Tag Archives: education

Understanding Diversity And How It Affects Teaching And Learning – Part 2

Diversity Preparation Teachers felt their formal pre-service training did little to prepare them for teaching a diverse student population. Typically, discussion about diversity was the extent of their training. Teachers felt the best pre-service preparation was student teaching in schools with racially and culturally diverse student populations. In the absence of formal training, they drew…

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Understanding Diversity And How It Affects Teaching And Learning – Part 1

Although educational opportunities for minority and low-income students have improved over the past 30 years, the achievement gap has not been closed. Understanding diversity and how it affects teaching and learning is a critical component in reaching this goal. Yet even with additional resources for multicultural education, most educators are not aware of the many…

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The New Era Of Data Transparency

The potential benefits in opening data are not confined to improvements in transparency and accountability in the public sector (as may have been the previous consensus) – in fact, open data can provide the biggest gains by enabling the development of useful services. Before this potential can be unlocked however there are some significant challenges…

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Evidence-Based Educational Interventions

This paper provides an overview of evidence-based educational interventions (EBEIs) and associated practices in school psychology. The profession has, for some time, embraced scientific principles and procedures across areas of professional practice, including diagnosis and classification, assessment, prevention and intervention, consultation, and research and program evaluation. More recently, the profession has embraced evidence-based prevention and…

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Essential Skills: Critical Thinking For College Students

Much literature is available on programs to teach critical thinking, and a substantial amount of evidence indicates critical thinking can be taught and learned, especially when instruction is specifically designed to encourage transfer of skills. Nevertheless, the types of studies required to confirm with certitude the efficacy of teaching critical thinking present practical and methodological…

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2020 Teacher Education Research

Key questions facing researchers and policymakers are whether teacher education programs are effective in changing teachers’ knowledge and practices and whether such changes, if they occur, increase student learning. Answers to these questions will help determine the characteristics of effective programs for reading teachers. Because there are multiple layers of causal relationships, encompassing teacher educators…

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School Choice and Voucher Implementation

Advocates believe more school choice will allow better student-school fit than public education. But others maintain better matching will not improve performance unless financial pressures improve educational practices. A voucher-based educational market linking funding to pupil counts based on parental choice could motivate improvement, especially in inefficient public schools, eliminating allocations unrelated to student achievement.…

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Educational Values Develop School–Home Communication

For two decades, educators have attempted to get parents more involved in children’s learning. Experts agree that parental involvement is crucial to student success, but too often the typical involvement—work on fundraising, open houses, and school committees—is detached from an understanding of the type of involvement that research has shown necessary for improved student learning.…

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Overcoming Challenging School Environments

Teacher quality and related issues (i.e., teacher preparation, recruitment, and professional development) ranked among the highest priority areas among a sample of education policymakers surveyed by the Institute of Education Sciences. And it is not surprising that quality teaching also emerged as a central theme in one recent series of Policy Forums. These Policy Forums—designed…

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