Psychology 5th Edition by Saundra Ciccarelli, ISBN-13: 978-0134477961
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
- Publisher: Pearson; 5th edition (October 4, 2016)
- Language: English
- 800 pages
- ISBN-10: 0134477960
- ISBN-13: 978-0134477961
For courses in Introductory Psychology.
The most learner-centered and assessment-driven text available.
Throughout Psychology, Fifth Edition, Saundra Ciccarelli and J. Noland White employ a learner-centered, assessment-driven approach that maximizes student engagement, and helps educators keep students on track. The authors draw students into the discipline by showing how psychology relates to their own lives. Clear learning objectives, based on the recommended APA undergraduate learning outcomes, guide students through the material. And assessment tied to these learning objectives lets students check their understanding, while allowing instructors to monitor class progress and intervene when necessary to bolster student performance.
Table of Contents:
Brief Contents
Learner-Centered Approach
Teaching and Learning Package
Presentation and Teaching Resources
Learning Outcomes and Assessment
About the Authors
Psychology in Action Secrets for Surviving College and Improving Your Grades
Thinking Critically
Why Study How to Study?
Learning Objectives
Study Skills
Thinking Critically
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Managing Time
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Reading the Text: Textbooks Are Not Meatloaf
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Getting the Most Out of Lectures
Thinking Critically
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Studying for Exams: Cramming Is Not an Option
Thinking Critically
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Improving Your Memory
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Writing Papers
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Your Ethical Responsibility as a Student
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Psychology in Action Summary
Study Skills
Managing Time
Reading the Text: Textbooks Are Not Meatloaf
Getting the Most Out of Lectures
Studying for Exams: Cramming Is Not an Option
Improving Your Memory
Writing Papers
Your Ethical Responsibility as a Student
Test Yourself
1 The Science of Psychology
Thinking Critically
Why Study Psychology?
Learning Objectives
The History of Psychology
In the Beginning: Wundt, Titchener, and James
Titchener and Structuralism in America
William James and Functionalism
Three Influential Approaches: Gestalt, Psychoanalysis, and Behaviorism
Gestalt Psychology: The Whole Is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts
Sigmund Freud’s Theory of Psychoanalysis
Pavlov, Watson, and the Dawn of Behaviorism
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The Field of Psychology Today
Modern Perspectives
Psychodynamic Perspective
Behavioral Perspective
Humanistic Perspective
Cognitive Perspective
Sociocultural Perspective
Biopsychological Perspective
Evolutionary Perspective
Thinking Critically:
Psychological Professionals and Areas of Specialization
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Scientific Research
The Scientific Approach
Psychology’s Goals
Description: What Is Happening?
Explanation: Why Is It Happening?
Prediction: When Will It Happen Again?
Control: How Can It Be Changed?
Steps in the Scientific Approach
Descriptive Methods
Naturalistic Observation
Laboratory Observation
Case Studies
Correlations: Finding Relationships
The Experiment
The Variables
The Groups
The Importance of Randomization
Experimental Hazards and Controlling for Effects
The Placebo Effect and the Experimenter Effect
Single-Blind and Double-Blind Studies
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Ethics of Psychological Research
The Guidelines for Doing Research with People
Thinking Critically:
Animal Research
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Chapter Summary
The History of Psychology
The Field of Psychology Today
Scientific Research
Ethics of Psychological Research
Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: Thinking Critically about Critical Thinking
Test Yourself
2 The Biological Perspective
Thinking Critically
Why study the nervous system and the Glands?
Learning Objectives
Neurons and Nerves: Building the Network
Structure of the Neuron: The Nervous System’s Building Block
Generating the Message Within the Neuron: The Neural Impulse
Sending the Message to Other Cells: The Synapse
Neurotransmitters: Messengers of the Network
Cleaning Up the Synapse: Reuptake and Enzymes
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An Overview of the Nervous System
The Central Nervous System: The “Central Processing Unit”
The Brain
The Spinal Cord
Damage to the Central Nervous System, Neuroplasticity, and Neurogenesis
The Peripheral Nervous System: Nerves on the Edge
The Somatic Nervous System
The Autonomic Nervous System
The Sympathetic Division
The Parasympathetic Division
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Distant Connections: The Endocrine Glands
The Pituitary: Master of the Hormonal Universe
Thinking Critically
Other Endocrine Glands
The Pineal Gland
The Thyroid Gland
The Gonads
The Adrenal Glands
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Looking Inside the Living Brain
Methods for Studying Specific Regions of the Brain
Lesioning Studies
Brain Stimulation
Invasive Techniques: Stimulating from the Inside
Noninvasive Technique: Stimulating from the Outside
Neuroimaging Techniques
Mapping Structure
Computed Tomography (CT)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Mapping Function
The Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Magnetoencephalography (MEG)
Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Functional MRI (FMRI)
Thinking Critically
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From the Bottom Up: The Structures of the Brain
The Hindbrain
The Reticular Formation
Structures Under the Cortex: The Limbic System
Cingulate Cortex
The Cortex
Cerebral Hemispheres
Occipital Lobes
Parietal Lobes
Temporal Lobes
Frontal Lobes
The Association Areas of the Cortex
Broca’s Area
Wernicke’s Area
The Cerebral Hemispheres: Are You in Your Right Mind?
Split-Brain Research
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Chapter Summary
Neurons and Nerves: Building the Network
An Overview of the Nervous System
Distant Connections: The Endocrine Glands
Looking Inside the Living Brain
From the Bottom Up: The Structures of the Brain
Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: Paying Attention to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
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3 Sensation and Perception
Thinking Critically
Why Study sensation and Perception?
Learning Objectives
The ABCs of Sensation
Sensory Thresholds
Habituation and Sensory Adaptation
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The Science of Seeing
Light and the Eye
The Structure of the Eye
From Front to Back: The Parts of the Eye
Retina, Rods, and Cones
The Visual Pathway
Perception of Color
Trichromatic Theory
Opponent-Process Theory
Color Blindness
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The Hearing Sense: Can You Hear Me Now?
Sound Waves and the Ear
The Structure of the Ear: Follow the Vibes
The Outer Ear
The Middle Ear: Hammer, Anvil, and Stirrup
The Inner Ear
Perceiving Pitch
Place Theory
Frequency Theory
Volley Principle
Types of Hearing Impairments
Conduction Hearing Impairment
Nerve Hearing Impairment
Thinking Critically
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Chemical Senses: It Tastes Good and Smells Even Better
Gustation: How We Taste the World
Taste Buds
The Five Basic Tastes
The Sense of Scents: Olfaction
Olfactory Receptor Cells
The Olfactory Bulbs
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The Other Senses: What the Body Knows
Somesthetic Senses
Types of Sensory Receptors in the Skin
Pain: Gate-Control Theory
Pain Disorders
Thinking Critically
Body Movement and Position
Kinesthetic and Proprioceptive Senses
The Vestibular Sense
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The ABCs of Perception
How We Organize Our Perceptions
The Constancies: Size, Shape, and Brightness
The Gestalt Principles
Figure–Ground Relationships
Depth Perception
Monocular Cues
Binocular Cues
Perceptual Illusions
The Hermann Grid
Müller-Lyer Illusion
The Moon Illusion
Illusions of Motion
Other Factors That Influence Perception
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Chapter Summary
The ABCs of Sensation
The Science of Seeing
The Hearing Sense: Can You Hear Me Now?
Chemical Senses: It Tastes Good and Smells Even Better
The Other Senses: What the Body Knows
The ABCs of Perception
Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: Beyond “Smoke and Mirrors”—The Psychological Science and Neuroscience of Magic
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4 Consciousness
Thinking Critically
Why study consciousness?
Learning Objectives
What Is Consciousness?
Definition of Consciousness
Altered States of Consciousness
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The Biology of Sleep
The Rhythms of Life: Circadian Rhythms
The Role of the Hypothalamus: The Mighty Mite
Why We Sleep
Theories of Sleep
The Adaptive Theory of Sleep
The Restorative Theory of Sleep
Sleep Deprivation
The Stages of Sleep
N1: Light Sleep
N2: Sleep Spindles
N3: Delta Waves Roll in
R: Rapid Eye Movement
Rem Sleep: Perchance to Dream?
What Is the Purpose of Rem Sleep?
Sleep Disorders
Nightmares and Rem Sleep Behavior Disorder
Night Terrors
Thinking Critically
Sleep Apnea
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Why Do We Dream?
Freud’s Interpretation: Dreams as Wish Fulfillment
The Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis
The Activation-Information-Mode (AIM) Model
What do People Dream About?
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How Hypnosis Works
Theories of Hypnosis
Hypnosis as Dissociation: The Hidden Observer
Hypnosis as Social Role-Playing: The Social-Cognitive Explanation
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The Influence of Psychoactive Drugs
Physical Dependence
Psychological Dependence
Stimulants: Up, Up, and Away
Thinking Critically
Down in the Valley: Depressants
Major and Minor Tranquilizers
Opiates: I Feel Your Pain
Hallucinogens: Higher and Higher
Manufactured Highs
Nonmanufactured High: Marijuana
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Chapter Summary
What Is Consciousness?
The Influence of Psychoactive Drugs
Applying Psychology to Everyday Life Thinking Critically About Ghosts, Aliens, and Other Things That Go Bump in the Night
Test Yourself
5 Learning
Thinking Critically
Why study learning?
Learning Objectives
Definition of Learning
It Makes Your Mouth Water: Classical Conditioning
Pavlov and the Salivating Dogs
Elements of Classical Conditioning
Unconditioned Stimulus
Unconditioned Response
Conditioned Stimulus
Conditioned Response
Putting It all Together: Pavlov’s Canine Classic, or Tick Tock Tick Tock
Stimulus Generalization and Discrimination
Extinction and Spontaneous Recovery
Higher-Order Conditioning
Why Does Classical Conditioning Work?
Classical Conditioning Applied to Human Behavior
Conditioned Taste Aversions
Drug Dependency
Thinking Critically
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What’s in It for Me? Operant Conditioning
The Contributions of Thorndike and Skinner
Frustrating Cats: Thorndike’s Puzzle Box and the Law of Effect
B. F. Skinner: The Behaviorist’s Behaviorist
The Concept of Reinforcement
Primary and Secondary Reinforcers
The Neural Bases of Learning
Positive and Negative Reinforcement
Thinking Critically
Schedules of Reinforcement: Why the One-Armed Bandit Is so Seductive
The Partial Reinforcement Effect
Fixed Interval Schedule of Reinforcement
Variable Interval Schedule of Reinforcement
Fixed Ratio Schedule of Reinforcement
Variable Ratio Schedule of Reinforcement
The Role of Punishment in Operant Conditioning
Defining Punishment
Problems with Punishment
Other Aspects of Operant Conditioning
Stimulus Control: Slow Down, It’s the Cops
Extinction, Generalization, and Spontaneous Recovery in Operant Conditioning
Applications of Operant Conditioning: Shaping and Behavior Modification
Behavior Modification
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Cognitive Learning Theory
Tolman’s Maze-Running Rats: Latent Learning
Köhler’s Smart Chimp: Insight Learning
Seligman’s Depressed Dogs: Learned Helplessness
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Observational Learning
Bandura and the Bobo Doll
Thinking Critically
The Four Elements of Observational Learning
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Chapter Summary
Definition of Learning
It Makes Your Mouth Water: Classical Conditioning
What’s In It for Me? Operant Conditioning
Cognitive Learning Theory
Observational Learning
Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: Can You Really Toilet Train Your Cat?
Test Yourself
6 Memory
Thinking Critically
Why study memory?
Learning Objectives
What Is Memory?
Three Processes of Memory
Putting It in: Encoding
Keeping It in: Storage
Getting It Out: Retrieval
Models of Memory
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The Information-Processing Model: Three Memory Systems
Sensory Memory: Why Do People Do Double Takes?
Iconic Sensory Memory
Echoic Sensory Memory
Short-Term Memory
Selective Attention: How Information Enters
Working Memory
Capacity: The Magical Number Seven, or Five, or Four
Why Do You Think They Call It “Short Term”?
Long-Term Memory
Elaborative Rehearsal
Types of Long-Term Information
Nondeclarative (Implicit) LTM
Declarative (Explicit) LTM
Long-Term Memory Organization
Thinking Critically
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Getting It Out: Retrieval of Long-Term Memories
Retrieval Cues
Encoding Specificity: Context Effects on Memory Retrieval
Encoding Specificity: State-Dependent Learning
Recall and Recognition
Recall: HMM … Let Me Think
Recognition: Hey, Don’t I Know You from Somewhere?
Automatic Encoding: Flashbulb Memories
The Reconstructive Nature of Long-Term Memory Retrieval: How Reliable Are Memories?
Constructive Processing of Memories
Thinking Critically
Memory Retrieval Problems
The Misinformation Effect
False Memory Syndrome
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What Were We Talking About? Forgetting
Ebbinghaus and the Forgetting Curve
Reasons We Forget
Encoding Failure
Memory Trace Decay Theory
Interference Theory
Proactive Interference
Retroactive Interference
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Neuroscience of Memory
The Biological Bases of Memory
When Memory Fails: Organic Amnesia
Retrograde Amnesia
Anterograde Amnesia
Alzheimer’s Disease
Infantile Amnesia
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Chapter Summary
What Is Memory?
The Information-Processing Model: Three Memory Systems
Getting It Out: Retrieval of Long-Term Memories
The Reconstructive Nature of Long-Term Memory Retrieval: How Reliable Are Memories?
What Were We Talking About? Forgetting
Neuroscience of Memory
Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: Health and Memory
Test Yourself
7 Cognition: Thinking, Intelligence, and Language
Thinking Critically
Why Study the Nature of Thought?
Learning Objectives
How People Think
Mental Imagery
Concepts and Prototypes
Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Strategies
Trial and Error (Mechanical Solutions)
Representativeness Heuristic
Availability Heuristic
Working Backward
Problems with Problem Solving and Decision Making
Functional Fixedness
Mental Sets
Confirmation Bias
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Theories of Intelligence
Spearman’s G Factor
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory
Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory
Neuroscience Theories
Measuring Intelligence
Binet’s Mental Ability Test
Stanford-Binet and IQ
The Wechsler Tests
Test Construction: Good Test, Bad Test?
Reliability and Validity
Standardization of Tests
IQ Tests and Cultural Bias
Thinking Critically
Usefulness of IQ Tests
Individual Differences in Intelligence
Intellectual Disability
Emotional Intelligence
The Nature/Nurture Issue Regarding Intelligence
Twin and Adoption Studies
Thinking Critically
The Bell Curve and Misinterpretation of Statistics
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The Levels of Language Analysis
Development of Language
The Relationship Between Language and Thought
Two Theories on the Relationship Between Language and Thought
Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis
Animal Studies in Language
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Chapter Summary
How People Think
Applying Psychology to Everyday Life Mental and Physical Exercises Combine for Better Cognitive Health
Test Yourself
8 Development across the Life Span
Thinking Critically
Why Study Human Development?
Learning Objectives
Studying Human Development
Research Designs
Nature and Nurture
The Basic Building Blocks of Development
Chromosomes, Genes, and DNA
Genetic and Chromosome Problems
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Prenatal Development
Thinking Critically
Three Stages of Development
The Germinal Period
The Embryonic Period
Critical Periods
Prenatal Hazards
The Fetal Period: Grow, Baby, Grow
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Infancy and Childhood Development
Physical Development
Motor Development: From Crawling to a Blur of Motion
Brain Development
Baby, Can You See Me? Baby, Can You Hear Me? Sensory Development
Cognitive Development
Piaget’s Theory: Four Stages of Cognitive Development
The Sensorimotor Stage
The Preoperational Stage
Concrete Operations
Formal Operations
Evaluating Piaget’s Theory
Vygotsky’s Theory: The Importance of Being There
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Psychosocial Development
Attachment Styles
Influences on Attachment
Who Am I?: The Development of the Self-Concept
Erikson’s Theory
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Physical Development
Cognitive Development
Piaget’s Formal Operations Revisited
Moral Development
Psychosocial Development
Erikson’s Identity versus Role Confusion
Parent–Teen Conflict
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Adulthood and Aging
Physical Development: Use It or Lose It
Physical Aging
Effects of Aging on Health
Cognitive Development
Changes in Memory
How to Keep Your Brain Young
Psychosocial Development
Erikson’s Intimacy versus Isolation: Forming Relationships
Erikson’s Generativity versus Stagnation: Parenting
Erikson’s Ego Integrity versus Despair: Dealing with Mortality
Theories of Physical and Psychological Aging
Cellular-Clock Theory
Wear-and-Tear Theory
Free-Radical Theory
Activity Theory
Stages of Death and Dying
Thinking Critically
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Chapter Summary
Studying Human Development
Prenatal Development
Infancy and Childhood Development
Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: Cross-Cultural Views on Death
Test Yourself
9 Motivation and Emotion
Thinking Critically
Why study motivation and emotion?
Learning Objectives
Approaches to Understanding Motivation
Defining Motivation
Early Approaches to Understanding Motivation
Instincts and the Evolutionary Approach
Drive-Reduction Theory
Different Strokes for Different Folks: Psychological Needs
Mcclelland’s Theory: Affiliation, Power, and Achievement Needs
Thinking Critically
Personality and Nach: Carol Dweck’s Self-Theory of Motivation
Arousal and Incentive Approaches
Arousal Theory
Incentive Approaches
Humanistic Approaches
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Self-Determination Theory (SDT)
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What, Hungry Again? Why People Eat
Physiological and Social Components of Hunger
Hormonal Influences
The Role of the Hypothalamus
Weight Set Point and Basal Metabolic Rate
Social Components of Hunger
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The Three Elements of Emotion
The Physiology of Emotion
The Behavior of Emotion: Emotional Expression
Subjective Experience: Labeling Emotion
Early Theories of Emotion
James-Lange Theory of Emotion
Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotion
The Facial Feedback Hypothesis: Smile, You’ll Feel Better
Cognitive Theories of Emotion
Cognitive Arousal Theory
Lazarus and the Cognitive-Mediational Theory of Emotion
Thinking Critically
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Chapter Summary
Understanding Motivation
What, Hungry Again? Why People Eat
Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: When Motivation Is Not Enough
Test Yourself
10 Sexuality and Gender
Thinking Critically
Why study sexuality and Gender?
Learning Objectives
The Physical Side of Human Sexuality
The Primary and Secondary Sex Characteristics
The Primary Sex Characteristics
The Secondary Sex Characteristics
Female Secondary Sex Characteristics
Male Secondary Sex Characteristics
The Development of Sex Characteristics
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The Psychological Side of Human Sexuality: Gender
Gender Identity
Psychological Influences
Biological Influences
Environmental Influences
Thinking Critically
Culture and Gender
Gender-Role Development
Social Learning Theory
Gender Schema Theory
Gender Stereotyping
Thinking Critically
Gender Differences
Cognitive Differences
Social and Personality Differences
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Human Sexual Behavior
Sexual Response
Phase 1: Excitement
Phase 2: Plateau
Phase 3: Orgasm
Phase 4: Resolution
Different Types of Sexual Behavior
The Kinsey Study
The Janus Report
The National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior
Explaining the Survey Findings
Sexual Orientation
Categories of Sexual Orientation
Development of Sexual Orientation
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Sexual Health
Sexually Transmitted Infections
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Chapter Summary
The Physical Side of Human Sexuality
The Psychological Side of Human Sexuality: Gender
Human Sexual Behavior
Sexual Health
Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: The AIDS Epidemic in Russia
Test Yourself
11 Stress and Health
Thinking Critically
Why study stress and health?
Learning Objectives
Stress and Stressors
The Relationship Between Stress and Stressors
Environmental Stressors: Life’s Ups and Downs
Major Life Changes
The Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS)
The College Undergraduate Stress Scale (CUSS)
Thinking Critically
Psychological Stressors: What, Me Worry?
Approach–Approach Conflict.
Avoidance–Avoidance Conflict.
Approach–Avoidance Conflict.
Multiple Approach–Avoidance Conflicts
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Physiological Factors: Stress and Health
The General Adaptation Syndrome
The Immune System and Stress
Heart Disease
Other Health Issues
Health Psychology
Cognitive Factors in Stress
Personality Factors in Stress
Personality Types
Type A and Type B
Type A
Type C
The Hardy Personality
Explanatory Style: Optimists and Pessimists
Social and Cultural Factors in Stress: People Who Need People
Job Stress
How Culture Affects Stress
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Coping with Stress
Coping Strategies
Problem-Focused Coping
Emotion-Focused Coping
How Social Support Affects Coping
How Culture Affects Coping
How Religion Affects Coping
Thinking Critically
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Chapter Summary
Stress and Stressors
Physiological Factors: Stress and Health
Coping with Stress
Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: Coping with Stress Through Mindfulness Meditation
Test Yourself
12 Social Psychology
Thinking Critically
Why Study Social Psychology?
Learning Objectives
Social Influence
Group Behavior
The Hazards of Groupthink
Thinking Critically
Group Polarization
Social Facilitation and Social Loafing
Foot-in-the-Door Technique
Door-in-the-Face Technique
Lowball Technique
Cultural Differences in Compliance
Milgram’s Shocking Research
Evaluation of Milgram’s Research
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Social Cognition
The ABC Model of Attitudes
Affective Component
Behavior Component
Cognitive Component
Attitude Formation
Direct Contact
Direct Instruction
Interaction with Others
Vicarious Conditioning (Observational Learning)
Attitude Change: The Art of Persuasion
Thinking Critically:
Cognitive Dissonance: When Attitudes and Behavior Clash
Impression Formation
Social Categorization
Implicit Personality Theories
Causes of Behavior
Fundamental Attribution Error
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Social Interaction
Prejudice and Discrimination
Types of Prejudice and Discrimination
How People Learn and Overcome Prejudice
Origins of Prejudice
Realistic Conflict Theory
Social Identity Theory
Stereotype Vulnerability
Overcoming Prejudice
Equal Status Contact
The “Jigsaw Classroom”
Interpersonal Attraction
Physical Attractiveness
Proximity—Close to You
Birds of a Feather—Similarity
Reciprocity of Liking
Interpersonal Relations Online
Love Is a Triangle—Robert Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love
The Three Components of Love
The Love Triangles
Aggression and Biology
Social Learning Explanations for Aggression
The Power of Social Roles
Violence in the Media and Aggression
Prosocial Behavior
Why People Won’t Help
Five Decision Points in Helping Behavior
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Chapter Summary
Social Influence
Social Cognition
Social Interaction
Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: Peeking inside the Social Brain
Test Yourself
13 Theories of Personality
Thinking Critically
Why Study Personality?
Learning Objectives
Psychodynamic Perspectives
Freud’s Conception of Personality
The Structure of the Mind
Freud’s Divisions of the Personality
Id: If It Feels Good, Do It
Ego: The Executive Director
Superego: The Moral Watchdog
The Angel, the Devil, and me: How the Three Parts of the Personality Work Together
Stages of Personality Development
Oral Stage (First 18 Months)
Anal Stage (18 to 36 Months)
Phallic Stage (3 to 6 Years)
Latency Stage (6 Years to Puberty)
Genital Stage (Puberty on)
The Neo-Freudians
Current Thoughts on Freud and the Psychodynamic Perspective
Thinking Critically:
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The Behavioral and Social Cognitive View of Personality
Learning Theories
Bandura’s Reciprocal Determinism and Self-Efficacy
Rotter’s Social Learning Theory: Expectancies
Current Thoughts on the Behavioral and Social Cognitive Learning Views
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The Third Force: Humanism and Personality
Carl Rogers and the Humanistic Perspective
Real and Ideal Self
Conditional and Unconditional Positive Regard
Current Thoughts on the Humanistic View of Personality
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Trait Theories: Who Are You?
Allport and Cattell: Early Attempts to List and Describe Traits
Cattell and the 16pf
Modern Trait Theories: The Big Five
Current Thoughts on the Trait Perspective
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Personality: Genetics and Culture
The Biology of Personality: Behavioral Genetics
Twin Studies
Adoption Studies
Current Findings on the Heritability of Personality
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Assessment of Personality
Interviews, Behavioral Assessments, and Personality Inventories
Behavioral Assessments
Personality Inventories
Other Common Inventories
Evaluating Behavioral Assessments, Interviews, and Personality Inventories
Thinking Critically:
Projective Tests
The Rorschach Inkblots
The Tat
Problems with Projective Tests
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Chapter Summary
Theories of Personality
Psychodynamic Perspectives
The Behavioral and Social Cognitive View of Personality
The Third Force: Humanism and Personality
Trait Theories: Who Are You?
Personality: Genetics and Culture
Assessment of Personality
Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: Biological Bases of Personality
Test Yourself
14 Psychological Disorders
Thinking Critically
Why Study Abnormal Behavior and Mental Processes?
Learning Objectives
What Is Abnormality?
Changing Conceptions of Abnormality
A Very Brief History of Psychological Disorders
How Can We Define What Is Abnormal?
Statistical or Social Norm Deviance
Subjective Discomfort
Inability to Function Normally
Thinking Critically:
A Working Definition of Abnormality
Models of Abnormality
The Biological Model: Medical Causes for Psychological Disorders
The Psychological Models
Psychodynamic View: Hiding Problems
Behaviorism: Learning Problems
Cognitive Perspective: Thinking Problems
The Sociocultural Perspective
Biopsychosocial Perspective: All of the Above
Diagnosing and Classifying Disorders
The DSM-5
How Common Are Psychological Disorders?
The Pros and Cons of Labels
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Disorders of Anxiety, Trauma, and Stress: What, Me Worry?
Anxiety Disorders
Phobic Disorders: When Fears Get Out of Hand
Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)
Specific Phobias
Panic Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Other Disorders Related to Anxiety
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Acute Stress Disorder (Asd) and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Causes of Anxiety, Trauma, and Stress Disorders
Behavioral and Cognitive Factors
Biological Factors
Cultural Variations
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Dissociative Disorders: Altered Identities
Types of Dissociative Disorders
Dissociative Amnesia and Fugue: Who Am I and How Did I Get Here?
Dissociative Identity Disorder: How Many Am I?
Causes of Dissociative Disorders
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Disorders of Mood: The Effect of Affect
Major Depressive Disorder and Bipolar Disorders
Major Depressive Disorder
Bipolar Disorders
Causes of Disordered Mood
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Eating Disorders and Sexual Dysfunction
Eating Disorders
Types of Eating Disorders
Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
Binge-Eating Disorder
Causes of Eating Disorders
Thinking Critically:
Treatment of Eating Disorders
Sexual Dysfunctions and Problems
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Schizophrenia: Altered Reality
Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Causes of Schizophrenia
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Personality Disorders: I’m Okay, It’s Everyone Else Who’s Weird
Categories of Personality Disorders
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder
Causes of Personality Disorders
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Chapter Summary
What Is Abnormality?
Disorders of Anxiety, Trauma, and Stress: What, Me Worry?
Dissociative Disorders: Altered Identities
Disorders of Mood: The Effect of Affect
Eating Disorders and Sexual Dysfunction
Schizophrenia: Altered Reality
Personality Disorders: I’m Okay, It’s Everyone Else Who’s Weird
Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: Taking the Worry Out of Exams
Test Yourself
15 Psychological Therapies
Thinking Critically
Why Study Therapies for Psychological Disorders?
Learning Objectives
Treatment of Psychological Disorders: Past to Present
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Insight Therapies: Psychodynamic and Humanistic Approaches
Psychotherapy Begins: Freud’s Psychoanalysis
Dream Interpretation
Free Association
Resistance and Transference
Evaluation of Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic Approaches
Interpersonal Psychotherapy
Humanistic Therapy: To Err Is Human
Tell Me More: Rogers’s Person-Centered Therapy
Basic Elements
Motivational Interviewing
Gestalt Therapy
Evaluation of the Humanistic Therapies
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Action Therapies: Behavior Therapies and Cognitive Therapies
Behavior Therapies: Learning One’s Way to Better Behavior
Therapies Based on Classical Conditioning
Systematic Desensitization
Aversion Therapy
Exposure Therapies
Therapies Based on Operant Conditioning
Using Reinforcement
Using Extinction
Behavioral Activation
Evaluation of Behavior Therapies
Cognitive Therapies: Thinking Is Believing
Beck’s Cognitive Therapy
Ellis and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (Rebt)
Evaluation of Cognitive and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies
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Group Therapies: Not Just for the Shy
Types of Group Therapies
Family Counseling
Self-Help Groups
Evaluation of Group Therapy
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Does Psychotherapy Really Work?
Studies of Effectiveness
Characteristics of Effective Therapy
Common Factors Approach
Evidence-Based Treatment
Neuroimaging of Psychotherapy
Cultural, Ethnic, and Gender Concerns in Psychotherapy
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Biomedical Therapies
Antipsychotic Drugs
Antianxiety Drugs
Mood-Stabilizing Drugs
Antidepressant Drugs
ECT and Psychosurgery
Electroconvulsive Therapy
Emerging Techniques
Practice Quiz How much do you remember?
Chapter Summary
Treatment of Psychological Disorders: Past to Present
Insight Therapies: Psychodynamic and Humanistic Approaches
Action Therapies: Behavior Therapies and Cognitive Therapies
Group Therapies: Not Just for the Shy
Does Psychotherapy Really Work?
Biomedical Therapies
Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: Virtual Reality Therapies
Test Yourself
Appendix A: Statistics in Psychology
Why Study Statistics?
Learning Objectives
What Are Statistics?
Descriptive Statistics
Inferential Statistics
Chapter Summary
Test Yourself
Appendix B Applied Psychology and Psychology Careers
Why Study Applied Psychology?
Learning Objectives
What Is Applied Psychology?
Psychology as a Career
Psychology and Work
Chapter Summary
Test Yourself
Photo Credits
Psychology in Action
Text Credits
Name Index
Saundra K. Ciccarelli is a professor emeritus of psychology at Gulf Coast State College in Panama City, Florida. She received her Ph.D. in developmental psychology from George Peabody College of Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. She is a member of the American Psychological Association and the Association for Psychological Science. Originally interested in a career as a researcher in the development of language and intelligence in developmentally delayed children and adolescents, Dr. Ciccarelli had publications in the American Journal of Mental Deficiency while still at Peabody. However, she discovered a love of teaching early on in her career. This led her to the position at Gulf Coast State College, where she taught Introductory Psychology and Human Development for more than 30 years. Her students loved her enthusiasm for the field of psychology and the many anecdotes and examples she used to bring psychology to life for them. Before writing this text, Dr. Ciccarelli authored numerous ancillary materials for several introductory psychology and human development texts.
J. Noland White is a professor of psychology at Georgia College & State University (Georgia College), Georgia’s Public Liberal Arts University, located in Milledgeville. He received his A.A. in psychology from Macon State College and both his B.S. and M.S. in psychology from Georgia College. After receiving his Ph.D. in counseling psychology from the University of Tennessee, he joined the faculty of Georgia College in 2001. He teaches Introductory Psychology, Psychology of Adjustment, Behavioral Neuroscience, Advanced Behavioral Neuroscience, Counseling and Clinical Psychology, Senior Seminar, and a section of Advanced Research Methods focusing on psychophysiology. He has an active lab and, with his students, is investigating the psychophysiological characteristics and neuropsychological performance of adults with and without ADHD. Outside of the lab, Dr. White is engaged in collaborative research examining the effectiveness of incorporating various technologies in and out of the college classroom to facilitate student learning. He also serves as a mentor for other faculty wanting to expand their use of technology with their classes. In April 2008, he was a recipient of the Georgia College Excellence in Teaching Award. Dr. White is also a licensed psychologist and has worked primarily with adolescents and adults in a variety of clinical and community settings.
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