A Photographic Atlas of Marine Biology, ISBN-13: 978-0895827852
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
320 pages
Publisher: Morton Publishing Company; 1 edition (January 15, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0895827859
ISBN-13: 978-0895827852
Package Dimensions: 10.2 x 5 x 0.5 inches
The Photographic Atlas of Marine Biology is designed to supplement a college-level marine biology text. It presents photographs of living organisms in their natural habitat and in public and private aquaria, preserved specimens, taxidermy specimens, and photomicrographs of living, whole specimens, and sectioned and stained specimens. There is one scanning electron micrograph. The emphasis is on nearshore and intertidal organisms of North America. Organisms photographed in their natural habitat include some from Vancouver Island to the lagoons of Baja California, from Maine to Patagonia, the Gulf Coast of North America, and the Caribbean (Florida Keys, the Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands). Aquaria and preserved specimens are from a wide range of locations around the world’s ocean. Photographs are by the authors except where noted.
The emphasis is on evolutionary relationships and systematics except for a few eukaryotic taxa, which are presented in functional groups. In Chapters 2 through 32, a table presents taxa names with reference to photographs of representative organisms, a general description of each taxon, species examples, approximate number of known species, and name origins. Chapters 1 and 33 differ from the other chapters. Chapter 1 is a general introduction to biodiversity, taxonomy, and phylogeny; and Chapter 33 is a summary of nearshore and intertidal habitats of North America.
In addition to photographs, there are dozens of art pieces that emphasize phylogeny and systematics, present life cycles, or show important anatomical, embryological, or morphological details. Some art pieces appear repeatedly so that chapters may be used independently and in any sequence, and to provide evolutionary perspective for the organisms of that chapter. Some of the art is modified from figures appearing in Biology by Neil A. Campbell and Jane B. Reece, and Integrated Principles of Zoology, by Cleveland P. Hickman, Larry Roberts, Susan Keen, Allan Larson, Helen I’Anson, and David Eisenhour.
“This book has really good pictures in it with very interesting marine species in each phylum.I really like how they start off each chapter with the first phylum that had an evolutionary significance in the theory of evolution (but mostly emphasizes on the marine species of each phylum, which goes together with all types of organisms throughout history). This book helped me receive an A in my class and will keep this book for later reference as I am interested in this marine species, especially that if marine mammals like the dolphin and whale.”
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