Portfolio Part 4

Since the 1990s, local schools increasingly have been joined by federal, state, and district educational agencies and professional organizations in partnerships to transform and reform American schools (Cohen, 1995). Particularly since 1965, with the enactment of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), federal policy, undergirded by federal funds, has strongly influenced American schooling, even though it is acknowledged that education is primarily a state and local responsibility.
http://EzineArticles.com/10120173 – May 15, 2019
Interest in school choice continues to grow as the political and social milieu surrounding it gains momentum. What was initially an idea that seemed almost unpatriotic, at least in the eyes of the majority of our publicly schooled populace, is now an increasingly acceptable American practice.
http://EzineArticles.com/10119339 – May 13, 2019
Educators have long realized that course taking opens doors to learning and that mathematics courses in particular are the key to higher level postsecondary schooling and improved employment opportunities. We investigated policies and practices of high schools that encourage or discourage students’ enrollment in advanced mathematics courses. Also examined were the effects of schools’ graduation requirements, course offerings, and tracking practices on the patterns of mathematics courses taken by high school students. Special attention was given to minority and low-income students.
http://EzineArticles.com/10118244 – May 10, 2019
Block scheduling is a strategy for rearranging the school day to establish longer periods of uninterrupted classroom time for student learning and instruction. Its proponents suggest that such an arrangement will intensify the students’ learning experience and ultimately promote improvements in academic achievement.
http://EzineArticles.com/10117272 – May 08, 2019

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