
Modern Control Engineering 5th Edition by Katsuhiko Ogata, ISBN-13: 978-0136156734


Modern Control Engineering 5th Edition by Katsuhiko Ogata, ISBN-13: 978-0136156734

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Pearson; 5th edition (August 25, 2009)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 912 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 0136156738
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0136156734

For senior or graduate-level students taking a first course in Control Theory (in departments of Mechanical, Electrical, Aerospace, and Chemical Engineering).

A comprehensive, senior-level textbook for control engineering.

Ogata’s Modern Control Engineering, 5/e, offers the comprehensive coverage of continuous-time control systems that all senior students must have, including frequency response approach, root-locus approach, and state-space approach to analysis and design of control systems. The text provides a gradual development of control theory, shows how to solve all computational problems with MATLAB, and avoids highly mathematical arguments. A wealth of examples and worked problems are featured throughout the text.

The new edition includes improved coverage of Root-Locus Analysis (Chapter 6) and Frequency-Response Analysis (Chapter 8). The author has also updated and revised many of the worked examples and end-of-chapter problems. This text is ideal for control systems engineers.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1 Introduction to Control Systems
1–1 Introduction
1–2 Examples of Control Systems
1–3 Closed-Loop Control Versus Open-Loop Control
1–4 Design and Compensation of Control Systems
1–5 Outline of the Book
Chapter 2 Mathematical Modeling of Control Systems
2–1 Introduction
2–2 Transfer Function and Impulse-Response Function
2–3 Automatic Control Systems
2–4 Modeling in State Space
2–5 State-Space Representation of Scalar Differential Equation Systems
2–6 Transformation of Mathematical Models with MATLAB
2–7 Linearization of Nonlinear Mathematical Models
Example Problems and Solutions
Chapter 3 Mathematical Modeling of Mechanical Systems and Electrical Systems
3–1 Introduction
3–2 Mathematical Modeling of Mechanical Systems
3–3 Mathematical Modeling of Electrical Systems
Example Problems and Solutions
Chapter 4 Mathematical Modeling of Fluid Systems and Thermal Systems
4–1 Introduction
4–2 Liquid-Level Systems
4–3 Pneumatic Systems
4–4 Hydraulic Systems
4–5 Thermal Systems
Example Problems and Solutions
Chapter 5 Transient and Steady-State Response Analyses
5–1 Introduction
5–2 First-Order Systems
5–3 Second-Order Systems
5–4 Higher-Order Systems
5–5 Transient-Response Analysis with MATLAB
5–6 Routh’s Stability Criterion
5–7 Effects of Integral and Derivative Control Actions on System Performance
5–8 Steady-State Errors in Unity-Feedback Control Systems
Example Problems and Solutions
Chapter 6 Control Systems Analysis and Design by the Root-Locus Method
6–1 Introduction
6–2 Root-Locus Plots
6–3 Plotting Root Loci with MATLAB
6–4 Root-Locus Plots of Positive Feedback Systems
6–5 Root-Locus Approach to Control-Systems Design
6–6 Lead Compensation
6–7 Lag Compensation
6–8 Lag–Lead Compensation
6–9 Parallel Compensation
Example Problems and Solutions
Chapter 7 Control Systems Analysis and Design by the Frequency-Response Method
7–1 Introduction
7–2 Bode Diagrams
7–3 Polar Plots
7–4 Log-Magnitude-versus-Phase Plots
7–5 Nyquist Stability Criterion
7–6 Stability Analysis
7–7 Relative Stability Analysis
7–8 Closed-Loop Frequency Response of Unity-Feedback Systems
7–9 Experimental Determination of Transfer Functions
7–10 Control Systems Design by Frequency-Response Approach
7–11 Lead Compensation
7–12 Lag Compensation
7–13 Lag–Lead Compensation
Example Problems and Solutions
Chapter 8 PID Controllers and Modified PID Controllers
8–1 Introduction
8–2 Ziegler–Nichols Rules for Tuning PID Controllers
8–3 Design of PID Controllers with Frequency-Response Approach
8–4 Design of PID Controllers with Computational Optimization Approach
8–5 Modifications of PID Control Schemes
8–6 Two-Degrees-of-Freedom Control
8–7 Zero-Placement Approach to Improve Response Characteristics
Example Problems and Solutions
Chapter 9 Control Systems Analysis in State Space
9–1 Introduction
9–2 State-Space Representations of Transfer-Function Systems
9–3 Transformation of System Models with MATLAB
9–4 Solving the Time-Invariant State Equation
9–5 Some Useful Results in Vector-Matrix Analysis
9–6 Controllability
9–7 Observability
Example Problems and Solutions
Chapter 10 Control Systems Design in State Space
10–1 Introduction
10–2 Pole Placement
10–3 Solving Pole-Placement Problems with MATLAB
10–4 Design of Servo Systems
10–5 State Observers
10–6 Design of Regulator Systems with Observers
10–7 Design of Control Systems with Observers
10–8 Quadratic Optimal Regulator Systems
10–9 Robust Control Systems
Example Problems and Solutions
Appendix A: Laplace Transform Tables
Appendix B: Partial-Fraction Expansion
Appendix C: Vector-Matrix Algebra

Dr. Katsuhiko Ogata graduated from the University of Tokyo (BS), earned an MS degree from the University of Illinois, and his Ph.D from the University of California, Berkeley. He is Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota.

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