
Applying Career Development Theory to Counseling 6th Edition by Richard S. Sharf, ISBN-13: 978-0357670705



Applying Career Development Theory to Counseling 6th Edition by Richard S. Sharf, ISBN-13: 978-0357670705

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  • Publisher: ‎ Cengage Learning; 6th edition (February 11, 2021)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 498 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 0357670701
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0357670705

A must-read for counselors in training, Sharf’s APPLYING CAREER DEVELOPMENT THEORY TO COUNSELING, 6th Edition, shows you how to apply the principles of career development to a variety of counseling settings. This book is clearly written, filled with useful case examples, and includes integrated diversity coverage to give you the advantage in your course and your career. You’ll find information about websites on internships, education, counseling organizations, and jobs. The book’s Companion Website provides case studies, tutorial quizzes, and relevant links.

Table of Contents:

Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Preface for Students
Chapter 1. Introduction
The Role of Theory in Psychology
Counselors’ Use of Career Development Theory
Client Population
Theories of Counseling and Theories of Career Development
Counselor Skills
Helping Skills
Assessment Instruments
How Career Development Theory Relates to Career Counseling
Goals of Career Counseling
Goals, Career Development Theory, and Ethics
Career Development of Women
Career Development of Culturally Diverse Populations
What’s Ahead
Part I. Trait and Type Theories
Chapter 2. Trait and Factor Theory
Step 1: Gaining Self-Understanding
Example of Step 1
Step 2: Obtaining Knowledge about the World of Work
Types of Occupational Information
Classification Systems
Trait and Factor Requirements
What the Counselor Needs to Know
Example of Step 2
Step 3: Integrating Information about Oneself and the World of Work
How the Counselor Can Help
Example of Step 3
Applying the Theory to Women
Applying the Theory to Culturally Diverse Populations
Counselor Issues
Chapter 3. Occupations: Information and Theory
The United States Labor Market
Sociological and Economic Approaches
Youth Employment
The Effect of the Work Environment on the Individual
Status Attainment Theory
Human Capital Theory
The Structure of the Labor Market
Women and Discrimination in the Workplace
Culturally Diverse Individuals and Discrimination in the Workplace
Chapter 4. Work Adjustment Theory
Step 1: Assessing Abilities, Values, Personality, and Interests
Personality Styles
A Counseling Example
Step 2: Measuring the Requirements and Conditions of Occupations
Ability Patterns
Value Patterns
Combining Ability and Value Patterns
Step 3: Matching Abilities, Values, and Reinforcers
Job Adjustment Counseling
Adjustment to Retirement
Application to Gifted Adolescents
The Role of Assessment Instruments
The Role of Occupational Information
Applying the Theory to Women and Culturally Diverse Populations
Counselor Issues
Chapter 5. Holland’s Theory of Types
The Six Types
Combinations of Types
Explanatory Constructs
Research on Holland’s Constructs
The Role of Occupational Information
The Role of Assessment Instruments
Applying the Theory to Women
Applying the Theory to Culturally Diverse Populations
Counselor Issues
Chapter 6. Myers-Briggs Type Theory
Perceiving and Judging
The Two Ways of Perceiving
The Two Ways of Judging
Combinations of Perceiving and Judging
Two Counseling Examples
The Preference for Perception or Judgment
Extraversion and Introversion
The Sixteen Type Combinations
Dominant and Auxiliary Processes
Using the Myers-Briggs Typology in Counseling
Example of Career Decision-Making Counseling
Example of Career Adjustment Counseling
The Role of Occupational Information
The Role of Assessment Instruments
Applying the Theory to Women and Culturally Diverse Populations
Counselor Issues
Part II. Life-Span Theory
Chapter 7. Career Development in Childhood
Super’s Model of the Career Development of Children
Key Figures
Internal versus External Control
Development of Interests
Time Perspective
Self-Concept and Planfulness
Modifications of Super’s Early Growth Stage of Career Development
Modifications of Super’s Fantasy Substage
Modification of Super’s Interest Substage
Using Super’s Model in Counseling Children
Gottfredson’s Theory of Self-Creation, Circumscription, and Compromise
Cognitive Growth
Implications of Gottfredson’s Theory for Super’s Theory
Use of Gottfredson’s and Super’s Concepts in Counseling
Career Development of Children from Culturally Diverse Backgrounds
The Role of Occupational Information
Occupational Information in Counseling
School-to-Work Programs Designed for Children
The Role of Assessment Instruments
Counselor Issues
Chapter 8. Adolescent Career Development
Factors Influencing Adolescent Career Development
Super’s Late Growth Stage of Adolescent Career Development
Development of Capacities
Development of Values
Transition to the Crystallizing Substage
Modifications of Super’s Late Growth Stage of Adolescent Career Development
Level 4: Internal Processes and Capacities
Level 5: Interaction
Level 6: Systemic Interaction
A Counseling Example
Career Maturity
Super’s Conception of Career Maturity
Identity and Context
A Counseling Example
The Role of Occupational Information
The Role of Assessment Instruments
Gender Issues in Adolescence
A Counseling Example
Career Development of Adolescents from Diverse Cultural Backgrounds
Case Example
Counselor Issues
Chapter 9. Late Adolescent and Adult Career Development
Role Salience
Life Roles
Indicators of the Salience of Life Roles
Adult Life Stages
Emerging Adulthood (Arnett)
Life Stages of Women
Life Stages of Culturally Diverse Adults
Counselor Issues
Chapter 10. Adult Career Crises and Transitions
Types of Transitions
Categories and Approaches to Career Transitions
The Kaleidoscope Career
Boundaryless Careers
The Protean Career
The Career Transitions Inventory
Nonnormative Career Events
Persistent Occupational Problems
Models of Transitions and Crises
Hopson and Adams’s Model of Adult Transitions
Letting Go
Testing Out
Search for Meaning
Career Crises Affecting Women
Temporary Reentry into and Leave-Taking from the Labor Force
Sexual Harassment
Career Crises Affecting Culturally Diverse Populations
Counselor Issues
Part III. Special Focus Theories
Chapter 11. Constructivist and Narrative Approaches to Career Development
Narrative Counseling
Goals of Assessment in Narrative Counseling
Cochran’s Narrative Career Counseling
Elaborating a Career Problem
Composing a Life History
Eliciting a Future Narrative
Reality Construction
Changing a Life Structure
Enacting a Role
Crystallizing a Decision
Savickas’s Career Construction Theory
Vocational Personality—Holland’s Theory
Developmental Tasks of Career Adaptability
Dimensions of Career Adaptability
Life Themes
Career Counseling Using the Career Construction Interview
Career Style Interview with Tiffany
Career Counseling Using Career Construction Theory
The Role of Assessment Instruments
The Role of Occupational Information
Applying the Theories to Women and Culturally Diverse Populations
Counselor Issues
Chapter 12. Relational Approaches to Career Development
Roe’s Personality Development Theory
Attachment Theory
Parent-Child Career Interactions
Family Systems Therapy
Phillips’s Developmental-Relational Model
Actions of Others
Counseling Example of the Developmental-Relational Model
Blustein’s Relational Theory of Working
Blustein’s Propositions for the Relational Theory of Working
Applying the Theories to Women and Culturally Diverse Populations
Chapter 13. Krumboltz’s Social Learning Theory
Genetic Influences
Environmental Conditions and Events
Social Conditions
Parents and Caretakers
Peer Groups
Structured Educational Settings
Occupational Conditions
Learning Experiences
Instrumental Learning Experiences (H)
Associative Learning Experiences (O)
Task-Approach Skills
Client Cognitive and Behavioral Skills
Self-Observation Generalizations about Abilities
Self-Observation Generalizations about Interests
Self-Observation Generalizations about Values
Generalizations about the World
Task-Approach Skills Used in Career Decision Making
Counselor Behavioral Strategies
Role Models
Cognitive Strategies for Counseling
Goal Clarification
Counter a Troublesome Belief
Look for Inconsistencies between Words and Actions
Cognitive Rehearsal
Happenstance Learning Theory: Fundamental Goals for Career Counseling
Applying Happenstance Learning Theory to Career Counseling
Step 1: Normalize Happenstance Learning Theory in the Client’s History
Step 2: Assist Clients to Transform Curiosity into Opportunities for Learning and Exploration
Step 3: Teach Clients to Produce Desirable Chance Events
Step 4: Teach Clients to Overcome Blocks to Action
The Role of Occupational Information
The Role of Assessment Instruments
Applying Social Learning Theory to Women
Applying Social Learning Theory to Culturally Diverse Populations
Counselor Issues
Chapter 14. Social Cognitive Career Theory
Outcome Expectations
Contextual Factors: Barriers and Supports
Social Cognitive Model of Career Choice
Counseling Example
Social Cognitive Model of the Development of Interests
Social Cognitive Model of Performance
Social Cognitive Model of Work and Life Satisfaction
The Role of Occupational Information
The Role of Assessment Instruments
Applying Social Cognitive Career Theory to Women
Applying Social Cognitive Theory to Culturally Diverse Populations
Counselor Issues
Chapter 15. Career Decision-Making Approaches
A Spiritual Perspective on Decision Making
Spirituality (Bloch and Richmond)
Miller-Tiedeman’s Lifecareer Theory
A Case Example of Spiritual Counseling
Holistic Approach to Life Planning (Hansen)
A Cognitive Information-Processing Approach
Assumptions of a Cognitive Information-Processing Approach
The Pyramid of Information Processing
The Executive Processing Domain
Materials for Counselors and Students
The Role of Occupational Information
The Role of Assessment Instruments
Applying the Theories to Women and Culturally Diverse Populations
Counselor Issues
Part IV. Theoretical Integration
Chapter 16. Theories in Combination
Outline of Theories and Their Strengths and Weaknesses
An Integrative Approach
Combining Theories
Combining Life-Span Theory with Trait and Factor and Career Decision-Making Theories
Combining Trait and Factor Theories
Combining Career Decision-Making Theories
The Counselor’s Choice
Noncounseling Applications of Theories
Screening Methods
Paper-and-Pencil Materials
Computerized Guidance Systems
Special Counseling Issues
Group Career Counseling
Career Counseling as a Related Issue
Changing Work Settings
Placement Counseling
Use of Assessment Instruments in Theories
Occupational Classification Systems and Career Development Theories
How Theories Apply to Career Development Issues of Women
How Theories Apply to Cultural Diversity Issues in Career Development
Counselor Issues
Trait and Factor Theories
Life-Span Theories
Career Decision-Making Theories
Sociological and Economic Approaches
Appendix A. CACREP Standards
Appendix B. Tests and Their Publishers
Appendix C. Web Sites

Richard S. Sharf has been a counseling psychologist at the Center for Counseling and Student Development at the University of Delaware for 37 years, providing counseling to university students. He also was the internship coordinator for the Psychology Doctoral Internship program. In addition, he taught graduate courses in counseling in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies. In writing THEORIES OF PSYCHOTHERAPY AND COUNSELING: CONCEPTS AND CASES, he corresponded with over 70 experts on theories of psychotherapy to ensure that the book is accurate and up to date. He is also author of APPLYING CAREER DEVELOPMENT THEORY TO COUNSELING, 6th Edition (2014, Cengage Learning).

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