
Sorrentino’s Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker 5th Edition by Mary J. Wilk, ISBN-13: 978-0323709392


Sorrentino’s Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker 5th Edition by Mary J. Wilk, ISBN-13: 978-0323709392

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Elsevier; 5th edition (May 17, 2021)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 1216 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 0323709397
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0323709392

Learn to provide personal care and professional support in a variety of health care settings! Sorrentino’s Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker, 5th Edition helps you build the skills you need to succeed as a PSW (personal support worker). Illustrated, step-by-step guidelines to 93 procedures show how to perform your role safely and effectively. New to this edition are more case studies plus coverage of the latest issues relating to supportive care in long-term care facilities, hospitals, and home care. Written by Sheila Sorrentino, Leighann Remmert, and Canadian educator Mary Wilk, this text is known for its easy-to-understand approach, superb photographs, and comprehensive coverage. It’s no wonder that Sorrentino’s is the #1 bookused by students in support worker programs across Canada.

  • Comprehensive coverage guides you through all of the information and skills needed by today’s support worker.
  • Reader-friendly writing style makes it easy to understand the material.
  • Chapter review questions test your comprehension of the learning objectives listed at the beginning of each chapter.
  • DIPPS icons highlight the principles of support work: respecting and promoting the client’s Dignity, Independence, Individualized Care, Preferences, Privacy, and Safety.
  • Focus on Canada’s multicultural population includes current health care statistics and demographics, including content on Canada’s Indigenous population.
  • Procedure boxes include steps and rationales describing how and why a procedure is performed.
  • Providing Compassionate Care boxes highlight the caring aspect of the support worker role.
  • Case Study boxes apply concepts discussed in the text to real-life examples of support workers and clients.
  • Focus on Children and Focus on Older Adults boxes provide age-specific information about the needs, considerations, and special circumstances of children and older adults.
  • Focus on Long-Term Care boxes highlight information vital to providing competent care in the long-term care setting.
  • Focus on Home Care boxes highlight information necessary for safe functioning in the home setting.
  • Supporting boxes present client scenarios and discuss how PSWs make decisions and solve problems.
  • Think About Safety boxes provide clear, concise, easy-to-follow advice on how to provide safe care to clients of all ages.
  • Respecting Diversity boxes cover the influence of culture on health and illness practices and the importance of cultural sensitivity in support work.
  • Critical Thinking in Practice sections at the end of each chapter present a realistic, practice-based challenge.
  • Working in Acute Care chapter discusses this ever-expanding role of the support worker and describes how to perform delegated acts, including advanced tasks and problem-solving, the importance of consulting the client’s care plan, and working closely with one’s supervisor for guidance.
    • Body Structure and Function and Common Diseases and Conditions chapters provide a solid foundation in anatomy and physiology, physical changes related to aging, and disease processes.
      • Mental Health Disorders and Disorientation, Delirium, and Dementia chapters reflect the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition).
        • NEW! Thoroughly updated content addresses top-of-mind issues such as the use and misuse of social media, bullying and abuse, the concept of professionalism, working on interprofessional teams in health care settings, shiftwork, and more.
        • NEW! Enhanced illustrations reflect Canada’s diversity and depict new content and important procedures.
        • NEW! Updated chapter organization groups together body systems and anatomy chapters for easier accessibility.
        • NEW! Additional coverage of the Personal Support Workers’ scope of practice includes topics such as what to do when asked to work outside of your scope of practice, consequences of not following the scope of practice, and more.
        • NEW! More case studies and procedures are added to address the PSW’s expanding scope of practice.
        • NEW! Greater coverage of the roles played by other health team professionals describes how this impacts PSWs working on these teams, including topics such as delegation, professional conduct, and more.

Table of Contents:

Cover image
Title page
Table of Contents
About the Authors
Canadian Editorial Advisory Board and Reviewers
Instructor Preface
Student Preface
Chapter 1. The Role and Responsibilities of the Support Worker Unlabeled image
Support Work Across Canada
The Health Care Team
Being a Professional
The Goal of Support Work: Improved Quality of Life Through Client-Centred Care
Critical Thinking, Decision Making, and Problem-Solving
Chapter 2. The Canadian Health Care System Unlabeled image
Canada’s Current Health Care System
The Provincial or Territorial Role in Health Care
Health Care Challenges, Supplementary Services, and Trends
Chapter 3. Workplace Settings Unlabeled image
Workplace Settings and Services Provided
Working in Community-Based Settings
Working in Facility-Based Settings
Working in a Facility
Chapter 4. Ethics Unlabeled image
The Influence of Culture on Beliefs, Values, Morals, and Ethics
Codes of Ethics
The Principles of Health Care Ethics
Chapter 5. Legislation: The Client’s Rights and Your Rights Unlabeled image
Understanding Rights
Basic Human Rights in Canada
Basic Rights of People Receiving Health Services
Understanding Legal Issues
Your Legal Rights
Chapter 6. Health, Wellness, Illness, and DisabilityUnlabeled image
Health and Wellness
Illness and Disability
Supporting Clients with Illness and Disability
Chapter 7. Caring About Culture and Diversity Unlabeled image
Diversity: Ethnicity and Culture
The Effect of Culture
Providing Culturally Sensitive Care and Support
Chapter 8. Managing Stress Unlabeled image
Time Management
Decision Making
Problem Solving
Dealing with Conflict
Chapter 9. Interpersonal Communication Unlabeled image
Factors that Influence Communication
Verbal Communication
Nonverbal Communication
Communication Methods
Professional Communication
Communication Barriers
Communicating with Angry People
Communicating Assertively
Explaining Procedures and Tasks
Communicating with Clients Living with Dementia
Chapter 10. Working With Others: Teamwork and Delegation Unlabeled image
The Health Care Team
Working Under Supervision
Assigning and Delegating
Chapter 11. Working With Clients and Their Families Unlabeled image
Providing Compassionate Care While Maintaining a Professional Relationship with the Client
The Client’S Family
Chapter 12. Abuse, Bullying, and Harassment Awareness Unlabeled image
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Types of Abuse
Abusive Relationships
Recognizing the Signs of Abuse
The Cycle of Abuse
What to do when Clients Speak of Abuse
Your Legal Responsibilities in Reporting Abuse
How to Report Abuse
Abuse of Health Care Workers
Chapter 13. Starting Your Career Unlabeled image
Getting Organized
Setting Priorities and Goals
Preparing Your Resumé and Professional Portfolio
Finding and Following Leads
Preparing a Letter of Application
Completing a Job Application Form
The Interview
The Employment Offer
Chapter 14. Body Mechanics unlabeled image
Helping to Prevent Personal Injuries
Body Mechanics
Positioning the Client
Transferring the Client
Lifting a Client
Chapter 15. Exercise and Activity Unlabeled image
Bed Rest
Chapter 16. Rehabilitation and Restorative Care Unlabeled image
Rehabilitative Care Versus Restorative Care
Goals of Rehabilitative and Restorative Care
Rehabilitation Settings
The Rehabilitation Process
Assisting with Rehabilitation and Restorative Care
Overall Benefits Of Rehabilitation And Restorative Care
Chapter 17. Personal Hygiene Support worker using the electronic display machine for transferring the older client into the bathtub.
Oral Hygiene
The Back Massage
Perineal Care
Menstrual Care
Chapter 18. Grooming and Dressing Unlabeled image
Hair Care
Care of Nails and Feet
Changing Clothing, Incontinence Briefs, and Hospital Gowns
Applying Elastic Anti-Embolic Stockings and Bandages
Compassionate Care
Chapter 19. Preventing Infection Unlabeled image
The Spread Of Pathogens
Medical Asepsis
Hand Hygiene
Isolation Precautions
Surgical Asepsis
Chapter 20. Safety Unlabeled image
Accident Risk Factors
Identifying the Client
Safety Measures at Home and in the Workplace
Preventing Poisoning
Preventing Burns
Preventing Accidents with Equipment
Preventing Fires
Preventing Suffocation
Restraints and How to Avoid Using Them
Promoting Your Personal Safety
Chapter 21. Beds and Bed Making Unlabeled image
The Client’s Bed
Bed Making
Chapter 22. Skin Care and Prevention of Wounds Unlabeled image
Types of Wounds
Skin Tears
Pressure Injuries
Leg And Foot Ulcers
Wound Healing
Chapter 23. Promoting Client Comfort, Pain Management, and Sleep Unlabeled image
Promoting Client Comfort And Well-Being
Pain And Its Impact On A Client’s Well-Being
Rest And Sleep
Chapter 24. Measuring Height, Weight, and Vital Signs Close-up of hand of support worker checking client’s blood pressure, with cuff placed on upper arm.
Measuring Height And Weight
Measuring And Reporting Vital Signs
Body Temperature
Blood Pressure
Chapter 25. Medical Terminology Unlabeled image
Word Elements
Combining Word Elements
Abdominal Regions
Directional Terms
Chapter 26. Planning, Reporting, and Recording Client Care Unlabeled image
The Care-Planning Process in Facilities
The Care-Planning Process in Community Settings
Your Role In The Care-Planning Process
Verbal Reporting
Client Records or Charts
Chapter 27. Nutrition and Fluids Unlabeled image
Basic Nutrition
Canada’s Dietary Guidelines
Nutrition Throughout the Life Cycle
Factors That Affect Eating and Nutrition
Food Labels
Caffeine Intake
Meal Planning and Preparation
Special Diets
Assisting Clients With Eating
Fluid Balance
Chapter 28. Enteral Nutrition and Intravenous Therapy Unlabeled image
Enteral Nutrition
Intravenous Therapy
Subcutaneous Infusion Therapy
Chapter 29. Urinary Elimination Unlabeled image
Normal Urination
Urinary Incontinence
Bladder Training
Collecting Urine Specimens
Testing Urine
The Client With A Ureterostomy Or An Ileal Conduit
Compassionate Care
Chapter 30. Bowel Elimination Unlabeled image
Normal Bowel Movements
Factors Affecting Bowel Movement
Common Challenges Affecting Bowel Movement
Bowel Training
Rectal Tubes
The Client with an Ostomy
Stool Specimens
Chapter 31. Growth and Development Unlabeled image
Selected Theories of Human Development
Growth and Development
Chapter 32. Body Structure and Function Unlabeled image
Anatomical Terms
Cells, Tissues, Organs, Body Cavities, and Organ Systems
The Integumentary System
The Musculoskeletal System
The Nervous System
The Sense Organs
The Endocrine System
The Circulatory System
The Respiratory System
The Immune System
The Digestive System
The Urinary System
The Reproductive System
Chapter 33. Common Diseases and Disorders Unlabeled image
Communicable Diseases
Integumentary System Disorders
Musculoskeletal System Disorders
Nervous System Disorders
Endocrine System Disorders
Cardiovascular System Disorders
Respiratory System Disorders
Immune System Disorders
Digestive System Disorders
Urinary System Disorders
Reproductive System Disorders
Chapter 34. Hearing and Vision Disorders Unlabeled image
Ear Disorders and Hearing Impairment
Eye Disorders and Vision Impairment
Service Dogs for People with Hearing or Vision Challenges
Chapter 35. Speech and Language Disorders Unlabeled image
Apraxia of Speech
Emotional Effects of Speech and Language Disorders
Treatment for Speech and Language Disorders
Supporting and Communicating with Clients
Chapter 36. Developmental Disorders and Disabilities Unlabeled image
Caring for a Client Who is Living with a Developmental Disability or Disorder
Types of Developmental Disorders and Disabilities
The Impact of Developmental Disorders and Disabilities on the Family
Chapter 37. Mental Health Disorders Woman looking sad, while keeping hand on forehead.
Mental Health and Mental Health Disorders
Acquired Brain Injuries
Anxiety Disorders
Bipolar and Related Disorders
Depressive Disorders
Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders
Feeding and Eating Disorders
Obsessive–Compulsive and Related Disorders
Personality Disorders
Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
Self-Harm Disorders
Sleep–Wake Disorders
Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders
Suicidal Behaviour Disorder
Chapter 38. Disorientation, Delirium, and Dementia Unlabeled image
Primary Dementias
Secondary Dementias
Depression and Dementia16
Stages of Dementia
Supporting Clients who are Living with Dementia
Managing Responsive Behaviours
Caregiver Needs
Chapter 39. Promoting OxygenationUnlabeled image
Factors Affecting Oxygen Needs
Altered Respiratory Function
Promoting Oxygenation
Assisting with Oxygen Therapy
Assisting with Assessment and Diagnostic Testing
Artificial Airways
Suctioning an Airway
Mechanical Ventilation
Chest Tubes
Chapter 40. Heat and Cold Applications Unlabeled image
Heat Applications
Cold Applications
Chapter 41. Caring for Infants and Their Parents Unlabeled image
Caring for New Birth Parents
Caring for Infants
Chapter 42. Caring for the Young Unlabeled image
Supporting the Infant, Child, or Teen
Assisting Infants and Children to Meet Nutritional Needs
Reye’s Syndrome
Supporting the Child Who Demonstrates Challenging Behaviours
Preventing Infections
Chapter 43. Caring for Older Persons Unlabeled image
Caring for Older Clients
Emotional and Social Changes
Depression in Older Persons
Physical Changes
The Older Person and Sexuality
Chapter 44. Home Management Unlabeled image
The Support Worker’s Role in Home Management
Getting Organized
Equipment and Supplies
Using Cleaning Products Safely
Cleaning Bedrooms, Living Rooms, Kitchens, and Bathrooms
Doing Laundry
Recycling Items and Composting
Performing Tasks not Included on the Client’s Care Plan
Chapter 45. Medication Management Unlabeled image
Scope Of Practice: The Support Worker’s Role
How Medications Work in the Body
Types Of Medications
Performing Simple Medication Math
The 10 “Rights” of Medication Management
Medication Labelling Requirements
Reporting Medication Errors
Chapter 46. Working in Acute Care Unlabeled image
Supporting the Client During Transitions
Assisting with Physical Examinations
Preparing the Client for a Physical Exam
Supporting the Client who is Having Surgery
Chapter 47. End-of-Life Care Unlabeled image
Life-Threatening Conditions
Attitudes Toward Death and Dying
Caring for a Client Who is Dying
Palliative Care
Legal Issues Surrounding Death and Dying
Signs of Death

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