Portfolio Part 6

Many states and school districts are scrambling to find teachers. Growing student enrollments, a shrinking supply of individuals choosing to teach, escalating teacher retirements, and high …

Go in the back door when teaching writing and let confidence build through constant encouragement of effort, improvement …

Educators must ensure that America’s students are provided with adequate opportunity to learn. The phrase “opportunity to learn” …

The fundamental premise of 21st Century curricula is the need for students to acquire new knowledge and skills that are essential …

Research to practice means implementing research-proven instructional and assessment practices identified through …

We use the following question to develop a laser-like focus on our work: To what extent would our coaching work exist next year if …

In order to understand what and why the Professional Learning Community (PLC) focus will be, it is important to go through a …

State standards writers are reluctant to take sides in the “culture wars” or to participate in the selection of a “canon.” By spelling out which books children should read in English class, which …

What are the main lessons the country should draw from the present condition and future prospects of standards-based …

September 11 has created an environment ripe for teaching the fundamentals of constitutional government, democracy, and the U.S. role in promoting (or sometimes inhibiting) the spread of …

Reading affects every aspect of a student’s learning, from the ability to listen and comprehend a story in preschool to the acquisition a …

Traditionally, special education teachers have focused on remediation of specific skills deficits that are isolated from …

A professional learning community is more than simply a collection of teachers working in the same building. A learning community …

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