
Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology 8th Edition by Bryan Kolb, ISBN-13: 978-1319247164


Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology 8th Edition by Bryan Kolb, ISBN-13: 978-1319247164

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Worth Publishers; 8th edition (January 1, 2021)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 848 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 1319247164
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1319247164

Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology continues to keep pace with its dynamic field, just as it has done throughout its nearly four decades of publication. As they have done since the first edition, the authors draw on recent research and their own clinical and lab experience to guide their development of the content, and on their experience in the classroom to help hone the presentation in a way that is both accessible and engaging to students. Coverage includes recent developments in network analysis, neural imaging, and genetic research–particularly in terms of the impact on our understanding and assessment of brain injury and disorders.

Table of Contents:

About this Book
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
About the Authors
Brief Contents
Media and Supplements
Chapter 1 The Development of Neuropsychology
1.1 The Brain Theory
What Is the Brain?
How Does the Brain Relate to the Rest of the Nervous System?
1.2 Perspectives on the Brain and Behavior
Aristotle: Mentalism
Descartes: Dualism
Darwin: Materialism
Contemporary Perspectives
1.3 Brain Function: Insights from Brain Injury
Localization of Function
Lateralization of Function
Distributed Function
Hierarchical Organization
1.4 The Neuron Theory
Nervous System Cells
Identifying the Neuron
Relating Electrical Activity in Neurons to Behavior
Connections Between Neurons As the Basis of Learning
1.5 Contributions to Neuropsychology from Allied Fields
Psychometrics and Statistical Evaluation
Structural and Functional Brain Imaging
Key Terms
Chapter 2 Research on the Origins of the Human Brain and Behavior
2.1 Human Origins and the Origins of Larger Brains
Research on Human Evolution
Evolution of the Human Brain and Behavior
Relating Brain Size and Behavior
The Meaning of Human Brain-Size Comparisons
The Acquisition of Culture
2.2 Comparative Research in Neuropsychology
Understanding Brain Mechanisms
Designing Animal Models of Disorders
Describing Evolutionary Adaptations
2.3 Genes, Environment, and Behavior
Mendelian Genetics and the Genetic Code
Applying Mendel’s Principles
Genetic Engineering
Phenotypic Plasticity and the Epigenetic Code
Key Terms
Chapter 3 Nervous System Organization
3.1 Neuroanatomy: Finding Your Way Around the Brain
Describing Location in the Brain
A Wonderland of Nomenclature
3.2 Overview of Nervous System Structure and Function
Support and Protection
Blood Supply
Neurons and Glia
Gray, White, and Reticular Matter
Layers, Nuclei, Nerves, and Tracts
3.3 Origin and Development of the Central Nervous System
3.4 The Spinal Cord
Spinal-Cord Structure and Spinal-Nerve Anatomy
Spinal-Cord Function and the Spinal Nerves
Cranial Nerve Connections
Autonomic Nervous System Connections
3.5 The Brainstem
The Hindbrain
The Midbrain
The Diencephalon
3.6 The Telencephalon
The Basal Ganglia
The Limbic System
The Neocortex
Fissures, Sulci, and Gyri
Cortical Organization in Relation to Inputs, Outputs, and Function
Cellular Organization in the Cortex
Cortical Connections
3.7 The Crossed Brain
Key Terms
Chapter 4 The Structure and Electrical Activity of Neurons
4.1 The Neuron’s Structure
Overview of a Neuron
The Neuron as a Factory
The Cell Membrane: Barrier and Gatekeeper
The Nucleus: Blueprints for Proteins
Protein Synthesis: Transcription and Translation
Applying Epigenetic Mechanisms
Proteins: The Cell’s Products
Golgi Bodies and the Cytoskeleton
Crossing the Cell Membrane: Channels, Gates, and Pumps
4.2 The Neuron’s Electrical Activity
Recording from an Axon
How the Movement of Ions Creates Electrical Charges
The Resting Potential
Graded Potentials
The Action Potential
4.3 Sending a Message Along an Axon
The Nerve Impulse
Saltatory Conduction and Myelin Sheaths
4.4 How Neurons Integrate Information
Excitatory and Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials
Voltage-Sensitive Channels and the Action Potential
Summation of Inputs
The Versatile Neuron
4.5 Stimulating and Recording with Optogenetics
Key Terms
Chapter 5 Communication Between Neurons
5.1 Neurotransmitter Discovery
5.2 The Structure of Synapses
Chemical Synapses
Electrical Synapses
5.3 Neurotransmission in Four Steps
Step 1: Transmitter Synthesis and Storage
Step 2: Neurotransmitter Release
Step 3: Receptor-Site Activation
Step 4: Neurotransmitter Deactivation
5.4 Types of Synapses
Synaptic Variations
Excitatory and Inhibitory Messages
5.5 Varieties of Neurotransmitters
Four Criteria for Identifying Neurotransmitters
Three Classes of Neurotransmitters
5.6 Excitatory and Inhibitory Receptors
Ionotropic Receptors and Excitation
Metabotropic Receptors and Inhibition
Excitatory and Inhibitory Receptor Effects
5.7 Neurotransmitter Activating Systems and Behavior
Neurotransmission in Peripheral Nervous System Divisions
Activating Systems of the Central Nervous System
Key Terms
Chapter 6 The Influence of Drugs and Hormones on Behavior
6.1 Principles of Psychopharmacology
Routes of Drug Administration
Routes of Drug Removal
Revisiting the Blood–Brain Barrier
Drug Routes and Dosage
6.2 Drug Actions in Synapses
Steps in Synaptic Transmission
Can Drugs Cause Brain Damage?
6.3 Grouping Psychoactive Drugs
Group I: Antianxiety Agents and Sedative Hypnotics
Group II: Antipsychotic Agents
Group III: Antidepressants and Mood Stabilizers
Group IV: Opioid Analgesics
Group V: Psychotropics
General Stimulants
6.4 Addiction
Wanting-and-Liking Theory
Treating Drug Abuse
6.5 Hormones
Hierarchical Control of Hormones
Classes and Functions of Hormones
Key Terms
Chapter 7 Imaging the Brain’s Activity
7.1 Recording the Brain’s Electrical Activity
Single-Cell Recording
Electroencephalographic Recording
Event-Related Potentials
7.2 Brain Stimulation
Deep Brain Stimulation
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
7.3 Static Imaging Techniques
Imaging by X-Ray
Computed Tomography
7.4 Dynamic Brain Imaging
Positron Emission Tomography
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Optical Tomography
7.5 Comparing Brain-Imaging Techniques and Uses
Imaging Techniques, Pros and Cons
Toward Multimodal Analyses
Key Terms
Chapter 8 Organization of the Sensory Systems
8.1 General Principles of Sensory-System Function
Sensory Receptors Are Energy Filters
Receptors Transduce Energy
Receptive Fields Locate Sensory Events
Receptors Identify Constancy and Change
Receptors Distinguish Self from Other
Receptor Density Determines Sensitivity
Neural Relays Determine the Hierarchy of Motor Responses
Central Organization of Sensory Systems
8.2 The Sensory Systems
Body Senses
The Chemical Senses: Taste and Smell
8.3 Perception
Sensory Synergies
Key Terms
Chapter 9 Organization of the Motor System
9.1 The Neocortex: Initiating Movement
Mapping the Motor Cortex Using Electrical Stimulation
Multiple Representations in the Motor Cortex
The Movement Lexicon
Premotor Cortex and Movement Plans
Corticomotor-Neuron Activity in Planning and Executing Movements
Mirroring Movement
9.2 Subcortical Motor Control
The Basal Ganglia and Movement Force
The Cerebellum and Motor Learning
The Brainstem and Movement Control
9.3 Communicating with the Spinal Cord
Spinal-Cord Pathways
Spinal Motor Neurons
Key Terms
Chapter 10 Principles of Neocortical Function
10.1 A Hierarchy of Function from Spinal Cord to Cortex
The Spinal Cord: Reflexes
The Hindbrain: Postural Support
The Midbrain: Spontaneous Movement
The Diencephalon: Affect and Motivation
The Basal Ganglia: Self-Maintenance
The Cortex: Intention
10.2 The Structure of the Cortex
Cortical Cells
Cortical Layers, Efferents, and Afferents
Cortical Columns, Spots, and Stripes
Multiple Representations: Mapping Reality
Cortical Systems: Frontal Lobe, Paralimbic Cortex, and Subcortical Loops
Cortical Connections, Reentry, and the Binding Problem
10.3 Functional Organization of the Cortex
A Hierarchical Model of Cortical Function
Evaluating the Hierarchical Model
A Contemporary Model of Cortical Function
The Default Mode Network
10.4 Do Human Brains Possess Unique Properties?
Key Terms
Chapter 11 Cerebral Asymmetry
11.1 Anatomical Asymmetries in the Human Brain
Cerebral Asymmetry
Neuronal Asymmetry
Genetic Asymmetry
11.2 Asymmetries in Neurological Patients
Brain Stimulation
Patients with Lateralized Lesions
Commissurotomy Patients
Carotid Sodium Amobarbital Injection
11.3 Behavioral Asymmetries in the Intact Brain
Asymmetry in the Visual System
Asymmetry in the Auditory System
Asymmetry in the Somatosensory System
Asymmetry in the Motor System
What Do Laterality Studies Tell Us about Brain Function?
11.4 Neuroimaging and Asymmetry
11.5 Theoretical Arguments: What Is Lateralized?
Specialization Models
Interaction Models
Preferred Cognitive Mode
Measuring Behavior in Neuropsychology
11.6 Asymmetry in Nonhuman Animals
Asymmetry in Birds
Asymmetry in Nonhuman Primates
Key Terms
Chapter 12 Individual Differences in Cerebral Organization
12.1 Handedness and Functional Asymmetry
Anatomical Studies
Functional Cerebral Organization in Left-Handers
Theories of Hand Preference
Anatomical Theories
12.2 Sex Differences in Cerebral Organization
Sex Differences in Children’s Behavior
Sex Differences in Adult Behavior
Sex Differences in Brain Structure
Sex Differences Revealed in Functional Imaging Studies
Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation
Research with Neurological Patients
Explanations for Sex Differences
12.3 Environmental Effects on Cerebral Organization
Language and Culture
Sensory and Environmental Deficits
Key Term
Chapter 13 The Occipital Lobes and Networks
13.1 Occipital-Lobe Anatomy
Subdivisions of the Occipital Cortex
Connections of the Visual Cortex
13.2 A Theory of Occipital-Lobe Function
Visual Networks Extending Beyond the Occipital Lobe
Visual Pathways Beyond the Occipital Lobe
Imaging Studies of Dorsal and Ventral Streams
Top-Down Predictions in Vision
13.3 Disorders of Visual Pathways
13.4 Disorders of Cortical Function
Case B.K.: V1 Damage and a Scotoma
Case D.B.: V1 Damage and Blindsight
Case G.Y. and Related Cases: V1 Damage and Conscious Vision
Case B.I.: More than Blindsight
Case J.I.: V4 Damage and Loss of Color Vision
Case P.B.: Conscious Color Perception in a Blind Patient
Case L.M.: V5 (MT) Damage and the Perception of Movement
Case D.F.: Occipital Damage and Visual Agnosia
Case V.K.: Parietal Damage and Visuomotor Guidance
Cases D. and T.: Higher-Level Visual Processes
Conclusions from the Case Studies
13.5 Visual Agnosia
Object Agnosias
Other Visual Agnosias
13.6 Visual Imagery
Key Terms
Chapter 14 The Parietal Lobes and Networks
14.1 Parietal-Lobe Anatomy
Functional Regions of the Parietal Cortex
Connections of the Parietal Cortex
Anatomy of the Dorsal Stream
14.2 A Theory of Parietal-Lobe Function
Behavioral Uses of Spatial Information
The Complexity of Spatial Information
14.3 Somatosensory Symptoms of Parietal Lesions
Somatosensory Thresholds
Somatoperceptual Disorders
Somatosensory Agnosias
14.4 Symptoms of Posterior Parietal Damage
Bálint Syndrome
Contralateral Neglect and Other Symptoms of Right Parietal Lesions
The Gerstmann Syndrome and Other Left Parietal Symptoms
Apraxia and the Parietal Lobe
Spatial Attention
Disorders of Spatial Cognition
Left and Right Parietal Lobes Compared
14.5 Major Symptoms and Their Assessment
Clinical Neuropsychological Assessment
14.6 Parietal-Lobe Networks
Key Terms
Chapter 15 The Temporal Lobes and Networks
15.1 Temporal-Lobe Anatomy
Subdivisions of the Temporal Cortex
Connections of the Temporal Cortex
Anatomy of the Ventral Stream
15.2 A Theory of Temporal-Lobe Function
Sensory Processes
Affective Responses
Spatial Navigation
The Superior Temporal Sulcus and Biological Motion
Visual Processing in the Temporal Lobe
Are Faces Special?
Auditory Processing in the Temporal Lobe
Olfactory Processing in the Temporal Lobe
Asymmetry of Temporal-Lobe Function
15.3 Temporal-Lobe Networks
15.4 Symptoms of Temporal-Lobe Lesions
Disorders of Auditory and Speech Perception
Disorders of Music Perception
Disorders of Visual Perception
Disturbance of Visual- and Auditory-Input Selection
Impaired Organization and Categorization
Disorders of Odor Perception and Memory
Inability to Use Contextual Information
Memory Impairment
Altered Affect and Personality
Changes in Sexual Behavior
15.5 Clinical Neuropsychological Assessment of Temporal-Lobe Damage
Key Terms
Chapter 16 The Frontal Lobes and Networks
16.1 Frontal-Lobe Anatomy
Subdivisions of the Frontal Cortex
Frontal-Lobe Networks
16.2 A Theory of Frontal-Lobe Function
Functions of the Motor Cortex and Premotor Cortex
Functions of the Prefrontal Cortex
Heterogeneity of Frontal-Lobe Function
16.3 Executive Functions of the Frontal-Lobe Networks
16.4 Symptoms of Frontal-Lobe Lesions
Disturbances of Motor Function
Loss of Divergent Thinking
Environmental Control of Behavior
Poor Temporal Memory
Impaired Social and Sexual Behavior
Does a Spatial Deficit Exist?
Clinical Neuropsychological Assessment of Frontal-Lobe Damage
16.5 Intelligence and the Frontal Lobes
Key Terms
Chapter 17 Cortical Networks and Disconnection Syndromes
17.1 Disconnecting Cognitive Functions
17.2 Anatomy of Cerebral Connections
17.3 Understanding Disconnection
Toward a Modern Understanding of Disconnection
17.4 Hemispheric Disconnection
Callosal Agenesis and Early Transections
17.5 Disconnecting Sensorimotor Systems
Somatosensory Functions
Effects of Partial Disconnection
17.6 Lesion Effects Reinterpreted As Disconnection Syndromes
Agnosia and Alexia
Contralateral Neglect
17.7 Cortical Networks and Hubs
The Development of Networks
Hubs and Connectivity in Brain Dysfunction
Key Terms
Chapter 18 Learning and Memory
18.1 Memory and Amnesia
Varieties of Memory
Varieties of Amnesia
18.2 Explicit Memory
Episodic Memory
Semantic Memory
Neural Substrates of Explicit Memory
Hemispheric Specialization for Explicit Memory
18.3 Implicit Memory
Sparing of Implicit Memory in Amnesia
Neural Substrates of Implicit Memory
18.4 Emotional Memory
Evoking Negative Emotions
Neural Substrates of Emotional Memory
Unique Aspects of Emotional Memory
18.5 Short-Term Memory
Short-Term Memory and the Temporal and Parietal Lobes
Short-Term Memory and the Frontal Lobes
Neuropsychological Testing for Short-Term Memory Function
18.6 Special Memory Abilities
Savant Syndrome
Superior Autobiographical Memory
18.7 Issues in Relating Memory to Neural Structures
Memory and Daily Life
Key Terms
Chapter 19 Language
19.1 What Is Language?
Language Structure
Producing Sound
Core Language Skills
19.2 Searching for the Origins of Language
Discontinuity Theories
Continuity Theories
Experimental Approaches to Language Origins
19.3 Localization of Language
Wernicke–Geschwind Model
Anterior and Posterior Language Regions
Dual Pathways for Language
Speech Zones Mapped by Brain Stimulation and Surgical Lesions
Speech Zones Mapped by Brain-Imaging Techniques
Neural Networks for Language
Nodes and Neural Webs for Language
19.4 Language Disorders
Fluent Aphasias
Nonfluent Aphasias
Pure Aphasias
19.5 Localization of Lesions in Aphasia
Cortical Language Components
Subcortical Language Components
Right-Hemisphere Contributions to Language
19.6 Neuropsychological Assessment of Aphasia
Acquired Reading Disorders
Key Terms
Chapter 20 Emotion and the Social Brain
20.1 The Nature of Emotion
What Are Emotions?
20.2 Historical Views
Investigating the Anatomy of Emotion
The Emotional Brain
Cortical Connections of Emotion
20.3 Candidate Structures in Emotional Behavior
Processing Emotional Stimuli
Brain Circuits for Emotion
20.4 Neuropsychological Theories of Emotion
Asymmetry in Emotion Processing
Temporal-Lobe Personality
20.5 Social Cognitive Theories of Emotion
The Theory of Constructed Emotion
Damasio’s Somatic Marker Hypothesis
LeDoux’s Theory of Emotional Consciousness
20.6 The Social Brain and Social Cognition
Frontal Lesions in Monkeys
Cerebral Lesions in Humans
Social Brain Networks
The Self and Social Cognition
Key Terms
Chapter 21 Spatial Behavior
21.1 Spatial Behavior and Spatial Impairments
Explaining Spatial Behavior
Experimental Models of Spatial Behavior
Neuropsychological Tests of Spatial Behavior
Clinical Descriptions of Spatial Impairments
21.2 ​Dorsal- and Ventral-Stream Contributions to Spatial Behavior
The Dorsal Stream in the Parietal Cortex
The Dorsal Stream in the Frontal Cortex
Location, Location, Location: The Ventral Stream and Frontal Cortex
The Ventral and Dorsal Streams in Temporal Cortex
21.3 The Brain’s Positioning System
Place Cells
Head-Direction Cells
Grid Cells
Location of Positioning System Cells
21.4 Individual Differences in Spatial Abilities
21.5 Scene Construction and Theory of Mind
Scene Construction Theory
Theory of Mind
Key Terms
Chapter 22 Attention and Consciousness
22.1 Defining Attention and Consciousness
22.2 Attention
Automatic and Conscious Processing Compared
Neurophysiological Evidence of Attention
Parallel Processing of Sensory Input
Functional Imaging and Attention
Networks of Attention
Mechanisms of Attention
22.3 Inattention
Absence of Visual Attention
Sensory Neglect
22.4 Consciousness
What Is Consciousness?
The Neural Basis of Consciousness
Cerebral Substrates of Consciousness
Emotion and Consciousness
Nonconscious Processing
Key Terms
Chapter 23 Brain Development and Plasticity
23.1 Approaches to Studying Brain Development
23.2 Development of the Human Brain
Neuron Generation
Cell Migration and Differentiation
Neural Maturation
Synapse Formation and Pruning
Glial Development
Neural Development in the Adolescent Brain
23.3 Imaging Studies of Brain Development
23.4 Development of Problem-Solving Ability
23.5 Environmental Effects on Brain Development
Developmental Effects of Aversive Environments
Environmental Influences on Brain Organization
Experience and Neural Connectivity
Plasticity of Representational Zones in the Developing Brain
23.6 Brain Injury and Plasticity
Effects of Age
Effects of Brain Damage on Language
23.7 Studying Plasticity after Early Brain Injury
Effects of Early Brain Lesions on Behaviors Later in Life
Effects of Early Brain Lesions on Brain Structure Later in Life
Factors Influencing Plasticity after Early Cortical Injury
Key Terms
Chapter 24 Neurodevelopmental Disorders
24.1 What Are Neurodevelopmental Disorders?
Incidence of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
24.2 Causes of Intellectual Disability
Cerebral Palsy
Fragile-X Syndrome
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Down Syndrome
24.3 Communication Disorders
Language Disorder
Speech Sound Disorder
Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder
Social Communication Disorder
24.4 Autism Spectrum Disorder
Anatomical Correlates of ASD
Causes of ASD
24.5 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
24.6 Specific Neurodevelopmental Learning Disorders
Reading Disabilities
Mathematical Disabilities
Neuropsychological Evaluation
Developmental Coordination Disorder
24.7 Developmental Influences on Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Structural Damage and Toxic Effects
Hormonal Effects
Environmental Effects
The Relative Age Effect
24.8 Adult Outcomes of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Key Terms
Chapter 25 Plasticity, Recovery, and Rehabilitation of the Adult Brain
25.1 Principles of Brain Plasticity
Principle 1: Plasticity is Common to All Nervous Systems, are The Principles are Conserved
Principle 2: Plasticity can be Analyzed at Many Levels
Principle 3: The Two General Types of Plasticity Derive from Experience
Principle 4: Similar Behavioral Changes can Correlate with Different Plastic Changes
Principle 5: Experience-Dependent Changes Interact
Principle 6: Plasticity is Age Dependent
Principle 7: Plastic Changes are Time Dependent
Principle 8: Plasticity is Related to an Experience’s Relevance to the Animal
Principle 9: Plasticity is Related to the Intensity or Frequency of Experiences
Principle 10: Plasticity can be Maladaptive.
25.2 Can Plasticity Support Functional Recovery after Injury?
Compensation Compared with Recovery
What Happens When a Brain Is Injured?
25.3 Examples of Functional Restitution
Recovery from Motor-Cortex Damage
Recovery from Aphasia
Recovery from Traumatic Lesions
Recovery from Surgical Lesions
Return to Daily Life
25.4 Research on Plasticity in the Injured Brain
Functional Imaging after Cerebral Injury
Physiological Mapping after Cerebral Injury
25.5 Variables Affecting Recovery
25.6 Therapeutic Approaches to Recovery after Brain Damage
Pharmacological Therapies
Growth Factors
Cell-Based Therapies
Activity-Based Therapies
Electrical Stimulation
Cognitive Rehabilitation
Tactile Stimulation
Music and Other Behavioral Therapies
Key Terms
Chapter 26 Neurological Disorders
26.1 The Neurological Examination
The Patient’s History
The Physical Examination
26.2 Traumatic Brain Injury
Open Head Injuries
Closed Head Injuries
Behavioral Assessment of Head Injury
Recovering from and Preventing Head Injury
26.3 Epilepsy
Classifying Seizures
Treating Epilepsy
26.4 Tumors
26.5 Headache
Types of Headache
Treating Headache
26.6 Infections
Types of CNS Infection
Treating CNS Infection
26.7 Disorders of Motor Neurons and the Spinal Cord
Myasthenia Gravis
Multiple Sclerosis
Paraplegia and Quadriplegia
Brown–Séquard Syndrome
26.8 Motor Disorders Involving the Basal Ganglia
Hyperkinetic Disorders
Hypokinetic Disorders
Causes of Parkinsonism
Treating Parkinson Disease
Psychological Aspects of Parkinson Disease
26.9 Cerebral Vascular Disorders
Types of Cerebral Vascular Disease
Treating Cerebral Vascular Disorders
Key Terms
Chapter 27 Psychiatric and Related Disorders
27.1 The Brain and Behavior
27.2 Schizophrenia
Structural Abnormalities in Schizophrenic Brains
Biochemical Abnormalities in the Brains of People with Schizophrenia
Cognitive Symptoms in Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia as a Neurodevelopmental Disorder
27.3 Mood Disorders
Neurochemical Aspects of Major Depression
Neuropathological and Blood-Flow Abnormalities in Major Depression
Treatments for Major Depression
Neurobiological Aspects of Bipolar Disorder
27.4 Anxiety Disorders
27.5 Psychosurgery
27.6 Psychiatric Symptoms of Cerebral Vascular Disease
27.7 Dementias
Anatomical Correlates of Alzheimer Disease
Putative Causes of Alzheimer Disease
Clinical Symptoms and the Progression of Alzheimer Disease
27.8 Prion-Related Disorders
27.9 Sleep Disorders
27.10 Micronutrients and Behavior
Key Terms
Chapter 28 Neuropsychological Assessment
28.1 A Biopsychosocial Model for Neuropsychological Assessment
28.2 The Changing Face of Neuropsychological Assessment
The Clinical Role of Neuropsychology
28.3 The Basics of Neuropsychological Assessment
Goals of Neuropsychological Assessment
Intelligence Testing in Neuropsychological Assessment
Categories of Neuropsychological Assessment
28.4 Ten Core Features of Neuropsychological Assessment
28.5 The Problem of Effort
28.6 Developing Better Neuropsychological Procedures
Leveraging Technology
28.7 Case Histories
Case 1: Epilepsy Caused by Left-Hemisphere Tumor
Case 2: Epilepsy Caused by Right-Hemisphere Infection
Case 3: Rehabilitation
Key Terms
Name Index
Subject Index
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