
Principles of Modern Chemistry 8th Edition by David W. Oxtoby, ISBN-13: 978-1305079113


Principles of Modern Chemistry 8th Edition by David W. Oxtoby, ISBN-13: 978-1305079113

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Cengage Learning; 8th edition (March 10, 2015)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 1264 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 1305079116
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1305079113

Long considered the standard for covering chemistry at a high level, PRINCIPLES OF MODERN CHEMISTRY continues to set the standard as the most modern, rigorous, and chemically and mathematically accurate book on the market. This authoritative text features an “atoms first” approach and thoroughly revised chapters on Quantum Mechanics and Molecular Structure (Chapter 6), Electrochemistry (Chapter 17), and Molecular Spectroscopy and Photochemistry (Chapter 20). In addition, the text utilizes mathematically accurate and artistic atomic and molecular orbital art, and is student friendly without compromising its rigor. End-of-chapter learning aids now focus on only the most important key objectives, equations and concepts, making it easier for readers to locate chapter content, while new applications to a wide range of disciplines, such as biology, chemical engineering, biochemistry, and medicine deepen readers’ understanding of the relevance of chemistry in today’s world.

Table of Contents:

Brief Contents
About the Authors
Unit I: Introduction to the Study of Modern Chemistry
Chapter 1: The Atom in Modern Chemistry
1.1 The Nature of Modern Chemistry
1.2 Elements: The Building Blocks of Matter
1.3 Indirect Evidence for the Existence of Atoms: Laws of Chemical Combination
1.4 The Physical Structure of Atoms
1.5 Mass Spectrometry, Isotopes, and the Measurement of Relative Mass
1.6 The Mole: Counting Molecules by Weighing
Chapter 2: Chemical Formulas, Equations, and Reaction Yields
2.1 Empirical and Molecular Formulas
2.2 Chemical Formula and Percentage Composition
2.3 Writing Balanced Chemical Equations
2.4 Mass Relationships in Chemical Reactions
2.5 Limiting Reactant and Percentage Yield
Unit II: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
Chapter 3: Atomic Shells and Classical Models of Chemical Bonding
3.1 Representations of Molecules
3.2 The Periodic Table
3.3 Forces and Potential Energy in Atoms
3.4 Ionization Energies, the Shell Model of the Atom, and Shielding
3.5 Electron Affinity
3.6 Electronegativity: The Tendency of Atoms to Attract Electrons in Molecules
3.7 Forces and Potential Energy in Molecules: Formation of Chemical Bonds
3.8 Ionic Bonding
3.9 Covalent and Polar Covalent Bonding
3.10 Electron Pair Bonds and Lewis Diagrams for Molecules
3.11 The Shapes of Molecules: Valence Shell Electron-Pair Repulsion Theory
3.12 Oxidation Numbers
3.13 Inorganic Nomenclature
Chapter 4: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
4.1 Preliminaries: Wave Motion and Light
4.2 Evidence for Energy Quantization in Atoms
4.3 The Bohr Model: Predicting Discrete Energy Levels in Atoms
4.4 Evidence for Wave-Particle Duality
4.5 The Schrodinger Equation
4.6 Quantum Mechanics of Particle-in-a-Box Models
4.7 A Deeper Look: Wave Functions for Particles in Two- and Three-Dimensional Boxes
Chapter 5: Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Structure
5.1 The Hydrogen Atom
5.2 Shell Model for Many-Electron Atoms
5.3 Aufbau Principle and Electron Configurations
5.4 Shells and the Periodic Table: Photoelectron Spectroscopy
5.5 Periodic Properties and Electronic Structure
Chapter 6: Quantum Mechanics and Molecular Structure
6.1 Quantum Picture of the Chemical Bond
6.2 Exact Molecular Orbitals for the Simplest Molecule: H+2
6.3 Molecular Orbital Theory and the Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals Approximation for H+2
6.4 Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules: First-Period Atoms
6.5 Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules: Second-Period Atoms
6.6 Heteronuclear Diatomic Molecules
6.7 Summary Comments for the LCAO Method and Diatomic Molecules
6.8 Valence Bond Theory and the Electron Pair Bond
6.9 Orbital Hybridization for Polyatomic Molecules
6.10 Predicting Molecular Structures and Shapes
6.11 Using the LCAO and Valence Bond Methods Together
6.12 Summary and Comparison of the LCAO and Valence Bond Methods
6.13 A Deeper Look: Properties of the Exact Molecular Orbitals for H+2
Chapter 7: Bonding in Organic Molecules
7.1 Petroleum Refining and the Hydrocarbons
7.2 The Alkanes
7.3 The Alkenes and Alkynes
7.4 Aromatic Hydrocarbons
7.5 Fullerenes
7.6 Functional Groups and Organic Reactions
7.7 Pesticides and Pharmaceuticals
Chapter 8: Bonding in Transition Metal Compounds and Coordination Complexes
8.1 Chemistry of the Transition Metals
8.2 Introduction to Coordination Chemistry
8.3 Structures of Coordination Complexes
8.4 Crystal Field Theory: Optical and Magnetic Properties
8.5 Optical Properties and the Spectrochemical Series
8.6 Bonding in Coordination Complexes
Unit III: Kinetic Molecular Description of the States of Matter
Chapter 9: The Gaseous State
9.1 The Chemistry of Gases
9.2 Pressure and Temperature of Gases
9.3 The Ideal Gas Law
9.4 Mixtures of Gases
9.5 The Kinetic Theory of Gases
9.6 Real Gases: Intermolecular Forces
9.7 A Deeper Look: Molecular Collisions and Rate Processes
Chapter 10: Solids, Liquids, and Phase Transitions
10.1 Bulk Properties of Gases, Liquids, and Solids: Molecular Interpretation
10.2 Intermolecular Forces: Origins in Molecular Structure
10.3 Intermolecular Forces in Liquids
10.4 Phase Equilibrium
10.5 Phase Transitions
10.6 Phase Diagrams
Chapter 11: Solutions
11.1 Composition of Solutions
11.2 Nature of Dissolved Species
11.3 Reaction Stoichiometry in Solutions: Acid-Base Titrations
11.4 Reaction Stoichiometry in Solutions: Oxidation-Reduction Titrations
11.5 Phase Equilibrium in Solutions: Nonvolatile Solutes
11.6 Phase Equilibrium in Solutions: Volatile Solutes
11.7 Colloidal Suspensions
Unit IV: Equilibrium in Chemical Reactions
Chapter 12: Thermodynamic Processes and Thermochemistry
12.1 Systems, States, and Processes
12.2 The First Law of Thermodynamics: Internal Energy, Work, and Heat
12.3 Heat Capacity, Calorimetry, and Enthalpy
12.4 The First Law and Ideal Gas Processes
12.5 Molecular Contributions to Internal Energy and Heat Capacity
12.6 Thermochemistry
12.7 Reversible Processes in Ideal Gases
12.8 A Deeper Look: Distribution of Energy among Molecules
Chapter 13: Spontaneous Processes and Thermodynamic Equilibrium
13.1 The Nature of Spontaneous Processes
13.2 Entropy and Spontaneity: A Molecular Statistical Interpretation
13.3 Entropy and Heat: Macroscopic Basis of the Second Law of Thermodynamics
13.4 Entropy Changes in Reversible Processes
13.5 Entropy Changes and Spontaneity
13.6 The Third Law of Thermodynamics
13.7 The Gibbs Free Energy
13.8 A Deeper Look: Carnot Cycles, Efficiency, and Entropy
Chapter 14: Chemical Equilibrium
14.1 The Nature of Chemical Equilibrium
14.2 The Empirical Law of Mass Action
14.3 Thermodynamic Description of the Equilibrium State
14.4 The Law of Mass Action for Related and Simultaneous Equilibria
14.5 Equilibrium Calculations for Gas-Phase and Heterogeneous Reactions
14.6 The Direction of Change in Chemical Reactions: Empirical Description
14.7 The Direction of Change in Chemical Reactions: Thermodynamic Explanation
14.8 Distribution of a Single Species between Immiscible Phases: Extraction and Separation Processes
Chapter 15: Acid-Base Equilibria
15.1 Classifications of Acids and Bases
15.2 Properties of Acids and Bases in Aqueous Solutions: The Bronsted-Lowry Scheme
15.3 Acid and Base Strength
15.4 Equilibria Involving Weak Acids and Bases
15.5 Buffer Solutions
15.6 Acid-Base Titration Curves
15.7 Polyprotic Acids
15.8 Organic Acids and Bases: Structure and Reactivity
15.9 A Deeper Look: Exact Treatment of Acid-Base Equilibria
Chapter 16: Solubility and Precipitation Equilibria
16.1 The Nature of Solubility Equilibria
16.2 Ionic Equilibria between Solids and Solutions
16.3 Precipitation and the Solubility Product
16.4 The Effects of pH on Solubility
16.5 Complex Ions and Solubility
16.6 A Deeper Look: Selective Precipitation of Ions
Chapter 17: Electrochemistry
17.1 Electrochemical Cells
17.2 Cell Potentials and the Gibbs Free Energy
17.3 Concentration Effects and the Nernst Equation
17.4 Molecular Electrochemistry
17.5 Batteries and Fuel Cells
17.6 Corrosion and Corrosion Prevention
17.7 Electrometallurgy
17.8 A Deeper Look: Electrolysis of Water and Aqueous Solutions
Unit V: Rates of Chemical and Physical Processes
Chapter 18: Chemical Kinetics
18.1 Rates of Chemical Reactions
18.2 Rate Laws
18.3 Reaction Mechanisms
18.4 Reaction Mechanisms and Rate
18.5 Effect of Temperature on Reaction Rates
18.6 Molecular Theories of Elementary Reactions
18.7 Reactions in Solution
18.8 Catalysis
Chapter 19: Nuclear Chemistry
19.1 Mass-Energy Relationships in Nuclei
19.2 Nuclear Decay Processes
19.3 Kinetics of Radioactive Decay
19.4 Radiation in Biology and Medicine
19.5 Nuclear Fission
19.6 Nuclear Fusion and Nucleosynthesis
Chapter 20: Molecular Spectroscopy and Photochemistry
20.1 Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy
20.2 Experimental Methods in Molecular Spectroscopy
20.3 Rotational and Vibrational Spectroscopy
20.4 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
20.5 Electronic Spectroscopy and Excited State Relaxation Processes
20.6 Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry
20.7 Photosynthesis
20.8 A Deeper Look: Lasers
Unit VI: Materials
Chapter 21: Structure and Bonding in Solids
21.1 Crystal Symmetry and the Unit Cell
21.2 Crystal Structure
21.3 Cohesion in Solids
21.4 Defects and Amorphous Solids
21.5 A Deeper Look: Lattice Energies of Crystals
Chapter 22: Inorganic Materials
22.1 Minerals: Naturally Occurring Inorganic Materials
22.2 Properties of Ceramics
22.3 Silicate Ceramics
22.4 Nonsilicate Ceramics
22.5 Electrical Conduction in Materials
22.6 Band Theory of Conduction
22.7 Semiconductors
22.8 Pigments and Phosphors: Optical Displays
Chapter 23: Polymeric Materials and Soft Condensed Matter
23.1 Polymerization Reactions for Synthetic Polymers
23.2 Applications for Synthetic Polymers
23.3 Liquid Crystals
23.4 Natural Polymers
Appendix A: Scientific Notation and Experimental Error
Appendix B: SI Units, Unit Conversions, and Physics for General Chemistry
Appendix C: Mathematics for General Chemistry
Appendix D: Standard Chemical Thermodynamic Properties
Appendix E: Standard Reduction Potentials at 25 Degrees Celsius
Appendix F: Physical Properties of the Elements
Appendix G: Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems

David W. Oxtoby became the ninth president of Pomona College on July 1, 2003. An internationally noted chemist, he previously served as dean of physical sciences at the University of Chicago. At Pomona, he holds a coterminous appointment as president and professor of chemistry. Before coming to Pomona, he was associated with the University of Chicago for nearly three decades, with brief interludes to serve as a visiting professor at such places as the University of Paris; the University of Bristol in Great Britain; and the University of Sydney in Australia. Oxtoby is a fellow of the American Physical Society and a member of the American Chemical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. After earning his bachelor’s degree, summa cum laude, from Harvard University, he went on to earn his Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley. As a research chemist, he is author or co-author of more than 165 scientific articles on such subjects as light scattering, chemical reaction dynamics and phase transitions. In addition to co-authoring Principles of Modern Chemistry and Chemistry: Science of Change, he has received fellowships from the Guggenheim, von Humboldt, Dreyfus, Sloan, Danforth and National Science foundations.

H.P. Gillis conducts experimental research in the physical chemistry of electronic materials, emphasizing phenomena at solid surfaces and interfaces. Dr. Gillis received his B.S. (Chemistry and Physics) at Louisiana State University and his Ph.D. (Chemical Physics) at The University of Chicago. After postdoctoral research at the University of California-Los Angeles and 10 years with the technical staff at Hughes Research Laboratories in Malibu, California, Dr. Gillis joined the faculty of Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Gillis moved to University of California-Los Angeles, where he currently serves as Adjunct Professor of Materials Science and Engineering. He has taught courses in general chemistry, physical chemistry, quantum mechanics, surface science, and materials science at UCLA and at Georgia Institute of Technology.

Laurie J. Butler received her B.S. at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and her Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley. After postdoctoral research at the University of Wisconsin, she joined the faculty at The University of Chicago, where she has been a professor since 1987. Professor Butler’s research investigates the fundamental inter- and intramolecular forces that drive the course of chemical reactions. Much of her recent work investigates classes of important chemical reactions where the breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation (the inability of the electronic wavefunction to readjust rapidly enough during the nuclear dynamics) near the transition state alters the dynamics and markedly reduces the reaction rate. She has been an Alfred P. Sloan Fellow and a Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar, and was awarded the Llewellyn John and Harriet Manchester Quantrell Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching at The University of Chicago.

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