
Abnormal Psychology 11th Edition by Ronald J. Comer, ISBN-13: 978-1319190729


Abnormal Psychology 11th Edition by Ronald J. Comer, ISBN-13: 978-1319190729

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Worth Publishers; Eleventh edition (February 12, 2021)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 752 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 1319190723
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1319190729

Comer’s widely adopted textbook shows students where the study and treatment of psychological disorders stand today. In addition to a thorough updating, the new edition employs some extraordinary interactive tools to bring students face to face with the realities of psychological dysfunction, organized for easy access and assignability. Portraying the real human impact of psychological disorders, Abnormal Psychology breaks down the intricacies of psychological dysfunction in order to speak directly to your concerns. Interweaving theory, diagnosis, and treatment content, this text presents a cross-cultural perspective to give you a deeper understanding of this science.

Table of Contents:

About this Book
Cover Page
Inside Front Cover
Title Page
Copyright Page
About the Authors
Brief Contents
Chapter 1 Abnormal Psychology: Past and Present
What Is Psychological Abnormality?
The Elusive Nature of Abnormality
What Is Treatment?
How Was Abnormality Viewed and Treated in the Past?
Ancient Views and Treatments
Greek and Roman Views and Treatments
Europe in the Middle Ages: Demonology Returns
The Renaissance and the Rise of Asylums
The Nineteenth Century: Reform and Moral Treatment
The Early Twentieth Century: The Somatogenic and Psychogenic Perspectives
Recent Decades and Current Trends
How Are People with Severe Disturbances Cared For?
How Are People with Less Severe Disturbances Treated?
A Growing Emphasis on Preventing Disorders and Promoting Mental Health
Multicultural Psychology
The Increasing Influence of Insurance Coverage
What Are Today’s Leading Theories and Professions?
Technology and Mental Health
Moving Forward
Summing Up
Chapter 2 Research in Abnormal Psychology
What Do Clinical Researchers Do?
The Case Study
How Are Case Studies Helpful?
What Are the Limitations of Case Studies?
The Correlational Method
Describing a Correlation
When Can Correlations Be Trusted?
What Are the Merits of the Correlational Method?
The Experimental Method
The Control Group
Random Assignment
Masked Design
Alternative Research Designs
Matched Designs
Natural Experiments
Analogue Experiments
Single-Case Experiments
Longitudinal Studies
Epidemiological Studies
Protecting Human Participants
Keeping an Eye on Research Methods
Summing Up
Chapter 3 Models of Abnormality
The Biological Model
How Do Biological Theorists Explain Abnormal Behavior?
Biological Treatments
Assessing the Biological Model
The Psychodynamic Model
How Did Freud Explain Normal and Abnormal Functioning?
How Do Other Psychodynamic Explanations Differ from Freud’s?
Psychodynamic Therapies
Assessing the Psychodynamic Model
The Cognitive-Behavioral Model
The Behavioral Dimension
The Cognitive Dimension
The Cognitive-Behavioral Interplay
New Wave Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies
Assessing the Cognitive-Behavioral Model
The Humanistic-Existential Model
Rogers’ Humanistic Theory and Therapy
Gestalt Theory and Therapy
Spiritual Views and Interventions
Existential Theories and Therapy
Assessing the Humanistic-Existential Model
The Sociocultural Model: Family-Social and Multicultural Perspectives
How Do Family-Social Theorists Explain Abnormal Functioning?
Family-Social Treatments
How Do Multicultural Theorists Explain Abnormal Functioning?
Multicultural Treatments
Assessing the Sociocultural Model
Integrating the Models: The Developmental Psychopathology Perspective
Summing Up
Chapter 4 Clinical Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Clinical Assessment: How and Why Does the Client Behave Abnormally?
Characteristics of Assessment Tools
Clinical Interviews
Clinical Tests
Clinical Observations
Diagnosis: Does the Client’s Syndrome Match a Known Disorder?
Classification Systems
DSM-5 and DSM-5-TR
Is DSM-5-TR an Effective Classification System?
Can Diagnosis and Labeling Cause Harm?
Treatment: How Might the Client Be Helped?
Treatment Decisions
The Effectiveness of Treatment
What Lies Ahead?
Summing Up
Chapter 5 Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive, and Related Disorders
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
The Sociocultural Perspective: Societal and Multicultural Factors
The Psychodynamic Perspective
The Humanistic Perspective
The Cognitive-Behavioral Perspective
The Biological Perspective
Specific Phobias
What Causes Phobias?
How Are Phobias Treated?
Social Anxiety Disorder
What Causes Social Anxiety Disorder?
Treatments for Social Anxiety Disorder
Panic Disorder
The Biological Perspective
The Cognitive-Behavioral Perspective
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
What Are the Features of Obsessions and Compulsions?
The Psychodynamic Perspective
The Cognitive-Behavioral Perspective
The Biological Perspective
Obsessive-Compulsive-Related Disorders
Integrating the Models: The Developmental Psychopathology Perspective
Summing Up
Chapter 6 Disorders of Trauma and Stress
Stress and Arousal: The Fight-or-Flight Response
Acute and Posttraumatic Stress Disorders
What Triggers Acute and Posttraumatic Stress Disorders?
Why Do People Develop Acute and Posttraumatic Stress Disorders?
How Do Clinicians Treat Acute and Posttraumatic Stress Disorders?
Dissociative Disorders
Dissociative Amnesia
Dissociative Identity Disorder
How Do Theorists Explain Dissociative Amnesia and Dissociative Identity Disorder?
How Are Dissociative Amnesia and Dissociative Identity Disorder Treated?
Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder
Getting a Handle on Trauma and Stress
Summing Up
Chapter 7 Depressive and Bipolar Disorders
Unipolar Depression: The Depressive Disorders
How Common Is Unipolar Depression?
What Are the Symptoms of Depression?
Diagnosing Unipolar Depression
Stress and Unipolar Depression
The Biological Model of Unipolar Depression
The Psychological Models of Unipolar Depression
The Sociocultural Model of Unipolar Depression
Integrating the Models: The Developmental Psychopathology Perspective
Bipolar Disorders
What Are the Symptoms of Mania?
Diagnosing Bipolar Disorders
What Causes Bipolar Disorders?
What Are the Treatments for Bipolar Disorders?
Making Sense of All That Is Known
Summing Up
Chapter 8 Suicide
What Is Suicide?
How Is Suicide Studied?
Patterns and Statistics
What Triggers a Suicide?
Stressful Events and Situations
Mood and Thought Changes
Alcohol and Other Drug Use
Mental Disorders
Modeling: The Contagion of Suicide
Combination of Factors
What Are the Underlying Causes of Suicide?
The Psychodynamic View
Durkheim’s Sociocultural View
The Interpersonal View
The Biological View
Is Suicide Linked to Age?
The Elderly
Treatment and Suicide
What Treatments Are Used After Suicide Attempts?
What Is Suicide Prevention?
Do Suicide Prevention Programs Work?
Psychological and Biological Insights Lag Behind
Summing Up
Chapter 9 Disorders Featuring Somatic Symptoms
Factitious Disorder
Conversion Disorder and Somatic Symptom Disorder
Conversion Disorder
Somatic Symptom Disorder
What Causes Conversion and Somatic Symptom Disorders?
How Are Conversion and Somatic Symptom Disorders Treated?
Illness Anxiety Disorder
Psychophysiological Disorders: Psychological Factors Affecting Other Medical Conditions
Traditional Psychophysiological Disorders
New Psychophysiological Disorders
Psychological Treatments for Physical Disorders
Relaxation Training
Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions
Support Groups and Emotion Expression
Combination Approaches
Expanding the Boundaries of Abnormal Psychology
Summing Up
Chapter 10 Eating Disorders
Anorexia Nervosa
The Clinical Picture
Medical Problems
Bulimia Nervosa
Compensatory Behaviors
Bulimia Nervosa Versus Anorexia Nervosa
Binge-Eating Disorder
What Causes Eating Disorders?
Psychodynamic Factors: Ego Deficiencies
Cognitive-Behavioral Factors
Biological Factors
Societal Pressures
Family Environment
Multicultural Factors: Racial and Ethnic Differences
Multicultural Factors: Gender Differences
How Are Eating Disorders Treated?
Treatments for Anorexia Nervosa
Treatments for Bulimia Nervosa
Treatments for Binge-Eating Disorder
Prevention of Eating Disorders: Wave of the Future
Summing Up
Chapter 11 Substance Use and Addictive Disorders
Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs
Stimulant Use Disorder
Hallucinogens, Cannabis, and Combinations of Substances
Combinations of Substances
What Causes Substance Use Disorders?
Sociocultural Views
Psychodynamic Views
Cognitive-Behavioral Views
Biological Views
The Developmental Psychopathology View
How Are Substance Use Disorders Treated?
Psychodynamic Therapies
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies
Biological Treatments
Sociocultural Therapies
Other Addictive Disorders
Gambling Disorder
Internet Use Disorder and Internet Gaming Disorder
New Wrinkles to a Familiar Story
Summing Up
Chapter 12 Sexual Disorders and Gender Variations
Sexual Dysfunctions
Disorders of Desire
Disorders of Excitement
Disorders of Orgasm
Disorders of Sexual Pain
Treatments for Sexual Dysfunctions
What Are the General Features of Sex Therapy?
What Techniques Are Used to Treat Particular Dysfunctions?
What Are the Current Trends in Sex Therapy?
Paraphilic Disorders
Fetishistic Disorder
Transvestic Disorder
Exhibitionistic Disorder
Voyeuristic Disorder
Frotteuristic Disorder
Pedophilic Disorder
Sexual Masochism Disorder
Sexual Sadism Disorder
Gender Variations
Transgender Functioning
Gender Dysphoria
Personal Topics Draw Public Attention
Summing Up
Chapter 13 Schizophrenia and Related Disorders
The Clinical Picture of Schizophrenia
What Are the Symptoms of Schizophrenia?
What Is the Course of Schizophrenia?
Diagnosing Schizophrenia
How Do Theorists Explain Schizophrenia?
Biological Views
Psychological Views
Sociocultural Views
Developmental Psychopathology View
Psychological and Sociocultural Models Lag Behind
Summing Up
Chapter 14 Treatments for Schizophrenia and Other Severe Mental Disorders
Institutional Care in the Past
Institutional Care Takes a Turn for the Better
Milieu Therapy
The Token Economy
Antipsychotic Drugs
How Effective Are Antipsychotic Drugs?
The Unwanted Effects of First-Generation Antipsychotic Drugs
Second-Generation Antipsychotic Drugs
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies
Family Therapy
Coordinated Specialty Care
The Community Approach
What Are the Features of Effective Community Care?
How Has Community Treatment Failed?
The Promise of Community Treatment
An Important Lesson
Summing Up
Chapter 15 Personality Disorders
“Odd” Personality Disorders
Paranoid Personality Disorder
Schizoid Personality Disorder
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
“Dramatic” Personality Disorders
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder
Histrionic Personality Disorder
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
“Anxious” Personality Disorders
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Dependent Personality Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
Multicultural Factors: Research Neglect
Are There Better Ways to Classify Personality Disorders?
The “Big Five” Theory of Personality and Personality Disorders
“Personality Disorder – Trait Specified”: DSM-5’s Proposed Dimensional Approach
Rediscovered, Then Reconsidered
Summing Up
Chapter 16 Disorders Common Among Children and Adolescents
Childhood and Adolescence
Childhood Anxiety Disorders
Separation Anxiety Disorder and Selective Mutism
Treatments for Childhood Anxiety Disorders
Depressive and Bipolar Disorders During Childhood
Major Depressive Disorder
Bipolar Disorder and Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder
What Are the Causes of Conduct Disorder?
How Do Clinicians Treat Conduct Disorder?
Elimination Disorders
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Intellectual Disability (Intellectual Developmental Disorder)
Clinicians Discover Childhood and Adolescence
Summing Up
Chapter 17 Disorders of Aging and Cognition
Old Age and Stress
Depression in Later Life
Anxiety Disorders in Later Life
Substance Misuse in Later Life
Psychotic Disorders in Later Life
Disorders of Cognition
Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Neurocognitive Disorders
Issues Affecting the Mental Health of the Elderly
Clinicians Discover the Elderly
Summing Up
Chapter 18 Law, Society, and the Mental Health Profession
Law and Mental Health
Psychology in Law: How Do Clinicians Influence the Criminal Justice System?
Law in Psychology: How Do the Legislative and Judicial Systems Influence Mental Health Care?
In What Other Ways Do the Clinical and Legal Fields Interact?
What Ethical Principles Guide Mental Health Professionals?
Mental Health, Business, and Economics
Bringing Mental Health Services to the Workplace
The Economics of Mental Health
Technology and Mental Health
The Person Within the Profession
Within a Larger System
Summing Up
Name Index
Subject Index
Back Cover

RONALD J. COMER has been a professor in Princeton University’s Department of Psychology for the past 46 years, also serving for many years as director of Clinical Psychology Studies and as chair of the university’s Institutional Review Board. In 2016 he transitioned to emeritus status at the university. He has received the President’s Award for Distinguished Teaching at Princeton, where his various courses in abnormal psychology were among the university’s most popular.

Professor Comer is also Clinical Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. He has also been a practicing clinical psychologist and served as a consultant to Eden Autism Services and to hospitals and family practice residency programs throughout New Jersey.

In addition to writing the textbooks Abnormal Psychology (eleventh edition), Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology (ninth edition), Psychology Around Us (second edition), and Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology (second edition), Professor Comer has published a range of journal articles and produced numerous widely used educational video programs, including The Higher Education Video Library Series, The Video Anthology for Abnormal Psychology, Video Segments in Neuroscience, Introduction to Psychology Video Clipboard, and Developmental Psychology Video Clipboard.

Professor Comer was an undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania and a graduate student at Clark University. He currently lives in Boynton Beach, Florida, with his wife, Marlene. From there he keeps a close eye on his nearby grandchildren Delia and Emmett, somehow making the same mistakes with them that he made with their father Jon and uncle Greg a generation ago. Then again, that turned out pretty well.

JONATHAN S. COMER is a professor of psychology at Florida International University, where he also directs the Mental Health Interventions and Technology (MINT) Program. He is Past President of the Society of Clinical Psychology (Division 12 of the American Psychological Association) and a leader in the field of clinical child and adolescent psychology. The author of approximately 200 scientific papers and chapters, he has received career awards from the American Psychological Association, the Association for Psychological Science, and the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies for his research on innovative treatment methods, childhood anxiety and disruptive behaviors, and the impact of traumatic stress, disasters, and terrorism on children. His current work also focuses on ties between psychopathology, neurocircuitry, and the intergenerational transmission of psychological problems.

In addition to Abnormal Psychology (eleventh edition), Professor Comer has authored Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology (ninth edition) and Childhood Disorders (second edition) and edited The Oxford Handbook of Research Strategies for Clinical Psychology, among other books. He serves as Editor of the journal Behavior Therapy and is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Society of Clinical Psychology, the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, and the Society for Child and Family Policy and Practice. He is also a practicing clinical psychologist.

Professor Comer was an undergraduate at the University of Rochester and a graduate student at Temple University. He currently lives in South Florida with his wife, Jami, and their children Delia and Emmett. He loves music — both playing and listening — and enjoys keeping an eye on the often-frustrating Philadelphia sports teams that his father taught him to love/hate.

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