Personality, Individual Differences and Intelligence 5th Edition by John Maltby, ISBN-13: 978-1292317960
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
- Publisher: Pearson; 5th edition (14 June 2022)
- Language: English
- 816 pages
- ISBN-10: 1292317965
- ISBN-13: 978-1292317960
Table of Contents:
About the Authors xix
Preface xx
Acknowledgements xxv
PART 1 Personality and Individual
Di erences 1
1 Personality Theory in Context 2
2 The Basis of the Psychoanalytic Approach to
Personality 23
3 Developments of Freudian Theorising 45
4 Learning Theory Perspectives on Personality 73
5 Personality Psychology Theories 103
6 Humanistic Personality Theories 127
7 The Trait Approach to Personality 163
8 Biological Basis of Personality I: Genetic
Heritability of Personality and Biological and
Physiological Models of Personality 194
9 Biological Basis of Personality II: Evolutionary
Psychology and Animal Studies of Personality 225
PART 2 Intelligence 253
10 An Introduction to Intelligence 254
11 Theories and Measurement of Intelligence 274
12 How Intelligence Tests are Used: What Questions
Emerge from the Measurement of Intelligence? 301
13 Heritability and Socially Defined Group
Differences in Intelligence 334
14 Intelligence and the Self: Emotional Intelligence,
Creativity, and Sex Difference in Intelligence 372
15 Personality and Intelligence in Education
and Work 419
PART 3 Applications in Individual
Differences 447
16 Optimism 448
17 Irrational Beliefs 472
18 Social Anxiety, Shyness and Embarrassment 495
19 Interpersonal Relationships 522
20 Social Attitudes and Culture 553
21 Well-Being and Personality Disorders 592
22 Individual Differences in Health and Illness 622
23 An Introduction to Psychometric Testing 645
Glossary G1
References and further reading R1
Index I1
Publisher’s acknowledgements P1
Dr. John Maltby is Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Leicester. He has over 100 publications in the area of personality and individual differences.
Dr. Liz Day is Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Sheffield Hallam University. She has over 40 publications in the area of individual differences. She has also trained as a Clinical Hypnotherapist.
Professor Ann Macaskill is at Sheffield Hallam University and is a Chartered Health Psychologist and trained in cognitive behaviour therapy. She has published extensively, with current research in individual differences, health and well-being.
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