Portfolio Part 5

We Must Have Even Higher Expectations For Teachers

Setting high standards for student learning is important, but if we are to attain true excellence in our schools, we must have even higher expectations for teachers. Traditional preparation and …

Service-learning Provides The Environment In Which Students Will Apply Ideas From The Class Or The Readings

Service-learning, the newest name for a teaching strategy that has …

What is good teaching? Who is a good teacher? The search for the answers to these questions has become for teacher education a search for an educational Holy Grail. While appearing to be …

The teacher-led discussion is used in college classrooms to help students develop a deeper understanding of course material and …

Through a liberal education students acquire frames of reference and the ability to analyze and reflect that influence how they view …

Many college teachers use a simple, content-centered planning model. By contrast, the planning model presented in this section …

Every time you ask a question in class, monitor a student discussion, or read a term paper, you are evaluating learning. Moreover, the evaluation process (whether it involves examinatio …

The selection of teaching methods and strategies must be based, to some extent, on your own teaching preferences and unique style …

Greetings! If read in sequence the following quotes are generally arranged to be a conversation across the ages on a topic. Use for your syllabi, your exams, to start a class discussion, or to enliven …

A college education increases your child’s ability to think critically, advance in a career, contribute to the community and better understand the world. No wonder choosing the right college is su …

A college education has become an essential part of the American Dream for millions of families. Indeed, extensive polling and focu …

Site-based management can be defined as the formal alteration of school governance arrangements. Site-based management is a form of decentralization. Site-based management has three distinctive …

The American high school has been a remarkably resilient institution, maintaining its basic structure even as its mission and …

Survey respondents were asked to rate the importance of 31 higher education issues, using a five-point scale of ‘1’ equaling “not important” to ‘5’ equaling “very important.” Respondents were …

There is a growing consensus among many states that standards for accreditation of teacher preparation programs, initial licensing fo …

Assumptions/Givens About Human Nature: – Human beings are innately curious with a desire to know the environment in which …

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