
Foundations of Business 7th Edition by William M. Pride, ISBN-13: 978-0357717943


Foundations of Business 7th Edition by William M. Pride, ISBN-13: 978-0357717943

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Cengage Learning; 7th edition (March 14, 2022)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 560 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 0357717945
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0357717943

Authors Pride/Hughes/Kapoor believe that success is measured not only by the grade you receive in this course, but also by how the information in this book helps you build a foundation for a better life. That’s what FOUNDATIONS OF BUSINESS, 7E is all about. Updates highlight the specific challenges facing businesses and individuals, particularly following the global pandemic. The latest content, real examples and powerful new cases show you how to become a better employee, more informed consumer and successful business owner. You examine issues within the economy, business ownership, management, human resources, marketing, social media, e-commerce, management information systems, accounting and finance. You also learn how cultural diversity, ethics and social responsibility, small business and entrepreneurship and environmental concerns impact both the nation’s economy and you, as an individual consumer.

Table of Contents:

Letter from the Authors
Brief Contents
About the Authors
Part 1: The Environment of Business
Chapter 1: Exploring the World of Business and Economics
1-1 Your Future in the Changing World of Business
1-2 Business: A Definition
1-3 Types of Economic Systems
1-4 Measuring Economic Performance
1-5 The Business Cycle
1-6 Types of Competition
1-7 American Business Today
Key Terms
Discussion Questions
Case 1: The Keys to Zoom’s Success
Building Skills for Career Success
Chapter 2: Ethics and Social Responsibility in Business
2-1 Business Ethics Defined
2-2 Ethical Issues In Business
2-3 Factors Affecting Ethical Behavior
2-4 Encouraging Ethical Behavior
2-5 Social Responsibility
2-6 Public Responsibilities of Business
2-7 Responsibilities to Employees
2-8 Responsibilities to the Environment
2-9 Implementing a Program of Social Responsibility
Key Terms
Discussion Questions
Case 2: Inside Whole Trade at Whole Foods
Building Skills for Career Success
Chapter 3: Global Business
3-1 The Basis for International Business
3-2 Methods of Entering International Business
3-3 International Business Challenges
3-4 Facilitators of International Trade
3-5 Sources of Export Assistance
3-6 Financing International Business
Key Terms
Discussion Questions
Case 3: Honda’s Strategy Is Electrifying
Building Skills for Career Success
Running a Business Part 1: Let’s Go Get a Graeter’s!
Building a Business Plan: Part 1
Part 2: Business Ownership and Entrepreneurship
Chapter 4: Choosing a Form of Business Ownership
4-1 Sole Proprietorships
4-2 Partnerships
4-3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Partnerships
4-4 Corporations
4-5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporations
4-6 Special Types of Business Ownership
4-7 Joint Ventures and Syndicates
4-8 Corporate Growth
Key Terms
Discussion Questions
Case 4: It’s a Family Affair at SC Johnson
Building Skills for Career Success
Chapter 5: Small Business, Entrepreneurship, and Franchises
5-1 Small Business: a Profile
5-2 The People in Small Businesses: The Entrepreneurs
5-3 The Pros and Cons of Smallness
5-4 Why Some Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses Fail
5-5 The Importance of a Business Plan
5-6 Franchising
5-7 Financing the Small Business
5-8 The Small Business Administration: Resources for Entrepreneurs
5-9 Global Perspectives in Small Business
Key Terms
Discussion Questions
Case 5: Traits of the Most Successful Entrepreneurs
Building Skills for Career Success
Running a Business Part 2: Graeter’s: A Fourth-Generation Family Business
Building a Business Plan: Part 2
Part 3: Management and Organization
Chapter 6: Understanding the Management Process
6-1 What Is Management?
6-2 Basic Management Functions
6-3 Kinds of Managers
6-4 Key Skills of Successful Managers
6-5 Leadership
6-6 Managerial Decision Making
Key Terms
Discussion Questions
Case 6: Tesla: From Start-Up to Wall Street Darling
Building Skills for Career Success
Chapter 7: Creating a Flexible Organization
7-1 What Is an Organization?
7-2 Job Design
7-3 Departmentalization
7-4 Delegation, Decentralization, and Centralization
7-5 The Span of Management
7-6 Forms of Organizational Structure
7-7 Teams and Teamwork
7-8 Committees and Task Forces
7-9 The Informal Organization and the Grapevine
Key Terms
Discussion Questions
Case 7: Sweetgreen Stays True to Its Roots
Building Skills for Career Success
Chapter 8: Producing Quality Goods and Services
8-1 What Is Production?
8-2 The Conversion Process
8-3 The Increasing Importance of Services
8-4 Where Do New Products and Services Come From?
8-5 How Do Managers Plan Production?
8-6 Operations Control
8-7 Improving Productivity with Technology
Key Terms
Discussion Questions
Case 8: Toyota Drives Change in Manufacturing
Building Skills for Career Success
Running a Business Part 3: Graeter’s Grows through Good Management, Organization, and Quality
Building a Business Plan: Part 3
Part 4: Human Resources
Chapter 9: Attracting and Retaining the Best Employees
9-1 Human Resources Management: An Overview
9-2 Human Resources Planning
9-3 Workplace Diversity
9-4 Job Analysis
9-5 Recruiting, Selection, and Onboarding
9-6 Compensation and Benefits
9-7 Training and Development
9-8 Performance Appraisal
9-9 Employee Turnover
9-10 The Legal Environment of HRM
Key Terms
Discussion Questions
Case 9: Taco Bell Tackles Large-Scale Recruitment
Building Skills for Career Success
Chapter 10: Motivating and Satisfying Employees
10-1 What Is Motivation?
10-2 Historical Perspectives on Motivation
10-3 Contemporary Views of Motivation
10-4 Organizational Culture
10-5 Key Motivation Techniques
Key Terms
Discussion Questions
Case 10: Google’s Employee Perks Satisfy
Building Skills for Career Success
Running a Business Part 4: At Graeter’s, Tenure Is “a Proud Number”
Building a Business Plan: Part 4
Part 5: Marketing
Chapter 11: Building Customer Relationships through Effective Marketing
11-1 Managing Customer Relationships
11-2 Utility: The Value Added by Marketing
11-3 The Marketing Concept
11-4 Markets and Their Classification
11-5 Developing Marketing Strategies
11-6 Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Environment
11-7 Developing a Marketing Plan
11-8 Market Measurement and Sales Forecasting
11-9 Marketing Information
11-10 Types of Buying Behavior
Key Terms
Discussion Questions
Case 11: Starbucks Brews Customer Satisfaction
Building Skills for Career Success
Chapter 12: Creating and Pricing Products That Satisfy Customers
12-1 Classification of Products
12-2 The Product Life Cycle
12-3 Product Line and Product Mix
12-4 Managing the Product Mix
12-5 Branding, Packaging, and Labeling
12-6 Pricing Products
12-7 Pricing Objectives
12-8 Pricing Methods
12-9 Pricing Strategies
12-10 Pricing Business Products
Key Terms
Discussion Questions
Case 12: Shinola Is One to Watch
Building Skills for Career Success
Chapter 13: Distributing and Promoting Products
13-1 Distribution Channels and Market Coverage
13-2 Partnering through Supply Chain Management
13-3 Marketing Intermediaries: Wholesalers
13-4 Marketing Intermediaries: Retailers
13-5 Logistics
13-6 What Is Integrated Marketing Communications?
13-7 The Promotion Mix: An Overview
13-8 Advertising
13-9 Personal Selling
13-10 Sales Promotion
13-11 Public Relations
Key Terms
Discussion Questions
Case 13: Casper Thinks Inside the Box
Building Skills for Career Success
Running a Business Part 5: Graeter’s Is “Synonymous with Ice Cream”
Building a Business Plan: Part 5
Part 6: Information, Accounting, and Finance
Chapter 14: Exploring Social Media and e-Business
14-1 Why Is Social Media Important?
14-2 Social Media Tools for Business Use
14-3 Achieving Business Objectives through Social Media
14-4 Developing a Social Media Plan
14-5 Defining e-Business
14-6 Fundamental Models of e-Business
14-7 The Future of the Internet, Social Media, and e-Business
Key Terms
Discussion Questions
Case 14: Target’s Big Bet on Digital
Building Skills for Career Success
Chapter 15: Using Management and Accounting Information
15-1 How Can Information Reduce Risk When Making a Decision?
15-2 What Is a Management Information System?
15-3 How Do Employees Use a Management Information System?
15-4 Why Accounting Information Is Important
15-5 The Accounting Equation and the Balance Sheet
15-6 The Income Statement
15-7 The Statement of Cash Flows
15-8 Evaluating Financial Statements
Key Terms
Discussion Questions
Case 15: How Larry Ellison and Oracle Plan to Win the Cloud Wars
Building Skills for Career Success
Chapter 16: Mastering Financial Management
16-1 Why Financial Management?
16-2 The Need for Financing
16-3 Planning – The Basis of Sound Financial Management
16-4 Financial Services Provided by Banks and Other Financial Institutions
16-5 Sources of Short-Term Debt Financing
16-6 Sources of Equity Financing
16-7 Sources of Long-Term Debt Financing
Key Terms
Discussion Questions
Case 16: DoorDash Delivers An IPO
Building Skills for Career Success
Running a Business Part 6: Graeter’s Recipe for Growth: New Systems, Social Media, and Financing
Building a Business Plan: Part 6
Name Index
Subject Index

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