The Addiction Progress Notes Planner 5th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1118542965
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
- Series: PracticePlanners
- 608 pages
- Publisher: Wiley; 5 edition (November 17, 2014)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1118542967
- ISBN-13: 978-1118542965
The Addiction Progress Notes Planner, Fifth Edition contains complete prewritten session and patient presentation descriptions for each behavioral problem in The Addiction Treatment Planner, Fifth Edition. Staying accountable does not have to mean spending hours on treatment records and sacrificing valuable time with clients. The prewritten progress notes can be easily and quickly adapted to fit a particular client need or treatment situation.
This new edition has been revised to correspond to DSM™-5 diagnostic categories, changes in accreditation requirements, and new evidence-based practice standards. In addition, this book:
- Provides treatment plan components for 46 behaviorally based presenting problems, including substance use, eating disorders, and others
- Gives special attention to Recovery Model objectives and interventions, the Patient Placement Criteria (PPC) developed by the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), and clients’ stages of readiness and change
- Features evidence-based practice interventions now required by many publicly funded sources and private insurer
ARTHUR E. JONGSMA, Jr., PhD, is the Series Editor for the bestselling PracticePlanners®. Since 1971, he has provided professional mental health services to both inpatient and outpatient clients. He was the founder and Director of Psychological Consultants, a group private practice in Grand Rapids, Michigan, for 25 years.
DAVID J. BERGHUIS, MA, LLP, is in private practice and has worked in community mental health for more than a decade. He is also coauthor of numerous titles in the PracticePlanners® series.
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