delinquency
Understand Theoretical Material on the Causes and Treatments of These Problems
Describe Some Major Problems Encountered by This Age Group: Delinquent Gangs
Macro-System Problems: Delinquent Gangs
Four Types of Gangs
Understand Theoretical Material on the Causes and Treatment of These Problems
Sociological Theories: Applications of Theories to Gangs
Understand Material on Social Work with Groups, including Theories about Group Development and Theories about Group Leadership
Empowerment through Social Work with Groups
Types of Groups
Models of Group Development over Time
Task and Maintenance Roles
Leadership Theories
The Servant Leadership Approach
Chapter Summary
Competency Notes
Web Resources
Chapter 9. Gender, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, and Sexism
Define Gender, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, and Gender Roles
Discuss the Social Construction of Gender
Examine the Complexities of Gender, Gender Identify, and Gender Expression
Evaluate Traditional Gender-Role Stereotypes over the Lifespan
Assess Some Differences between Men and Women
Ability Level
Communication Styles
People as Individuals
Significant Issues and Events in the Lives of Women
Discuss Economic Inequality between Men and Women
Examine Sexual Harassment
The Definition of Sexual Harassment
Strengthening the Definition: A Macro-System Response
The Extent of Sexual Harassment
Effects of Sexual Harassment
Review Sexist Language
Examine Rape and Sexual Assault
Incidence of Rape
Theoretical Views of Rape
Common Myths about Rape
Profile of a Rapist
Date Rape
Survivors’ Reactions to Rape
Suggestions for Counseling Rape Survivors: Keys to Empowerment
Explore Intimate Partner Violence
The Abusive Perpetrator
The Battering Cycle
Why Does She Stay?
Community Responses to Empower Battered Women: Their Alternatives
Identify Means of Empowering Women
Chapter Summary
Competency Notes
Web Resources
Part III. Young and Middle Adulthood
Chapter 10. Biological Aspects of Young and Middle Adulthood
Recognize the Contributions of Physical Development, Health Status, and Other Factors to Health during Young Adulthood
Young Adulthood
Physical Development
Health Status
Breast Cancer
Lifestyle and Good Health
Describe the Physical Changes in Middle Adulthood, including Those Affecting Physical Appearance, Sense Organs, Physical Strength and Reaction Time, and Intellectual Functioning
Middle Adulthood
Physical Changes in Middle Age
Describe the Midlife Crises Associated with Female Menopause and Male Climacteric
Female Menopause
Male Climacteric
Midlife Crisis: True or False?
Summarize Sexual Functioning in Middle Age
Sexual Functioning in Middle Age
Describe AIDS–Its Causes and Effects; How It Is Contracted; How Its Spread Can Be Prevented; and Understand AIDS Discrimination
People Living with AIDS: A Population-at-Risk
What Causes AIDS?
How Is AIDS Contracted?
The Effects of HIV
Treatment and Prevention of AIDS
Impacts of Social and Economic Forces: AIDS Discrimination and Oppression
Professional Values and AIDS
Chapter Summary
Competency Notes
Web Resources
Chapter 11. Psychological Aspects of Young and Middle Adulthood
Describe Erickson’s Theories of Psychological Development during Young and Middle Adulthood
Intimacy versus Isolation
Generativity versus Stagnation
Describe Peck’s Theory of Psychological Development during Middle Adulthood
Peck’s Theories of Psychological Development
Describe Levinson’s Theories of Life Structure, Life Eras, and Transitions during Adulthood
Levinson’s Theories of Life Structure, Life Eras, and Transitions for Men
Summarize Maslow’s Theory on Hierarchy of Needs
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Describe Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Social Intelligence
Describe Nonverbal Communication Cues
Mezzo-System Interactions: Nonverbal Communication
The Functions of Nonverbal Communication
Body Orientation
Personal Space
Facial Expressions
Physical Appearance
The Environment
Summarize Glasser’s Choice Theory of Human Behavior
Choice Theory
Describe Gawain’s Theories about Intuition and How Human Behavior Is Affected by It
Understand the Issue of Substance Abuse
Chemical Substance Use and Abuse
Specific Drugs: What They Are and What They Do
Dependence on Alcohol and Other Drugs
Interaction in Family Systems: A Theoretical Approach to Drug Abuse
The Application of Theory to Client Situations: Treatment for the Chemically Dependent Person and His or Her Family
Understanding and Treating Codependency
The Relationship between Knowledge and Assessment
Chapter Summary
Competency Notes
Web Resources
Chapter 12. Sociological Aspects of Young and Middle Adulthood
Describe the following Lifestyles and Family Forms That Young Adults May Enter Into: Marriage, Cohabitation, Single Life, Parenthood, and the Life of a Childless Couple
Interaction in Family Systems: Choosing a Personal Lifestyle
Single Life
Childless Couples
Describe Three Major Sociological Theories about Human Behavior: Functionalism, Conflict Theory, and Interactionism
Macro Social System Theories
The Functionalist Perspective
The Conflict Perspective
The Interactionist Perspective
Understand Three Social Problems That Young and Middle-Aged Adults May Encounter: Poverty, Empty-Shell Marriages, and Divorce. One-Parent Families, Blended Families, and Mothers Working outside the Home Will Also Be Discussed.
Poverty: Impacts of Social and Economic Forces
The Rich and the Poor
The Problem
Who Are the Poor?
What Causes Poverty?
The Culture of Poverty: Evaluation of the Theory and Its Application to Client Situations
Poverty Is Functional
Application of Functionalism to Poverty
Application of Conflict Theory to Poverty
Application of Interactionist Theory to Poverty
Family Mezzo-System Problems
Empty-Shell Marriages
One-Parent Families
Blended Families
Mothers Working outside the Home
The “Sandwich” Generation
Understand Material on Assessing and Intervening in Family Systems
Assessing and Intervening in Family Systems
Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
Family Norms
Family System Assessment: The Ecomap
Family System Assessment: The Genogram
Family Problems and Social Work Roles
Summarize Material on Social Work with Organizations, including Several Theories of Organizational Behavior
Social Work with Organizations
The Autocratic Model
The Custodial Model
The Scientific Management Model
The Human Relations Model
Theory X and Theory Y
The Collegial Model
Theory Z
Management by Objectives
Total Quality Management
Summary Comments about Models of Organizational Behavior
Servant Leadership and Theory Y
Knopf’s Bureaucratic System Model and Theory X
Value Orientations in Organizational Decision Making
Describe Liberal, Conservative, and Developmental Perspectives on Human Service Organizations
Liberal, Conservative, and Developmental Perspectives on Human Service Organizations
Conservative Perspective
Liberal Perspective
Developmental Perspective
Chapter Summary
Competency Notes
Web Resources
Chapter 13. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Explain Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Dimensions of Sexuality
Biological Dimension
Sexual Orientation Dimension
Gender Dimension
The Fluidity of Sexuality
What Does Being Gay/Lesbian Mean?
Bisexual People
Numbers of Lesbian and Gay People
Transgender Persons
Discuss Conceptual Frameworks concerning Sexual Orientation
Biological Theories
Psychosocial Theories
The Evaluation of Theory: What Is the Answer?
Interactionist Theory
Ethical Issues Related to Theory
Other Research on the Origins of Same-Sex Sexual Orientation
Describe Lesbian and Gay Lifestyles
Lesbian and Gay Relationships
Sexual Interaction
Explore Significant Issues and Life Events for Lesbian and Gay People
The Impacts of Social and Economic Forces: Legal Empowerment and Social Justice
Community Responses: Violence against LGBT People
Coming Out
Lesbian and Gay Adolescents
Empowering Lesbian and Gay Parents
As Lesbians and Gay Men Age
Gay and Lesbian People and AIDS
Chapter Summary
Competency Notes
Web Resources
Part IV. Later Adulthood
Chapter 14. Biological Aspects of Later Adulthood
Define Later Adulthood
What Is Later Adulthood?
A New View of Aging
Describe the Physiological and Mental Changes That Occur in Later Adulthood
Understand Contemporary Theories on the Causes of the Aging Process
What Causes Aging?
Describe Common Diseases and Major Causes of Death among Older Adults
Diseases and Causes of Death among Older People
Factors That Influence the Aging Process
Life Expectancy
Understand the Importance of Placing the Highest Priority on Self-Care
Wellness: The Strengths Perspective
Physical Exercise
Mental Activity
Sleep Patterns
Nutrition and Diet
Stress and Stress Management
Chapter Summary
Competency Notes
Web Resources
Chapter 15. Psychological Aspects of Later Adulthood
Describe the Developmental Tasks of Later Adulthood
Developmental Tasks of Later Adulthood
Understand Theoretical Concepts about Developmental Tasks in Later Adulthood
Theoretical Concepts about Developmental Tasks in Later Adulthood
Integrity versus Despair
Three Key Psychological Adjustments
Life Review
Life Satisfaction
Low Status and Ageism
Spirituality and Religion
Summarize Theories of Successful Aging
Theories of Successful Aging: The Strengths Perspective
Activity Theory
Disengagement Theory
Social Reconstruction Syndrome Theory
Understand the Impact of Key Life Events on Older People
The Impact of Life Events on Older People
Death of a Spouse
Never Married
Gay and Lesbian Relationships
Family System Relationships
Understand Guidelines for Positive Psychological Preparations for Later Adulthood
Guidelines for Positive Psychological Preparation for Later Adulthood: The Strengths Perspective
Summarize Material on Grief Management and Death Education
Grief Management and Death Education
Death in Our Society: The Impact of Social Forces
The Grieving Process
How to Cope with Grief
Application of Grief Management Theory to Client Situations
How to Relate to a Dying Person
How to Relate to Survivors
How to Become Comfortable with the Idea of Your Own Eventual Death: The Strengths Perspective
Chapter Summary
Competency Notes
Web Resources
Chapter 16. Sociological Aspects of Later Adulthood
Summarize the Specific Problems Faced by Older People and the Causes of These Problems
Older People: A Population-at-Risk
Problems Faced by Older People
Emphasis on Youth: The Impact of Social and Economic Forces
The Increasing Older Population
The Fastest-Growing Age Group: Old-Old
Early Retirement: The Impact of Social and Economic Forces
Financial Problems of Older People
The Social Security System
Elder Abuse
Crime Victimization
Health Problems and Cost of Care
Describe the Current Services to Meet These Problems and Identify Gaps in These Services
Current Services: Macro-System Responses
Older Americans Act of 1965
Old Age, Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance (OASDHI)
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Prescription Drug Assistance for Seniors
Affordable Care Act
Supplemental Nutrition Program (SNAP)
Adult Protective Services
Additional Programs
Nursing Homes
Social Work with Older People
Understand the Emergence of Older People as a Significant Political Force in Our Society
Older People: A Powerful Political Force
Describe a Proposal to Provide Older People with a Meaningful, Productive Social Role in Our Society
Changing a Macro System: Finding a Social Role for Older People
Chapter Summary
Competency Notes
Web Resources
Charles Zastrow, M.S.W., Ph.D., is professor emeritus in social work at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, where he chaired the social work department for six years. He has also been the assistant director and professor in the social work program at George Williams College in Williams Bay, Wisconsin. He has worked as a practitioner in a variety of public and private social welfare agencies and has chaired 28 social work accreditation site visit teams for the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Dr. Zastrow has served two terms as a commissioner on the Commission on Accreditation of CSWE. He has also been a board member of the Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors, Inc. (BPD). In addition, Dr. Zastrow has chaired the Commission on Educational Policy of CSWE. He is a licensed clinical social worker in the state of Wisconsin.
Karen K. Kirst-Ashman, BSW, MSSW, and PhD, was a full professor and a former chairperson in the Social Work Department at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, where she taught for 28 years. She is certified as a licensed clinical social worker in the state of Wisconsin and has worked as a practitioner and administrator in child welfare and mental health agencies. She received the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater’s Excellence in Teaching Award in 1986 and its Outstanding Teaching Award in 2007. She has been a member of the board of directors of the Council on Social Work Education in addition to being an accreditation site visitor, and is a current member of BPD and NASW. She has served on the editorial board of Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work, and as a consulting editor for many social work journals, including the Journal of Social Work Education. She is the author of numerous publications, articles, and reviews concerning social work and women’s issues. Other books she has authored or coauthored include INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL WORK AND SOCIAL WELFARE: CRITICAL THINKING PERSPECTIVES (5th ed); HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN THE MACRO SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT: AN EMPOWERMENT APPROACH TO UNDERSTANDING COMMUNITIES, ORGANIZATION, AND GROUPS (4th ed); GENERALIST PRACTICE WITH ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITIES (5th ed); THE MACRO SKILLS WORKBOOK (2nd ed); and UNDERSTANDING GENERALIST PRACTICE (8th ed).
Sarah L. Hessenauer, B.S.W., M.S.W., Ph.D. is a professor in social work at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. She has been in the department for 15 years and is currently chair. She earned her B.S.W. degree in 1990 from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, her M.S.W. in 1991 from UW-Milwaukee, and her Ph.D. in 2011 from Loyola University of Chicago. Dr. Hessenauer is a certified licensed clinical social worker in the state of Wisconsin. She has worked as a practitioner and administrator in a variety of mental health and addictions agencies. She is a Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) member and accreditation site surveyor. She is also a current member of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). In addition to Introduction to SOCIAL WORK AND SOCIAL WELFARE, Dr. Zastrow and Dr. Hessenauer have written three other social work texts: GENERALIST PRACTICE IN SOCIAL WORK, SOCIAL WORK WITH GROUPS and UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT with Dr. Karen Kirst-Ashman.
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