
Principles of Electric Circuits: Conventional Current Version GLOBAL 10th Edition by Thomas Floyd, ISBN-13: 978-1292358093


Principles of Electric Circuits: Conventional Current Version GLOBAL 10th Edition by Thomas Floyd, ISBN-13: 978-1292358093

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Pearson; 10th edition (June 15, 2021)
  • Language: ‎ English
  •  1029 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 1292358092
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1292358093

For courses in DC/AC circuits: conventional flow.

Complete, accessible introductionto DC/AC circuits.

Principles of Electric Circuits: Conventional Current Version provides a uniquely clear introduction tofundamental circuit laws and components, using math only when needed forunderstanding. Floyd’s acclaimed coverage of troubleshooting ― combined with exercises,examples, and illustrations ― gives students the problem-solving experience they need to step outsidethe classroom and into a job. The 10th edition has beenheavily modified to improve readability and clarity and to update the text toreflect developments in technology since the last edition. This edition alsoadds new step-by-step procedures for solving problems with the TI-84 Plus CEgraphing calculator.

Table of Contents:

Principles of Electric Circuits Conventional Current
New in This Edition
Student Resources
Instructor Resources
Illustration of Chapter Features
Suggestions for Teaching with Principles of Electric Circuits
To the Student
Careers in Electronics
Milestones in Electronics
1 Quantities and Units
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Key Terms
Visit The Companion Website
1–1 Units of Measurement
Base and Derived Units
1–2 Scientific Notation
Powers of Ten
Calculations with Powers of Ten
1–3 Engineering Notation and Metric Prefixes
Engineering Notation
Metric Prefixes
Calculator Tip
1–4 Metric Unit Conversions
1–5 Measured Numbers
Error, Accuracy, and Precision
Significant Digits
Rounding Off Numbers
Key Terms
True/False Quiz
Section 1–2 Scientific Notation
Section 1–3 Engineering Notation and Metric Prefixes
Section 1–4 Metric Unit Conversions
Section 1–5 Measured Numbers
Section Checkups
Section 1–1 Units of Measurement
Section 1–2 Scientific Notation
Section 1–3 Engineering Notation and Metric Prefixes
Section 1–4 Metric Unit Conversions
Section 1–5 Measured Numbers
Related Problems for Examples
True/False Quiz
2 Voltage, Current, and Resistance
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Key Terms
Application Activity Preview
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2–1 Atomic Structure
Atomic Number
Shells, Orbits, and Energy Levels
Valence Electrons
Energy Levels and Ionization Energy
The Copper Atom
Categories of Materials
2–2 Electrical Charge
Coulomb: The Unit of Charge
Positive and Negative Charge
2–3 Voltage
The Volt
The Voltage Source
The Ideal Voltage Source
Types of DC Voltage Sources
Fuel Cells
Solar Cells
DC Generator
The Electronic Power Supply
Piezoelectric Sensors
2–4 Current
The Current Source
The Ideal Current Source
Practical Current Sources
2–5 Resistance
Fixed Resistors
Resistor Color Codes
Five-Band Color Code
Resistor Label Codes
Variable Resistors
Variable Resistance Sensors
2–6 The Electric Circuit
Direction of Current
The Basic Circuit
The Electric Circuit Schematic
Current Control and Protection
Mechanical Switches
Semiconductor Switches
Protective Devices
Wire Resistance
2–7 Basic Circuit Measurements
Meter Symbols
Measuring Current
Measuring Voltage
Measuring Resistance
Digital Multimeters
DMM Functions
DMM Displays
Categories for Multimeters
Reading Analog Multimeters
The Ohm Scale
The AC-DC and DC mA Scales
2–8 Electrical Safety
Electric Shock
Effects of Current on the Human Body
Body Resistance
Utility Voltages
Safety Precautions
Key Terms
True/False Quiz
Problems and Questions?
Section 2–2 Electrical Charge
Section 2–3 Voltage
Section 2–4 Current
Section 2–5 Resistance
Section 2–6 The Electric Circuit
Section 2–7 Basic Circuit Measurements
Section Checkups
Section 2–1 Atomic Structure
Section 2–2 Electrical Charge
Section 2–3 Voltage
Section 2–4 Current
Section 2–5 Resistance
Section 2–6 The Electric Circuit
Section 2–7 Basic Circuit Measurements
Section 2–8 Electrical Safety
Related Problems for Examples
True/False Quiz
3 Ohm’s Law
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Key Terms
Application Activity Preview
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3–1 The Relationship of Current, Voltage, and Resistance
The Linear Relationship of Current and Voltage
The Inverse Relationship of Current and Resistance
3–2 Current Calculations
Units with Metric Prefixes
3–3 Voltage Calculations
Units with Metric Prefixes
3–4 Resistance Calculations
Units with Metric Prefixes
3–5 Introduction to Troubleshooting
An APM Example
The Analysis Thought Process
The Planning Thought Process
The Measurement Process
Comparison of V, R, and I Measurements
Key Terms
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
Refer to Figure 3–4
Refer to Figure 3–14
Refer to Figure 3–25
Refer to Figure 3–27
Section 3–1 The Relationship of Current, Voltage, and Resistance
Section 3–2 Current Calculations
Section 3–3 Voltage Calculations
Section 3–4 Resistance Calculations
Section 3–5 Introduction to Troubleshooting
Multisim Troubleshooting and Analysis
Section Checkups
Section 3–1 The Relationship of Current, Voltage, and Resistance
Section 3–2 Current Calculations
Section 3–3 Voltage Calculations
Section 3–4 Resistance Calculations
Section 3–5 Introduction to Troubleshooting
Related Problems for Examples
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
4 Energy and Power
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Key Terms
Application Activity Preview
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4–1 Energy and Power
The Kilowatt-hour (kWh) Unit of Energy
4–2 Power in an Electric Circuit
4–3 Resistor Power Ratings
Measuring Resistance with a Digital Multimeter (DMM)
Measuring Resistance with an Analog Volt-Ohmmeter
4–4 Energy Conversion and Voltage Drop in Resistance
4–5 Power Supplies and Batteries
Power Supply Efficiency
Ampere-Hour Ratings of Batteries
Key Terms
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
Section 4–1 Energy and Power
Section 4–2 Power in an Electric Circuit
Section 4–3 Resistor Power Ratings
Section 4–4 Energy Conversion and Voltage Drop in Resistance
Section 4–5 Power Supplies and Batteries
Multisim Troubleshooting and Analysis
Section Checkups
Section 4–1 Energy and Power
Section 4–2 Power in an Electric Circuit
Section 4–3 Resistor Power Ratings
Section 4–4 Energy Conversion and Voltage Drop in Resistance
Section 4–5 Power Supplies and Batteries
Related Problems for Examples
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
5 Series Circuits
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Key Terms
Application Activity Preview
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5–1 Resistors in Series
5–2 Total Series Resistance
Series Resistor Values Add
Series Resistance Formula
Equal-Value Series Resistors
5–3 Current in a Series Circuit
5–4 Application of Ohm’s Law
5–5 Voltage Sources in Series
5–6 Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
5–7 Voltage Dividers
Voltage-Divider Formula
A Potentiometer as an Adjustable Voltage Divider
5–8 Power in Series Circuits
5–9 Voltage Measurements
Measuring Voltages with Respect to Ground
5–10 Troubleshooting
Open Circuit
Troubleshooting an Open
Example of Half-Splitting Using Voltage Measurements
Short Circuit
Troubleshooting a Short
Key Terms
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
Refer to Figure 5–68
Refer to Figure 5–69
Refer to Figure 5–73
Refer to Figure 5–80(b)
Refer to Figure 5–87
Section 5–1 Resistors in Series
Section 5–2 Total Series Resistance
Section 5–3 Current in a Series Circuit
Section 5–4 Application of Ohm’s Law
Section 5–5 Voltage Sources in Series
Section 5–6 Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
Section 5–7 Voltage Dividers
Section 5–8 Power in Series Circuits
Section 5–9 Voltage Measurements
Section 5– 10 Troubleshooting
Multisim Troubleshooting and Analysis
Section Checkups
Section 5–1 Resistors in Series
Section 5–2 Total Series Resistance
Section 5–3 Current in a Series Circuit
Section 5–4 Application of Ohm’s Law
Section 5–5 Voltage Sources in Series
Section 5–6 Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
Section 5–7 Voltage Dividers
Section 5–8 Power in Series Circuits
Section 5–9 Voltage Measurements
Section 5–10 Troubleshooting
Related Problems for Examples
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
6 Parallel Circuits
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Key Terms
Application Activity Preview
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6–1 Resistors in Parallel
6–2 Voltage in a Parallel Circuit
6–3 Kirchhoff’s Current Law
6–4 Total Parallel Resistance
Formula for Total Parallel Resistance
Calculator Tip
The Case of Two Resistors in Parallel
The Case of Equal-Value Resistors in Parallel
Determining an Unknown Parallel Resistor
Notation for Parallel Resistors
6–5 Application of Ohm’s Law
6–6 Current Sources in Parallel
6–7 Current Dividers
Current-Divider Formula
Current-Divider Formulas for Two Branches
6–8 Power in Parallel Circuits
6–9 Parallel Circuit Applications
Control Circuits
Analog Ammeters
6–10 Troubleshooting
Open Branches
Finding an Open Branch by Current Measurement
Finding an Open Branch by Resistance Measurement
Shorted Branches
Thermal Imaging
Key Terms
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
Refer to Figure 6–64
Refer to Figure 6–70(b)
Refer to Figure 6–71
Refer to Figure 6–75
Refer to Figure 6–83
Section 6–1 Resistors in Parallel
Section 6–2 Voltage in a Parallel Circuit
Section 6–3 Kirchhoff’s Current Law
Section 6–4 Total Parallel Resistance
Section 6–5 Application of Ohm’s Law
Section 6–6 Current Sources in Parallel
Section 6–7 Current Dividers
Section 6–8 Power in Parallel Circuits
Section 6–10 Troubleshooting
Multisim Troubleshooting and Analysis
Section Checkups
Section 6–1 Resistors in Parallel
Section 6–2 Voltage in a Parallel Circuit
Section 6–3 Kirchhoff’s Current Law
Section 6–4 Total Parallel Resistance
Section 6–5 Application of Ohm’s Law
Section 6–6 Current Sources in Parallel
Section 6–7 Current Dividers
Section 6–8 Power in Parallel Circuits
Section 6–9 Parallel Circuit Applications
Section 6–10 Troubleshooting
Related Problems for Examples
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
7 Series-Parallel Circuits
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Key Terms
Application Activity Preview
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7–1 Identifying Series-Parallel Relationships
7–2 Analysis of Series-Parallel Resistive Circuits
Total Resistance
Total Current
Branch Currents
Voltage Drops
7–3 Voltage Dividers with Resistive Loads
A Practical Application
Load Current and Bleeder Current
7–4 Loading Effect of a Voltmeter
7–5 Ladder Networks
The R/2R Ladder Network
7–6 The Wheatstone Bridge
The Balanced Wheatstone Bridge
Using the Balanced Wheatstone Bridge to Find an Unknown Resistance
The Unbalanced Wheatstone Bridge
A Bridge Circuit for Measuring Temperature
Other Unbalanced Wheatstone Bridge Applications
7–7 Troubleshooting
Key Terms
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
Refer to Figure 7–61(b)
Refer to Figure 7–63
Refer to Figure 7–67
Refer to Figure 7–73
Refer to Figure 7–74
Refer to Figure 7–79
Section 7–1 Identifying Series-Parallel Relationships
Section 7–2 Analysis of Series-Parallel Resistive Circuits
Section 7–3 Voltage Dividers with Resistive Loads
Section 7–4 Loading Effect of a Voltmeter
Section 7–5 Ladder Networks
Section 7–6 The Wheatstone Bridge
Section 7–7 Troubleshooting
Multisim Troubleshooting and Analysis
Section Checkups
Section 7–1 Identifying Series-Parallel Relationships
Section 7–2 Analysis of Series-Parallel Resistive Circuits
Section 7–3 Voltage Dividers with Resistive Loads
Section 7–4 Loading Effect of a Voltmeter
Section 7–5 Ladder Networks
Section 7–6 The Wheatstone Bridge
Section 7–7 Troubleshooting
Related Problems for Examples
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics quiz
8 Circuit Theorems and Conversions
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Key Terms
Application Activity Preview
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8–1 The DC Voltage Source
Loading of the Voltage Source
Determining the Internal Resistance of a Voltage Source
8–2 The Current Source
8–3 Source Conversions
Converting a Voltage Source to a Current Source
Converting a Current Source to a Voltage Source
8–4 The Superposition Theorem
8–5 Thevenin’s Theorem
Thevenin Equivalency Depends on the Viewpoint
Thevenizing a Portion of a Circuit
Thevenizing a Bridge Circuit
An Alternate Approach
Summary of Thevenin’s Theorem
Determining VTH and RTH by Measurement
An Example of a Practical Application
8–6 Norton’s Theorem
Norton’s Equivalent Current (IN)
Norton’s Equivalent Resistance (RN)
Summary of Norton’s Theorem
An Example of a Practical Application
8–7 Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
8–8 Delta-to-Wye (Δ-to-Y) and Wye-to-Delta (Y-to-Δ) Conversions
Δ-to-Y Conversion
Y-to-Δ Conversion
Application of Δ-to-Y Conversion to a Bridge Circuit
Key Terms
Δ-to-Y Conversions
Y-to- Δ Conversions
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
Refer to Figure 8–74
Refer to Figure 8–82
Refer to Figure 8–84
Refer to Figure 8–87
Refer to Figure 8–89
Refer to Figure 8–90(d)
Section 8–3 Source Conversions
Section 8–4 The Superposition Theorem
Section 8–5 Thevenin’s Theorem
Section 8–6 Norton’s Theorem
Section 8–7 Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
Section 8–8 Delta-to-Wye (Δ-to-Y) and Wye-to-Delta (Y-to-Δ) Conversions
Multisim Troubleshooting and Analysis
Section Checkups
Section 8–1 The DC Voltage Source
Section 8–2 The Current Source
Section 8–3 Source Conversions
Section 8–4 The Superposition Theorem
Section 8–5 Thevenin’s Theorem
Section 8–6 Norton’s Theorem
Section 8–7 Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
Section 8–8 Delta-to-Wye (Δ-to-Y) and Wye-to-Delta (Y-to-Δ) Conversions
Related Problems for Examples
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
9 Branch, Loop, and Node Analyses
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Key Terms
Application Activity Preview
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9–1 Simultaneous Equations in Circuit Analysis
Standard Form Equations
Solutions of Simultaneous Equations
Solving by Substitution
Solving by Elimination
Solving by Determinants
Solving Matrices by Calculator
9–2 Branch Current Method
9–3 Loop Current Method
Circuits with More Than Two Loops
9–4 Node Voltage Method
Node Voltage Method for a Wheatstone Bridge
Node Voltage Method for the Bridged-T Circuit
Key Terms
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
Refer to Figure 9–30.
Refer to Figure 9–31.
Refer to Figure 9–34.
Refer to Figure 9–36.
Section 9–1 Simultaneous Equations in Circuit Analysis
Section 9–2 Branch Current Method
Section 9–3 Loop Current Method
Section 9–4 Node Voltage Method
Multisim Troubleshooting and Analysis
Section Checkups
Section 9–1 Simultaneous Equations in Circuit Analysis
Section 9–2 Branch Current Method
Section 9–3 Loop Current Method
Section 9–4 Node Voltage Method
Related Problems for Examples
True/False Quiz
Circuit DYnamics Quiz
10 Magnetism and Electromagnetism
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Key Terms
Application Activity Preview
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10–1 The Magnetic Field
Magnetic Flux (ϕ)
Magnetic Flux Density (B)
The Gauss
How Materials Become Magnetized
Effects of the Magnetic Material
10–2 Electromagnetism
Electromagnetic Properties
Permeability (μ)
Reluctance (R)
Magnetomotive Force (mmf)
The Electromagnet
10–3 Electromagnetic Devices
The Solenoid
The Solenoid Valve
The Relay
The Speaker
Meter Movement
Magnetic Disk and Tape Read/Write Head
Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory (MRAM)
10–4 Magnetic Hysteresis
Magnetic Field Intensity (H)
The Hysteresis Curve and Retentivity
10–5 Electromagnetic Induction
Relative Motion
Polarity of the Induced Voltage
Induced Current
Faraday’s law
Lenz’s Law
An Application of Electromagnetic Induction
Forces on a Current-Carrying Conductor in a Magnetic Field (Motor Action)
10–6 The DC Generator
Equivalent Circuit for a DC Generator
MHD Generator
10–7 The DC Motor
Basic Operation
Brushless DC Motors
Back EMF
Motor Ratings
The Series DC Motor
The Shunt DC Motor
Key Terms
True/False Quiz
Section 10–1 The Magnetic Field
Section 10–2 Electromagnetism
Section 10–3 Electromagnetic Devices
Section 10–4 Magnetic Hysteresis
Section 10–5 Electromagnetic Induction
Section 10–6 The DC Generator
Section 10–7 The DC Motor
Section Checkups
Section 10–1 The Magnetic Field
Section 10–2 Electromagnetism
Section 10–3 Electromagnetic Devices
Section 10–4 Magnetic Hysteresis
Section 10–5 Electromagnetic Induction
Section 10–6 The DC Generator
Section 10–7 The DC Motor
Related Problems for Examples
True/False Quiz
11 Introduction to Alternating Current and Voltage
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Key Terms
Application Activity Preview
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11–1 The Sinusoidal Waveform
Polarity of a Sine Wave
Period of a Sine Wave
Frequency of a Sine Wave
Relationship of Frequency and Period
Electronic Signal Generators
Function Generators and Arbitrary Function Generators
Arbitrary Waveform Generators
11–2 Sinusoidal Voltage and Current Values
Instantaneous Value
Peak Value
Peak-to-Peak Value
RMS Value
Average Value
11–3 Angular Measurement of a Sine Wave
Angular Measurement
Radian/Degree Conversion
Sine Wave Angles
Phase of a Sine Wave
Polyphase Power
11–4 The Sine Wave Formula
Expressions for Phase-Shifted Sine Waves
11–5 Introduction to Phasors
Phasor Representation of a Sine Wave
Phasors and the Sine Wave Formula
Positive and Negative Phasor Angles
Phasor Diagrams
Angular Velocity of a Phasor
11–6 Analysis of AC Circuits
Superimposed DC and AC Voltages
11–7 The Alternator (AC Generator)
Simplified Alternator
Practical Alternators
Rotating-Armature Alternators
Rotating-Field Alternator
Rotor Current
An Application
11–8 The AC Motor
AC Motor Classification
Rotating Stator Field
Induction Motors
Operation of an Induction Motor
Synchronous Motors
Operation of a Synchronous Motor
11–9 Nonsinusoidal Waveforms
Pulse Waveforms
Repetitive Pulses
Square Waves
The Average Value of a Pulse Waveform
Triangular and Sawtooth Waveforms
Triangular Waveforms
Sawtooth Waveforms
Odd Harmonics
Even Harmonics
Composite Waveform
11–10 The Oscilloscope
Basic Operation of Analog Oscilloscopes
Basic Operation of Digital Oscilloscopes
Oscilloscope Controls
Vertical Controls
Horizontal Controls
Trigger Controls
Coupling a Signal into the Scope
Key Terms
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
Refer to Figure 11–81
Refer to Figure 11–83
Refer to Figure 11–90
Refer to Figure 11–91
Section 11–1 The Sinusoidal Waveform
Section 11–2 Sinusoidal Voltage and Current Values
Section 11–3 Angular Measurement of a Sine Wave
Section 11–4 The Sine Wave Formula
Section 11–5 Introduction to Phasors
Section 11–6 Analysis of AC Circuits
Section 11–7 The Alternator (AC Generator)
Section 11–8 The AC Motor
Section 11–9 Nonsinusoidal Waveforms
Section 11–10 The Oscilloscope
Multisim Troubleshooting and Analysis
Section Checkups
Section 11–1 The Sinusoidal Waveform
Section 11–2 Sinusoidal Voltage and Current Values
Section 11–3 Angular Measurement of a Sine Wave
Section 11–4 The Sine Wave Formula
Section 11–5 Introduction to Phasors
Section 11–6 Analysis of AC Circuits
Section 11–7 The Alternator (AC Generator)
Section 11–8 The AC Motor
Section 11– 9 Nonsinusoidal Waveforms
Section 11–10 The Oscilloscope
Related Problems for Examples
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
12 Capacitors
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Key Terms
Application Activity Preview
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12–1 The Basic Capacitor
Basic Construction
How a Capacitor Stores Charge
The Unit of Capacitance
How a Capacitor Stores Energy
Voltage Rating
Dielectric Strength
Temperature Coefficient
Physical Characteristics of a Capacitor
Plate Area
Plate Separation
Dielectric Constant
12–2 Types of Capacitors
Fixed Capacitors
Mica Capacitors
Ceramic Capacitors
Plastic-Film Capacitors
Electrolytic Capacitors
Variable Capacitors
Capacitor Labeling
Capacitance Measurement
12–3 Series Capacitors
Total Capacitance
Two Capacitors in Series
Capacitors of Equal Value in Series
Capacitor Voltages
12–4 Parallel Capacitors
12–5 Capacitors in DC Circuits
Charging a Capacitor
Discharging a Capacitor
Current and Voltage During Charging and Discharging
The RC Time Constant
The Charging and Discharging Curves
General Formula
Charging from Zero
Discharging to Zero
Graphical Method Using Universal Exponential Curves
Time-Constant Percentage Tables
Solving for Time
Response to a Square Wave
12–6 Capacitors in AC Circuits
Phase Relationship of Current and Voltage in a Capacitor
Capacitive Reactance, XC
Reactance for Series Capacitors
Reactance for Parallel Capacitors
Ohm’s Law
Capacitive Voltage Divider
Power in a Capacitor
Instantaneous Power (p)
True Power (Ptrue)
Reactive Power (Pr)
12–7 Capacitor Applications
Electrical Storage
Power Supply Filtering
The Capacitor as a Power Supply Filter
DC Blocking and AC Coupling
Power Line Decoupling
Signal Filters
Timing Circuits
Computer Memories
12–8 Switched-Capacitor Circuits
Basic Operation
Key Terms
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
Refer to Figure 12–74
Refer to Figure 12–75
Refer to Figure 12–78
Refer to Figure 12–81(b)
Section 12–1 The Basic Capacitor
Section 12–2 Types of Capacitors
Section 12–3 Series Capacitors
Section 12–4 Parallel Capacitors
Section 12–5 Capacitors in DC Circuits
Section 12–6 Capacitors in AC Circuits
Section 12–7 Capacitor Applications
Section 12–8 Switched-Capacitor Circuits
Multisim Troubleshooting and Analysis
Section Checkups
Section 12–1 The Basic Capacitor
Section 12–2 Types of Capacitors
Section 12–3 Series Capacitors
Section 12–4 Parallel Capacitors
Section 12–5 Capacitors in DC Circuits
Section 12–6 Capacitors in AC Circuits
Section 12–7 Capacitor Applications
Section 12–8 Switched-Capacitor Circuits
Related Problems for Examples
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics QUIZ
13 Inductors
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Key Terms
Application Activity Preview
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13–1 The Basic Inductor
The Unit of Inductance
Energy Storage
Physical Characteristics of an Inductor
Core Material
Physical Parameters
Winding Resistance
Winding Capacitance
Measuring Inductors
Review of Faraday’s Law
Lenz’s Law
13–2 Types of Inductors
13–3 Series and Parallel Inductors
Total Series Inductance
Total Parallel Inductance
13–4 Inductors in DC Circuits
The RL Time Constant
Current in an Inductor
Increasing Current
Decreasing Current
Response to a Square Wave
Voltages in a Series RL Circuit
The Exponential Formulas
Increasing Current
Decreasing Current
13–5 Inductors in AC Circuits
Phase Relationship of Current and Voltage in an Inductor
Inductive Reactance, XL
Reactance for Series Inductors
Reactance for Parallel Inductors
Ohm’s Law
Power in an Inductor
Instantaneous Power (p)
True Power (Ptrue)
Reactive Power (Pr)
The Quality Factor (Q) of a Coil
13–6 Inductor Applications
Noise Suppression
Conductive Noise
Radiated Noise
RF Chokes
Tuned Circuits
Key Terms
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
Refer to Figure 13–48
Refer to Figure 13–51
Refer to Figure 13–54
Refer to Figure 13–55
Section 13–1 The Basic Inductor
Section 13–3 Series and Parallel Inductors
Section 13–4 Inductors in DC Circuits
Section 13–5 Inductors in AC Circuits
Section 13–6
Multisim Troubleshooting and Analysis
Section Checkups
Section 13–1 The Basic Inductor
Section 13–2 Types of Inductors
Section 13–3 Series and Parallel Inductors
Section 13–4 Inductors in DC Circuits
Section 13–5 Inductors in AC Circuits
Section 13–6 Inductor Applications
Related Problem for Examples
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics quiz
14 Transformers
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Key Terms
Application Activity Preview
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14–1 Mutual Inductance
Coefficient of Coupling
Formula for Mutual Inductance
14–2 The Basic Transformer
Turns Ratio
Direction of Windings
14–3 Step-Up and Step-Down Transformers
The Step-Up Transformer
The Step-Down Transformer
DC Isolation
14–4 Loading the Secondary
Primary Power Equals Load Power
14–5 Reflected Load
14–6 Impedance Matching
14–7 Transformer Ratings and Characteristics
Power Rating
Voltage and Frequency Ratings
Winding Resistance
Losses in the Core
Magnetic Flux Leakage
Winding Capacitance
Transformer Efficiency
14–8 Tapped and Multiple-Winding Transformers
Tapped Transformers
Multiple-Winding Transformers
Three-Phase Transformers
14–9 Troubleshooting
Open Primary Winding
Open Secondary Winding
Shorted or Partially Shorted Windings
Key Terms
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
Refer to Figure 14–47(c)
Refer to Figure 14–49
Refer to Figure 14–53
Refer to Figure 14–54
Section 14–1 Mutual Inductance
Section 14–2 The Basic Transformer
Section 14–3 Step-Up and Step-Down Transformers
Section 14–4 Loading the Secondary
Section 14–5 Reflected Load
Section 14–6 Impedance Matching
Section 14–7 Transformer Ratings and Characteristics
Section 14–8 Tapped and Multiple-Winding Transformers
Section 14–9 Troubleshooting
Multisim Troubleshooting and Analysis
Section Checkups
Section 14–1 Mutual Inductance
Section 14–2 The Basic Transformer
Section 14–3 Step-Up and Step-Down Transformers
Section 14–4 Loading the Secondary
Section 14–5 Reflected Load
Section 14–6 Impedance Matching
Section 14–7 Transformer Ratings and Characteristics
Section 14–8 Tapped and Multiple-Winding Transformers
Section 14–9 Troubleshooting
Related Problems for Examples
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
15 RC Circuits
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Part 1: Series Circuits
Part 2: Parallel Circuits
Part 3: Series-Parallel Circuits
Part 4: Special Topics
Key Terms
Application Activity Preview
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Coverage Options
15–1 The Complex Number System
Part 1 Series Circuits
15–2 Sinusoidal Response of Series RC Circuits
15–3 Impedance of Series RC Circuits
15–4 Analysis of Series RC Circuits
Ohm’s Law
Phase Relationships of Current and Voltages
Variation of Impedance and Phase Angle with Frequency
The RC Lag Circuit
Phase Difference Between Input and Output
Magnitude of the Output Voltage
The RC Lead Circuit
Phase Difference Between Input and Output
Magnitude of the Output Voltage
Option 2 Note
Part 2 Parallel Circuits
15–5 Impedance and Admittance of Parallel RC Circuits
Conductance, Susceptance, and Admittance
15–6 Analysis of Parallel RC Circuits
Phase Relationships of Currents and Voltages
Conversion from Parallel to Series Form
Option 2 Note
Part 3 Series-Parallel Circuits
15–7 Analysis of Series-Parallel RC Circuits
Measurement of Ztot
Measurement of Phase Angle, θ
Option 2 Note
Part 4 Special Topics
15–8 Power in RC Circuits
Power Triangle for RC Circuits
Power Factor
Significance of Apparent Power
15–9 Basic Applications
The Phase Shift Oscillator
The RC Circuit as a Filter
Low-Pass Filter
High-Pass Filter
The Cutoff Frequency and the Bandwidth of a Filter
Coupling an AC Signal into a DC Bias Circuit
15–10 Troubleshooting
Option 2 Note
Key Terms
Complex Numbers
Series RC Circuits
Lag Circuit
Lead Circuit
Parallel RC Circuits
Power in RC Circuits
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
Refer to Figure 15–87
Refer to Figure 15–88
Refer to Figure 15–94
Refer to Figure 15–99
Refer to Figure 15–104
Section 15–1 The Complex Number System
Part 1: Series Circuits
Section 15–2 Sinusoidal Response of Series RC Circuits
Section 15–3 Impedance of Series RC Circuits
Section 15–4 Analysis of Series RC Circuits
Part 2: Parallel Circuits
Section 15–5 Impedance and Admittance of Parallel RC Circuits
Section 15–6 Analysis of Parallel RC Circuits
Part 3: Series-Parallel Circuits
Section 15–7 Analysis of Series-Parallel RC Circuits
Part 4: Special Topics
Section 15–8 Power in RC Circuits
Section 15–9 Basic Applications
Section 15–10 Troubleshooting
Multisim Troubleshooting and Analysis
Section Checkups
Section 15–1 The Complex Number System
Section 15–2 Sinusoidal Response of Series RC Circuits
Section 15–3 Impedance of Series RC Circuits
Section 15–4 Analysis of Series RC Circuits
Section 15–5 Impedance and Admittance of Parallel RC Circuits
Section 15–6 Analysis of Parallel RC Circuits
Section 15–7 Analysis of Series-Parallel RC Circuits
Section 15–8 Power in RC Circuits
Section 15–9 Basic Applications
Section 15–10 Troubleshooting
Related Problems For Examples
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
16 RL Circuits
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Part 1: Series Circuits
Part 2: Parallel Circuits
Part 3: Series-Parallel Circuits
Part 4: Special Topics
Key Terms
Application Activity Preview
Visit the Companion Website
Coverage Options
Part 1 Series Circuits
16–1 Sinusoidal Response of Series RL Circuits
16–2 Impedance of Series RL Circuits
16–3 Analysis of Series RL Circuits
Ohm’s Law
Phase Relationships of Current and Voltages
Variation of Impedance and Phase Angle with Frequency
The RL Lead Circuit
Phase Difference Between Input and Output
Magnitude of the Output Voltage
The RL Lag Circuit
Phase Difference Between Input and Output
Magnitude of the Output Voltage
Option 2 Note
Part 2 Parallel Circuits
16–4 Impedance and Admittance of Parallel RL Circuits
Conductance, Susceptance, and Admittance
16–5 Analysis of Parallel RL Circuits
Phase Relationships of Currents and Voltages
Conversion from Parallel to Series Form
Option 2 Note
Part 3 Series-Parallel Circuits
16–6 Analysis of Series-Parallel RL Circuits
Option 2 Note
Part 4 Special Topics
16–7 Power in RL Circuits
The Power Triangle for RL Circuits
Significance of the Power Factor
Power Factor Correction
16–8 Basic Applications
The RL Circuit as a Filter
Low-Pass Filter
High-Pass Filter
The Switching Regulator
16–9 Troubleshooting
Other Troubleshooting Considerations
Option 2 Note
Key Terms
Series RL Circuits
Lead Circuit
Lag Circuit
Parallel RL Circuits
Power in RL Circuits
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
Refer to Figure 16–60
Refer to Figure 16–67
Refer to Figure 16–73
Refer to Figure 16–74
Refer to Figure 16–77
Part 1: Series Circuits
Section 16–1 Sinusoidal Response of Series RL Circuits
Section 16–2 Impedance of Series RL Circuits
Section 16–3 Analysis of Series RL Circuits
Part 2: Parallel Circuits
Section 16–4 Impedance and Admittance of Parallel RL Circuits
Section 16–5 Analysis of Parallel RL Circuits
Part 3: Series-Parallel Circuits
Section 16–6 Analysis of Series-Parallel RL Circuits
Part 4: Special Topics
Section 16–7 Power in RL Circuits
Section 16–8 Basic Applications
Section 16–9 Troubleshooting
Multisim Troubleshooting and Analysis
Section Checkups
Section 16–1 Sinusoidal Response of Series RL Circuits
Section 16–2 Impedance of Series RL Circuits
Section 16–3 Analysis of Series RL Circuits
Section 16–4 Impedance and Admittance of Parallel RL Circuits
Section 16–5 Analysis of Parallel RL Circuits
Section 16–6 Analysis of Series-Parallel RL Circuits
Section 16–7 Power in RL Circuits
Section 16–8 Basic Applications
Section 16–9 Troubleshooting
Related Problems for Examples
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
17 RLC Circuits and Resonance
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Part 1: Series Circuits
Part 2: Parallel Circuits
Part 3: Series-Parallel Circuits
Part 4: Special Topics
Key Terms
Application Activity Preview
Visit the Companion WebSite
Coverage Options
Part 1 Series Circuits
17–1 Impedance of Series RLC Circuits
17–2 Analysis of Series RLC Circuits
17–3 Series Resonance
XL and XC Cancel at Resonance
Series Resonant Frequency
Current and Voltages in a Series RLC Circuit
Series RLC Impedance
The Phase Angle of a Series RLC Circuit
Option 2 Note
Part 2 Parallel Circuits
17–4 Impedance of Parallel RLC Circuits
Conductance, Susceptance, and Admittance
17–5 Analysis of Parallel RLC Circuits
Current Relationships
17–6 Parallel Resonance
Condition for Ideal Parallel Resonance
Parallel Resonant Frequency
Tank Circuit
Variation of the Impedance with Frequency
Current and Phase Angle at Resonance
Effect of Winding Resistance on the Parallel Resonant Frequency
Option 2 Note
Part 3 Series-Parallel Circuits
17–7 Analysis of Series-Parallel RLC Circuits
Conversion of Series-Parallel to Parallel
Parallel Resonant Conditions in a Nonideal Circuit
An External Load Resistance Affects a Tank Circuit
Option 2 Note
Part 4 Special Topics
17–8 Bandwidth of Resonant Circuits
Series Resonant Circuits
Parallel Resonant Circuits
Formula for Bandwidth
Half-Power Frequencies
Q Affects Bandwidth
17–9 Applications
Wave Trap
Tuned Amplifiers
Antenna Input to a Receiver
Audio Crossover Networks
Superheterodyne Receiver
Key Terms
Series RLC Circuits
Series Resonance
Parallel RLC Circuits
Parallel Resonance
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
Refer to Figure 17–67
Refer to Figure 17–70
Refer to Figure 17–71
Refer to Figure 17–73
Refer to Figure 17–86
Part 1: Series Circuits
Section 17–1 Impedance of Series RLC Circuits
Section 17–2 Analysis of Series RLC Circuits
Section 17–3 Series Resonance
Part 2: Parallel Circuits
Section 17–4 Impedance of Parallel RLC Circuits
Section 17–5 Analysis of Parallel RLC Circuits
Section 17–6 Parallel Resonance
Part 3: Series-Parallel Circuits
Section 17–7 Analysis of Series-Parallel RLC Circuits
Part 4: Special Topics
Section 17–8 Bandwidth of Resonant Circuits
Multisim Troubleshooting and Analysis
Section Checkups
Section 17–1 Impedance of Series RLC Circuits
Section 17–2 Analysis of Series RLC Circuits
Section 17–3 Series Resonance
Section 17–4 Impedance of Parallel RLC Circuits
Section 17–5 Analysis of Parallel RLC Circuits
Section 17–6 Parallel Resonance
Section 17–7 Analysis of Series-Parallel RLC Circuits
Section 17–8 Bandwidth of Resonant Circuits
Section 17–9 Applications
Related Problems for Examples
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
18 Passive Filters
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Key Terms
Application Activity Preview
Visit the Companion Website
18–1 Low-Pass Filters
RC Low-Pass Filter
Roll-Off of the Response Curve
RL Low-Pass Filter
Phase Shift in a Low-Pass Filter
18–2 High-Pass Filters
RC High-Pass Filter
RL High-Pass Filter
Phase Shift in a High-Pass Filter
18–3 Band-Pass Filters
Low-Pass/High-Pass Filter
Series Resonant Band-Pass Filter
Parallel Resonant Band-Pass Filter
18–4 Band-Stop Filters
Low-Pass/High-Pass Filter
Series Resonant Band-Stop Filter
Parallel Resonant Band-Stop Filter
Key Terms
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
Refer to Figure 18–40(a)
Refer to Figure 18–40(d)
Refer to Figure 18–42
Refer to Figure 18–43(a)
Refer to Figure 18–44
Section 18–1 Low-Pass Filters
Section 18–2 High-Pass Filters
Section 18–3 Band-Pass Filters
Section 18–4 Band-Stop Filters
Multisim Troubleshooting and Analysis
Section Checkups
Section 18–1 Low-Pass Filters
Section 18–2 High-Pass Filters
Section 18–3 Band-Pass Filters
Section 18–4 Band-Stop Filters
Related Problems for Examples
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
19 Circuit Theorems in AC Analysis
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Key Terms
Application Activity Preview
Visit the Companion Website
19–1 The Superposition Theorem
19–2 Thevenin’s Theorem
Thevenin’s Equivalent Voltage (Vth)
Thevenin’s Equivalent Impedance (Zth)
Thevenin’s Equivalent Circuit
Summary of Thevenin’s Theorem
19–3 Norton’s Theorem
Norton’s Equivalent Current Source (In)
Norton’s Equivalent Impedance (Zn)
Summary of Norton’s Theorem
Norton/Thevenin Equivalency
19–4 Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
Key Terms
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
Refer to Figure 19–50
Refer to Figure 19–52
Refer to Figure 19–53
Refer to Figure 19–54
Refer to Figure 19–57
Section 19–1 The Superposition Theorem
Section 19–2 Thevenin’s Theorem
Section 19–3 Norton’s Theorem
Section 19–4 Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
Multisim Troubleshooting and Analysis
Section Checkups
Section 19–1 The Superposition Theorem
Section 19–2 Thevenin’s Theorem
Section 19–3 Norton’s Theorem
Section 19–4 Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
Related Problems for Examples
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
20 Time Response of Reactive Circuits
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Key Terms
Application Activity Preview
Visit the Companion Website
20–1 The RC Integrator
Charging and Discharging of a Capacitor
Capacitor Voltage
20–2 Response of an RC Integrator to a Single Pulse
20–3 Response of RC Integrators to Repetitive Pulses
Steady-State Time Response
The Effect of an Increase in Time Constant
20–4 Response of an RC Differentiator to a Single Pulse
Pulse Response
Response to the Rising Edge of the Input Pulse
Response During Pulse When tW ≥ 5τ
Response to Falling Edge When tW ≥ 5τ
Response During Pulse When tW < 5τ
Response to Falling Edge When tW < 5τ
Summary of RC Differentiator Response to a Single Pulse
20–5  Response of RC Differentiators to Repetitive Pulses
Analysis of a Repetitive Waveform
20–6 Response of RL Integrators to Pulse Inputs
Response of the RL Integrator to a Single Pulse
20–7 Response of RL Differentiators to Pulse Inputs
Response of the RL Differentiator to a Single Pulse
20–8 Relationship of Time Response to Frequency Response
The Integrator
RC Integrator
RL Integrator
The Differentiator
RC Differentiator
RL Differentiator
Formulas Relating Time Response to Frequency Response
20–9 Troubleshooting
Open Capacitor
Leaky Capacitor
Shorted Capacitor
Open Resistor
Key Terms
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
Refer to Figure 20–60
Refer to Figure 20–63
Refer to Figure 20–66
Refer to Figure 20–68
Section 20–1 The RC Integrator
Section 20–2 Response of an RC Integrator to a Single Pulse
Section 20–3 Response of RC Integrators to Repetitive Pulses
Section 20–4 Response of an RC Differentiator to a Single Pulse
Section 20–5 Response of RC Differentiators to Repetitive Pulses
Section 20–6 Response of RL Integrators to Pulse Inputs
Section 20–7 Response of RL Differentiators to Pulse Inputs
Section 20–8 Relationship of Time Response to Frequency Response
Section 20–9 Troubleshooting
Multisim Troubleshooting and Analysis
Section Checkups
Section 20–1 The RC Integrator
Section 20–2 Response of an RC Integrator to a Single Pulse
Section 20–3 Response of RC Integrators to Repetitive Pulses
Section 20–4 Response of an RC Differentiator to a Single Pulse
Section 20–5 Response of RC Differentiators to Repetitive Pulses
Section 20–6 Response of RL Integrators to Pulse Inputs
Section 20–7 Response of RL Differentiators to Pulse Inputs
Section 20–8 Relationship of Time Response to Frequency Response
Section 20–9 Troubleshooting
Related Problems for Examples
True/False Quiz
Circuit Dynamics Quiz
21 Three-Phase Systems in Power Applications
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Key Terms
Visit the Companion WebSite
21–1 Generators in Power Applications
21–2 Types of Three-Phase Generators
The Y-Connected Generator
The Δ-Connected Generator
21–3 Three-Phase Source/Load Analysis
The Y-Y System
The Y-Δ System
The Δ-Y System
The Δ-Δ System
21–4 Three-Phase Power
Power Measurement
Three-Wattmeter Method
Two-Wattmeter Method
Key Terms
Y Generator
Δ Generator
Y-Y System
Y-Δ System
Δ-to-Y System
Δ-Δ System
Three-Phase Power
Three-Wattmeter Method
Two-Wattmeter Method
True/False Quiz
Section 21–1 Generators in Power Applications
Section 21–2 Types of Three-Phase Generators
Section 21–3 Three-Phase Source/Load Analysis
Section 21–4 Three-Phase Power
Section Checkups
Section 21–1 Generators in Power Applications
Section 21–2 Types of Three-Phase Generators
Section 21–3 Three-Phase Source/Load Analysis
Section 21–4 Three-Phase Power
Related Problems For Examples
True/False Quiz
Appendix A Table of Standard Resistor Values
Appendix B Derivations
Appendix C Capacitor Label Coding
Appendix D NI Multisim for Circuit Simulation
Simulate, Prototype, and Test Circuits
Theory, Design, and Prototype
1. Investigate Theory
2. Design and Simulate
3. Prototype, Measure, and Compare
NI Multisim
Using Multisim with Principles of Electric Circuits
Using NI ELVIS with Principles of Electric Circuits
NI Multisim Circuit Files
NI Multisim Resources
Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems

The late Thomas L. Floyd had a master’s degree in electrical engineering (SMU) and a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering (UF). He worked as a design engineer at Texas Instruments and senior engineer at Martin-Marietta (now Lockheed-Martin). In addition, he had five years’ experience teaching and serving as department head of the Electronics Technology program at Valencia Community College, Orlando, FL, as well as five years teaching electronics technology at Mayland Community College, Spruce Pine, NC.

Since 1975, Floyd had written textbooks in electronic technology, including Digital Fundamentals; Principles of Electric Circuits; Electronics Fundamentals; Electronic Devices; Electric Circuit Fundamentals; Digital Fundamentals: A Systems Approach; Digital Fundamentals with PLD Programming; Fundamentals of Analog Circuits: A Systems Approach; Science of Electronics: Digital, Analog Fundamentals; Basic Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits; DC/AC Fundamentals: A Systems Approach; and Renewable Energy Systems.

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