
Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology 10th Edition by Kenneth L. Feder, ISBN-13: 978-0190096410


Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology 10th Edition by Kenneth L. Feder, ISBN-13: 978-0190096410

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Oxford University Press; 10th edition (December 23, 2019)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 352 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 0190096411
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0190096410

Frauds, myths, and supposed mysteries about humanity‘s past are moving targets for anyone committed to the scientific investigation of human antiquity. It is important for anyone interested in the human past to know, for example, that there is no evidence for a race of giant human beings in antiquity and no broken shards of laser guns under Egyptian pyramids. Debunking such nonsense is fun and useful in its own way, but more important is the process by which we determine that such claims are bunk.

Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology, Tenth Edition, uses interesting–and often humorous–archaeological hoaxes, myths, and mysteries to show how we can truly know things about the past through science. It is not just a book about how we know what isn’t true about the human past–it’s also about how we know what is true.

Table of Contents:


Pseudoscience Cheat Sheet

Chapter 1. Science and Pseudoscience

Spoiler Alert: It’s a Conspiracy!

Belief in the Unbelievable

The Morning of the Magicians

Pseudoscience and Archaeology

Why I Wrote This Book

Expertise: It’s Not a Guarantee, But It Sure Beats the Alternative

Frequently Asked Questions

Critical Thinking Exercises

Chapter 2. Epistemology: How You Know What You Know

Knowing Things

Collecting Information: Seeing Isn’t Necessarily Believing

Collecting Information: Relying on Others

Science: Playing by the Rules

There Is a Real and Knowable Universe

The Universe Operates According to Understandable Laws

The Laws Are Immutable

The Laws Can Be Understood

The Workings of Science

Childbed Fever: A Case Study in the Application of the Scientific Method

Science and Nonscience: The Essential Differences

A Rule in Assessing Explanations

Confirmation Bias

Absence of Evidence or Absence of Sense?

The Art of Science

Where Do Hypotheses Come From?

Testing Hypotheses

Skeptics, Not Cynics; Doubters, Not Deniers

The Human Enterprise of Science

Don’t Try This at Home

Frequently Asked Questions

Critical Thinking Exercises

Chapter 3. GIANTS! Anatomy of an Archaeological Hoax

The Cardiff Giant: The Goliath of New York

The Discovery

The Beginning of the End

Hull’s Confession

The End of the Giant

Why Did They Do It?

Real Deal Archaeology: How We Recognize Frauds When We See Them

The Rules for a Successful Archaeological Hoax

Frequently Asked Questions

Critical Thinking Exercises

Chapter 4. Dawson’s Dawn Man: The Hoax at Piltdown

The Skeleton-More Precisely, the Cranium-in the Closet

The Evolutionary Context

The Brain-Centered Paradigm

A Remarkable Discovery in Sussex

The Piltown Enigma

Unmasking the Hoax


Suspect: Charles Dawson

Were There Co-conspirators?

The Lesson of Piltdown

How Were Scientists Fooled?

Real Deal Archaeology: What We Know About Human Evolution

A Rising Hominin Star

Frequently Asked Questions

Critical Thinking Exercise

Chapter 5. Who Discovered America?

America’s First People

A New World–To Europeans

Biblical Exegesis and American Indians

American Indians: From Israelites to Atlanteans

Tracing the Source of Native Americans

Out of Asia

The Beringian Highway

Real Deal Archaeology: What We Know About the Earliest Human Settlement of America

Tracing People by Their Morphology

Tracing People by Their DNA

Tracing People by Their Archaeology


Frequently Asked Question

Critical Thinking Exercise

Chapter 6. Who’s Next? After the Indians, Before Columbus

Artifact Trails: Evidence of Visitors to the New World

The New England Model

The Archaeology of Columbus

The Spanish Entrada into the American Southeast

Africans in Ancient America?

Other Europeans in the New World Before Columbus?

America B.C.?

Mystery Hill: A Convergence of Evidence?

The Archaeological Verdict


Real Deal Archaeology: What We Know About The Norse Discovery of America

A New-Found Land

Norse Discovery of America: The Physical Evidence

L’Anse aux Meadows

The Search for the Norse Footprint in North America Continues

Other Evidence of the Viking Presence?

Frequently Asked Question

Critical Thinking Exercise

Chapter 7. The Myth of the Moundbuilders

An Indigenous American Civilization

The Myth of a Vanished Race

Who Were the Moundbuilders? Identifying the Vanished Race

The Archaeology of the Myth

Squier and Davis

The Moundbuilder Mystery Solved

Rationale for the Myth of a Vanished Race

The Mound Builder Myth Revisited

Real Deal Archaeology: What We Know About the Mound-Building People of America

Frequently Asked Questions

Critical Thinking Exercise

Chapter 8. Lost: One Continent-Reward

Atlantis: Where Are You?

Atlantis: The Source of the Legend

The Timaeus Dialogue

The Critias Dialogue

The Source and Meaning of Timaeus and Critias

Who Invented Atlantis?

Where Did Plato Get the Details of the Story? A Minoan Source?

After Plato

Ignatius Donnelly: The Minnesota Congressman

The Lost Continents Theosophy

Atlantis: And the Beat Goes On

Real Deal Archaeology: What We Know About Atlantis

Ancient Greece

Archaeological Evidence in the Atlantic: The Bimini Wall

The Geology of the Atlantic

Frequently Asked Questions

Critical Thinking Exercise

Chapter 9. Prehistoric E.T.: The Fantasy of Ancient Astronauts

Ancient Astronauts: The Source of the Idea

Gods in Fiery Chariots

The Inkblot Hypothesis

The Horny Astronaut Hypothesis

The “Our Ancestors, the Dummies” Hypothesis

Extraterrestrial Aliens in the Pacific?

Robbing Graves for Fun and Profit

H.P. Lovecraft, Ancient Aliens, and the Cthulhu Connection

They’re Aliens. And They’re Ancient

A Real Mystery

Real Deal Archaeology: The Bias Inherent in the Ancient Astronauts Hypothesis

Frequently Asked Questions

Critical Thinking Exercise

Chapter 10. The Mystery of Ancient Civilizations: How Did People Get So Smart?

The Unexpected Göbekli Tepe

Ancient Egypt

The Civilization of the Maya

Explaining the Maya


Explaining Stonehenge

An Ancient Astronomy?

Why Was Stonehenge Built?

A Lost Civilization? But It’s Not Atlantis; Well, Maybe It’s Atlantis

Real Deal Archaeology: What We Know About Pyramid Building

School of (Moving) Rock

Build Me a Pyramid

Frequently Asked Questions

Critical Thinking Exercises

Chapter 11. Good Vibrations: Psychics and Archaeology

Psychic Archaeology

Psychic Site Location

Psychic Cultural Reconstruction

Psychic Archaeology: A Test

Psychic Archaeology: The Verdict

Dowsing for Diggers

Real Deal Archaeology: How We Can Investigate Sites Without Digging in the Dirt

Frequently Asked Question

Critical Thinking Exercise

Chapter 12. Old-Time Religion, New Age Visions, and Paranormal Predictions

Scientific Creationism and the Claim of Intelligent Design

Creationist Strategies in Education

Intelligent Design

Noah’s Ark

Footprints in Time

New Age Prehistory

Crystal Skulls

Real Deal Archaeology: What we Know About the Palatki Site in Sedona, Arizona

Frequently Asked Questions

Critical Thinking Exercise

Epilogue: A Past We Deserve

If Cable is Part of the Problem, Can It Also Be Part of the Solution?



Kenneth L. Feder is Professor of Anthropology at Central Connecticut State University. He is the author of several books, including The Past in Perspective: An Introduction to Human Prehistory, Eighth Edition (OUP, 2019), and Linking to the Past: A Brief Introduction to Archaeology, Second Edition (OUP, 2007).

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