Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life by Susan Forward, ISBN-13: 978-0307575326
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
- Publisher: Bantam
- Language: English
- 408 pages
- ISBN-10: 0307575322
- ISBN-13: 978-0307575326
Are you the child of toxic parents?
When you were a child…
• Did your parents tell you you were bad or worthless?
• Did your parents use physical pain to discipline you?
• Did you have to take care of your parents because of their problems?
• Were you often frightened of your parents?
• Did your parents do anything to you that had to be kept secret?
Now that you’re an adult…
• Do your parents still treat you as if you were a child?
• Do you have intense emotional or physical reactions after spending time with your parents?
• Do your parents control you with threats or guilt? Do they manipulate you with money?
• Do you feel that no matter what you do, it’s never good enough for your parents?
In this remarkable self-help guide, Dr. Susan Forward draws on case histories and the real-life voices of adult children of toxic parents to help you free yourself from the frustrating patterns of your relationship with your parents — and discover a new world of self-confidence, inner strength, and emotional independence.
Table of Contents:
1. Godlike Parents
—The Myth of the Perfect Parent
2. “Just Because You Didn’t Mean It Doesn’t Mean It
Didn’t Hurt”
—The Inadequate Parents
3. “Why Can’t They Let Me Live My Own Life?”
—The Controllers
4. “No One in This Family Is an Alcoholic”
—The Alcoholics
5. The Bruises Are All on the Inside
—The Verbal Abusers
6. Sometimes the Bruises Are on the Outside, Too
—The Physical Abusers
7. The Ultimate Betrayal
—The Sexual Abusers
8. Why Do Parents Behave This Way?
—The Family System
9. You Don’t Have to Forgive
10. “I’m a Grown-up. Why Don’t I Feel Like One?”
11. The Beginnings of Self-Definition
12. Who’s Really Responsible?
13. Confrontation: The Road to Independence
14. Healing the Incest Wound
15. Breaking the Cycle
Epilogue—Letting Go of the Struggle
Suggested Reading
Excerpt from Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who
Love Them
Susan Forward, Ph.D., is an internationally renowned therapist, lecturer, and author of the number one New York Times bestsellers Toxic Parents and Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them, as well as Betrayal of Innocence: Incest and Its Devastation, Money Demons, Emotional Blackmail, When Your Lover Is a Liar, and Toxic In-Laws.
In addition to her private practice, for five years she hosted a daily ABC talk-radio program. She has also served widely as a group therapist, instructor, and consultant in many southern California medical and psychiatric facilities, and she formed the first private sexual abuse treatment center in California. She lives in Los Angeles and has two grown children.
Dr. Forward maintains offices in Sherman Oaks, California.
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