Educational Psychology: Active Learning Edition 15th Edition by Anita Woolfolk, ISBN-13: 978-0138124328
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- Publisher: Pearson Inc. (January 1, 2023)
- Language: English
- 700 pages
- ISBN-10: 0138124329
- ISBN-13: 978-0138124328
Educational Psychology: Active Learning Edition uses 44 easy-to-read modules to explain how you can use educational psychology research in your own classroom. Theory and practice are considered together, showing how research on child development, cognitive science, learning, motivation, teaching and assessment can be used to solve the everyday problems of teaching. This practical resource includes specific strategies, guidelines, real-world issues, case studies and tips from expert teachers to help you learn how to create an inclusive classroom for every student. The 15th Edition features expanded analysis of the brain and neuroscience; integrated coverage of social-emotional learning and trauma-informed teaching; and a bold approach to issues of identity, race and privilege.
Table of Contents:
Title Page
Copyright Page
Pearson’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
About the Authors
Brief Contents
Special Features
Part I Setting the Stage, Meeting the Players
Cluster 1 Learning, Teaching, and Educational Psychology
Teachers’ Casebook—Becoming a Great Teacher What Would You Do?
Overview and Objectives
Learning and Teaching Today
Inside Three Classrooms
A Multilingual First Grade
A Suburban Fifth Grade
Teaching Math to Students with Learning Disabilities
Students Today: Dramatic Diversity and Remarkable Technology
Confidence in Every Context
High Expectations for Teachers and Students
Teaching the Whole Child: Social and Emotional Learning
Research on Social and Emotional Learning
Paths: an Approach to Social and Emotional Learning
Living with Social-Emotional Trauma
Do Teachers Make a Difference?
Teacher–Student Relationships
The Cost of Poor Teaching
What Is Good Teaching?
Models of Good Teaching
Danielson’s Framework for Teaching
The Class Model
Beginning Teachers
Module 1 Summary
The Role of Educational Psychology
Educational Psychology Today
Is It Just Common Sense?
Learning Styles
Answer Based on Research
Skipping Grades
Answer Based on Research
Students in Control
Answer Based on Research
Obvious Answers?
Using Research to Understand and Improve Learning
Correlation Studies
Experimental Studies
Abab Experimental Designs
Scientifically Based Research and Evidence-based Practices
Clinical Interviews and Case Studies
The Role of Time in Research
What’s the Evidence? Qualitative Versus Quantitative Research
Mixed Methods Research
Teachers as Researchers
Point/Counterpoint: What Kind of Research Should Guide Education?
Theories for Teaching
Supporting Student Learning
Module 2 Summary
Key Terms
Connect and Extend to Licensure
Teachers’ Casebook—Becoming a Great Teacher: What Would They Do?
Cluster 2 Who Are You? Who Are Your Students? Culture and Diversity
Teachers’ Casebook—Conversations About Race What Would You Do?
Overview and Objectives
Education Is Cultural
What Is Culture?
Your Cultural and Educational History
Meet Two Students
Cultural Intersections and Terminology
Cultural Groups and Terminology
Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination
Stereotypes: the Good and the Bad
From Stereotypes to Prejudice
Stereotype Threat
From Prejudice to Discrimination
Module 3 Summary
Economic and Social Class Differences
Social Class and Socioeconomic Status
Poverty and Social Inequality
Poverty and Academic Outcomes
Health, Environment, and Stress
Low Expectations—Low Academic Self-Concept
Peer Influences and Resistance Cultures
Home Environment and Resources
Summer Setbacks and School Disruptions
Tracking and Poor Teaching
Extreme Poverty: Homeless and Highly Mobile Students
Guidelines: Teaching Students Who Live in Poverty
Module 4 Summary
Ethnicity and Race in Teaching and Learning
Defining Ethnicity and Race
Ethnic and Racial Identity
Multidimensional and Flexible Ethnic Identities
Racial Identity Development
Ethnic and Racial Differences in School Achievement
The Legacy of Racial Inequality
Racism and Discrimination
Module 5 Summary
Gender and Sexual Orientation in Teaching and Learning
Sex and Gender
Gender Identity
Gender Roles
Gender Bias and Sexism in Curriculum and Media
Gender Bias in Teaching
Guidelines: Avoiding Gender Bias in Teaching
Point/counterpoint: Should Girls and Boys Be Taught Differently?
Sexual Orientation
Discrimination Based on Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation
Module 6 Summary
Creating Culturally Welcoming Classrooms
Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
Diversity in Learning
Social Organization
Cultural Values and Learning Preferences.
Cultural Discontinuity
Lessons for Teachers: Teaching Every Student
Know Yourself
Guidelines: Culturally Relevant Teaching
Know Your Students
Respect Your Students
Teach Your Students
Module 7 Summary
Key Terms
Connect and Extend to Licensure
Teachers’ Casebook—conversations About Race: What Would They Do?
Part II Development: Similarities and Difference
Cluster 3 Cognitive Development
Teachers’ Casebook—Symbols and Cymbals What Would You Do?
Overview and Objectives
A Definition of Development
Three Questions Across the Theories
What Is the Source of Development? Nature Versus Nurture
What Is the Shape of Development? Continuity Versus Discontinuity
Timing: Is It Too Late? Critical Versus Sensitive Periods
Beware of Either/Or
General Principles of Development
The Brain and Cognitive Development
The Developing Brain: Neurons
The Developing Brain: Cerebral Cortex
Brain Development in Childhood and Adolescence
Putting It All Together: How the Brain Works
Culture and Brain Plasticity
Point/counterpoint: Brain-Based Education
Neuroscience, Learning, and Teaching
Does Instruction Affect Brain Development?
The Brain and Learning to Read
Emotions, Learning, and the Brain
Lessons for Teachers: General Principles
Module 8 Summary
Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development
Influences on Development
Basic Tendencies in Thinking
Four Stages of Cognitive Development
Infancy: The Sensorimotor Stage
Early Childhood to the Early Elementary Years: The Preoperational Stage
Later Elementary to the Middle School Years: The Concrete-operational Stage
Guidelines: Family and Community Partnerships: Helping Families Care for Preoperational Children
Guidelines: Teaching the Concrete-Operational Child
High School and College: Formal Operations.
Do We All Reach the Fourth Stage?
Guidelines: Helping Students Use Formal Operations
Some Limitations of Piaget’s Theory
The Trouble with Stages
Underestimating Children’s Abilities
Cognitive Development and Culture
Information Processing, Neo-piagetian, and Neuroscience Views of Cognitive Development
Module 9 Summary
Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Perspective
The Social Sources of Individual Thinking
Cultural Tools and Cognitive Development
Technical Tools in a Digital Age
Psychological Tools
The Roles of Language and Private Speech
Private Speech: Vygotsky’s and Piaget’s Views Compared
The Zone of Proximal Development
Private Speech and the Zone
The Role of Learning and Development
Limitations of Vygotsky’s Theory
Implications of Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s Theories for Teachers
Piaget: What Can We Learn?
Understanding and Building on Students’ Thinking
Activity and Constructing Knowledge
Vygotsky: What Can We Learn?
The Role of Adults and Peers
Assisted Learning
An Example Curriculum: Tools of the Mind
Reaching Every Student: Teaching in the “Magic Middle”
Guidelines: Applying Vygotsky’s Ideas in Teaching
Cognitive Development: Lessons for Teachers
Module 10 Summary
Key Terms
Connect and Extend to Licensure
Teachers’ Casebook—Symbols and Cymbals: What Would They Do?
Cluster 4 The Self, Social, and Moral Development
Teachers’ Casebook—Mean Girls: What Would You Do?
Overview and Objectives
Physical Development
Physical and Motor Development
Young Children
Elementary School Years
Guidelines: Dealing with Physical Differences in the Classroom
The Adolescent Years
Early and Later Maturing
Play, Recess, and Physical Activity
Cultural Differences in Play
Exercise and Recess
Reaching Every Student: Physical Activity and Students with Disabilities
Challenges in Physical Development
Body Image and Disordered Eating
Guidelines: Supporting Positive Body Images in Adolescents
Module 11 Summary
Bronfenbrenner: the Social Context for Development
The Importance of Context and the Bioecological Model
Parenting Styles
Culture and Parenting
Guidelines: Family and Community Partnerships: Connecting with Families
Guidelines: Helping Children of Divorce
Peer Cultures
Who Is Likely to Have Problems with Peers?
Relational Aggression
Media, Modeling, and Aggression
Video Games and Aggressive Behavior
Reaching Every Student: Teacher Support
Guidelines: Dealing with Aggression and Encouraging Cooperation
Academic and Personal Caring.
Supporting Social and Emotional Learning.
Teachers and Child Abuse
Mandated Reporting.
What Can Teachers Do?
Module 12 Summary
Identity and Self-Concept
Erikson: Stages of Psychosocial Development
The Preschool Years: Trust, Autonomy, and Initiative
The Elementary and Middle School Years: Industry Versus Inferiority
Guidelines: Encouraging Initiative and Industry
Adolescence: the Search for Identity
Identity and Technology
Beyond the School Years
Guidelines: Supporting Identity Formation
Racial and Ethnic Pride
The Structure of Self-Concept
How Self-Concept Develops
Self-Concept and Achievement
Sex Differences in the Self-Concept of Academic Competence
Point/Counterpoint: What Should Schools Do to Encourage Students’ Self-Esteem?
The Dangers of Perfectionism
Module 13 Summary
Understanding Others and Moral Development
Theory of Mind and Intention
Moral Development
Kohlberg’s Theories of Moral Development
Criticisms of Kohlberg’s Theory
Moral Judgments, Social Conventions, and Personal Choices
Moral Versus Conventional Domains
Implications for Teachers
Beyond Reasoning: Haidt’s Social Intuitionist Model of Moral Psychology
Moral Behavior and the Example of Cheating
Who Cheats?
Dealing with Cheating
Personal/Social Development: Lessons for Teachers
Module 14 Summary
Key Terms
Connect and Extend to Licensure
Teachers’ Casebook—Mean Girls: What Would They Do?
Cluster 5 Learner Differences and Learning Needs
Teachers’ Casebook—Including Every Student: What Would You Do?
Overview and Objectives
Language and Labeling
Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps
Person-first/identity-first Language
Possible Biases in the Application of Labels
What Does Intelligence Mean?
Intelligence: One Ability or Many?
Another View: Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
What Are These Intelligences?
Critics of Multiple Intelligences Theory
Gardner Responds
Multiple Intelligences: Lessons for Teachers
Another View: Sternberg’s Successful Intelligence
Neuroscience and Intelligence
Measuring Intelligence
Binet’s Dilemma
What Does an Iq Score Mean?
Group Versus Individual IQ Tests
The Flynn Effect: Are We Getting Smarter?
Guidelines: Interpreting IQ Scores
Intelligence and Achievement.
Sex Differences in Intelligence and Achievement
Heredity or Environment?
Learning to Be Intelligent: Being Smart About IQ
Emotional Intelligence
What Is Emotional Intelligence?
Module 15 Summary
Creativity: What It Is and Why It Matters
Assessing Creativity
Ok, But So What: Why Does Creativity Matter?
What Are the Sources of Creativity?
Creativity and Cognition
Creativity and Diversity
Creativity in the Classroom
Guidelines: Applying and Encouraging Creativity
Learning Styles: Proceed with Caution
Learning Styles/Preferences
Cautions About Learning Styles
Why Are Learing Styles/Preferences So Popular?
Beyond Either/Or
Module 16 Summary
Individual Differences and the Law
Least Restrictive Environment
Individualized Education Program
The Rights of Students and Families
Guidelines: Family and Community Partnerships: Productive Conferences
Section 504 Protections
Response to Intervention
Module 17 Summary
Students with Learning Challenges
Neuroscience and Learning Challenges
Students with Specific Learning Disabilities
Student Characteristics
Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities
Students with Hyperactivity and Attention Disorders
Treating ADHD with Drugs
Point/Counterpoint: Pills or Skills for Children with ADHD?
Alternatives/Additions to Drug Treatments
Lessons for Teachers: Learning Disabilities and ADHD
Students with Communication Impairments
Speech Impairments
Language Disorders
Students with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders
Guidelines: Disciplining Students with Emotional Problems
Death by Suicide
Substance Use Disorder
The Stigma of Mental Health Issues
Students with Intellectual Disabilities
Guidelines: Teaching Students with Intellectual Disabilities
Students with Health and Sensory Impairments
Cerebral Palsy and Multiple Disabilities
Seizure Disorders (Epilepsy)
Other Serious Health Concerns: Asthma, Sickle Cell Disease, and Diabetes
Students with Visual Impairments
Students Who are Deaf
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Module 18 Summary
Students Who Are Gifted and Talented
Who Are These Students?
What Is the Origin of These Gifts
What Problems Do Students Who Are Gifted Face?
Identifying Students Who Are Gifted and Talented
Recognizing Gifts and Talents
Teaching Students with Gifts and Talents
Methods and Strategies
Module 19 Summary
Key Terms
Connect and Extend to Licensure
Teachers’ Casebook—Including Every Student: What Would They Do?
Cluster 6 Language Development, Language Diversity, and Immigrant Education
Teachers’ Casebook—Communicating and Creating Community in the Classroom What Would You Do?
Overview and Objectives
The Development of Language
What Develops? Language and Cultural Differences
The Puzzle of Language
When and How Does Language Develop?
Sounds and Pronunciation
Vocabulary and Meaning
Grammar and Syntax
Pragmatics: Using Language in Social Situations
Metalinguistic Awareness
Emergent Literacy
Building a Foundation
When Problems Persist
Emergent Literacy and Language Diversity
Languages and Emergent Literacy
Bilingual Emergent Literacy
Guidelines: Supporting Language and Promoting Literacy
Diversity in Language Development
Dual-Language Development
Second-Language Learning
Benefits of Bilingualism
Language Loss
Signed Languages
What Is Involved in Being Bilingual?
Basic Communication and Academic Language
Guidelines: Promoting Language Learning
Dialect Differences in the Classroom
Dialects and Pronunciations
Dialects and Teaching
Module 20 Summary
Teaching Immigrant Students and English Learners
Immigrants and Refugees
Classrooms Today
Four Student Profiles
Generation 1.5: Students in Two Worlds
Bilingual Education and English Learners
Two Approaches to Learning English
Point/Counterpoint: What Is the Best Way to Teach English Learners?
Research on Bilingual Education
Visual Strategies
Literature Response Groups
Bilingualism for All: Two-way Immersion
Sheltered Instruction
Affective and Emotional/social Considerations
Dealing with Trauma.
Working with Families: Using the Tools of the Culture
Guidelines: Providing Emotional Support and Increasing Self-Esteem for Students Who Are Els
Funds of Knowledge and Welcome Centers
Student-Led Conferences
Guidelines: Family and Community Partnerships: Welcoming All Families
Special Challenges: Students Who Are English Learners with Unique Learning Needs and Gifts
Students Who Are English Learners with Disabilities
Reaching Every Student: Recognizing Giftedness in Bilingual Students
Module 21 Summary
Key Terms
Connect and Extend to Licensure
Teachers’ Casebook—communicating and Creating Community in the Classroom: What Would They Do?
Part III Learning and Motivation
Cluster 7 Behavioral Views of Learning
Teachers’ Casebook—Sick of Class: What Would You Do?
Overview and Objectives
Understanding Learning
Ethical Issues
Learning Is Not Always What It Seems
Early Explanations of Learning: Contiguity and Classical Conditioning
Guidelines: Applying Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning: Trying New Responses
Types of Consequences
Neuroscience of Reinforcement and Punishment
Reinforcement Schedules
Antecedents and Behavior Change
Effective Instruction Delivery
Module 22 Summary
Putting It All Together: Applied Behavior Analysis
Methods for Encouraging Behaviors
Reinforcing with Teacher Attention
Selecting Reinforcers: The Premack Principle
Guidelines: Applying Operant Conditioning—Using Praise Appropriately
Contingency Contracts, Token Reinforcement, and Group Consequences
Contingency Contracts.
Guidelines: Applying Operant Conditioning—Encouraging Positive Behaviors
Token Reinforcement Systems
Group Consequences
Handling Undesirable Behavior
Negative Reinforcement
Positive Practice Overcorrection
Response Cost
Social Isolation
Some Cautions About Punishment
Guidelines: Applying Operant Conditioning—Using Punishment
Module 23 Summary
Current Applications: Functional Behavioral Assessment, Positive Behavior Supports, and Self-Managem
Discovering the “Why”: Functional Behavioral Assessments
Reaching Every Student: Positive Behavior Supports
Goal Setting
Monitoring and Evaluating Progress
Guidelines: Family and Community Partnerships: Applying Operant Conditioning: Student Self-Managemen
Challenges and Criticisms
Beyond Behaviorism: Bandura’s Challenge and Observational Learning
Enactive and Observational Learning
Learning and Performance
Criticisms of Behavioral Methods
Behavioral Approaches: Lessons for Teachers
Point/Counterpoint: Should Students Be Rewarded for Learning?
Module 24 Summary
Key Terms
Connect and Extend to Licensure
Teachers’ Casebook—Sick of Class: What Would They Do?
Cluster 8 Cognitive Views of Learning
Teachers’ Casebook—Remembering the Basics: What Would You Do?
Overview and Objectives
Elements of the Cognitive Perspective
The Brain and Cognitive Learning
The Importance of Knowledge in Cognition
General and Specific Knowledge
Declarative, Procedural, and Self-Regulatory Knowledge
Cognitive Views of Memory
Sensory Memory
Capacity, Duration, and Contents of Sensory Memory
The Role of Attention
Attention and Multitasking
Point/Counterpoint: What’s Wrong with Multitasking?
Attention and Teaching.
Guidelines: Gaining and Maintaining Attention
Working Memory
A Model of Working Memory
The Central Executive
The Phonological Loop
The Visuo-Spatial Sketchpad
The Episodic Buffer
Capacity of Working Memory
The Duration and Contents of Working Memory.
Cognitive Load and Retaining Information in Working Memory
Two (or Three) Kinds of Cognitive Load
Cognitive Load: Lessons for Teachers
Retaining Information in Working Memory
Levels of Processing Theory
Individual Differences in Working Memory
Developmental Differences
Individual Differences
Is Working Memory Really Separate?
Module 25 Summary
Long-Term Memory
Capacity and Duration of Long-Term Memory
Contents of Long-Term Memory: Explicit (Declarative) Memories
Propositions and Propositional Networks
Two Are Better Than One: Words and Images
Prototypes, Exemplars, and Theory-Based Categories
Teaching Concepts
Episodic Memory
Guidelines: Interviewing Young Students and Eyewitness Testimony
Contents of Long-Term Memory: Implicit Memories
Retrieving Information in Long-Term Memory
Spreading Activation
Forgetting and Long-Term Memory
Individual Differences in Long-Term Memory
Module 26 Summary
Teaching for Long-Lasting Knowledge: Basic Principles and Applications
Constructing Declarative Knowledge: Making Meaningful Connections
Guidelines: Family and Community Partnerships: Organizing Learning
Desirable Difficulty
Effective Practice
Reaching Every Student: Make It Meaningful
If You Have to Memorize . . .
Lessons for Teachers: Declarative Knowledge
Development of Procedural Knowledge
Automated Basic Skills
Domain-Specific Strategies
Guidelines: Helping Students Understand and Remember
Module 27 Summary
Key Terms
Connect and Extend to Licensure
Teachers’ Casebook—Remembering the Basics: What Would They Do?
Cluster 9 Complex Cognitive Processes
Teachers’ Casebook—Uncritical Thinking: What Would You Do?
Overview and Objectives
Metacognitive Knowledge and Regulation
Individual Differences in Metacognition
Lessons for Teachers: Developing Metacognition
Metacognitive Development for Younger Students.
Metacognitive Development for Secondary and College Students (Like You)
Learning Strategies
Being Strategic About Learning
Deciding What Is Important
Underlining and Highlighting
Taking Notes
Visual Tools for Organizing
Retrieval Practice: Powerful but Underused
Reading Strategies
Applying Learning Strategies
Appropriate Tasks
Valuing Learning
Effort and Efficacy
Reaching Every Student: Teaching How to Learn
Module 28 Summary
Problem Solving
Identifying: Problem Finding
Defining Goals and Representing the Problem
Focusing Attention on What is Relevant
Understanding the Words
Understanding the Whole Problem
Translation and Schema Training: Direct Instruction in Representing Problems
Translation and Schema Training: Worked Examples
Worked Examples and Embodied Cognition
The Results of Problem Representation.
Searching for Possible Solution Strategies
Anticipating, Acting, and Looking Back
Factors That Hinder Problem Solving
Some Problems with Heuristics
Guidelines: Applying Problem Solving
Expert Knowledge and Problem Solving
Knowing What Is Important
Memory for Patterns and Organization
Procedural Knowledge
Planning and Monitoring
Guidelines: Becoming an Expert Student
Module 29 Summary
Critical Thinking and Argumentation
What Critical Thinkers Do: Paul and Elder’s Model
Teaching Critical Thinking
Applying Critical Thinking in Specific Subjects
Point/Counterpoint: Should Schools Teach Critical Thinking and Problem Solving?
Thinking Critically About Online Sources
Two Styles of Argumentation
Lessons for Teachers
Teaching for Transfer
The Many Views of Transfer
Teaching for Positive Transfer
What is Worth Learning?
Lessons for Teachers: Supporting Transfer
Stages of Transfer for Strategies
Guidelines: Family and Community Partnerships: Promoting Transfer
Bringing It All Together: Teaching for Complex Learning and Robust Knowledge
What Is Robust Knowledge?
Teaching for Robust Knowledge
Worked Examples
Integrating Multiple Texts
Module 30 Summary
Key Terms
Connect and Extend to Licensure
Teachers’ Casebook—Uncritical Thinking: What Would They Do?
Cluster 10 Constructivism and Interactive Learning
Teachers’ Casebook—Necessity Is the Mother of Inventive Teaching: What Would You Do?
Overview and Objectives
Cognitive and Social Constructivism
Constructivist Views of Learning
Cognitive Constructivism
Social Constructivism
How Is Knowledge Constructed?
Knowledge: Situated or General?
Common Elements of Learner-Centered Teaching
Complex Learning Environments and Authentic Tasks
Social Negotiation
Multiple Perspectives and Representations of Content
Self-Awareness and Reflection About the Knowledge Construction Process
Student Ownership of Learning
Designing Constructivist Learning Environments
Facilitating Deep Learning in a Constructivist Classroom
Advance Organizers
Facilitating Through Asking and Answering Deep Questions
Guidelines: Facilitating Deep Questioning
Inquiry-Based Learning
Examples of Inquiry
Problem-Based Learning
Does Inquiry-Based Instruction Improve Learning?
Point/Counterpoint: Are Teaching Approaches to Support Inquiry- and Problem-Based Learning Effective
Being Smart About Inquiry Learning
Cognitive Apprenticeships
Module 31 Summary
Collaboration and Cooperation
Learning in Groups
Goals of Group Work
What Can Go Wrong: Misuses of Group Learning
Learning Through Cooperation
Effects of Cooperative Learning
Teacher’s Role in Cooperative Learning
Designing Cooperative Learning Tasks
Highly Structured, Review, and Skill-Building Tasks
ILL-structured, Conceptual, and Problem-Solving Tasks
Social Skills and Communication Tasks
Giving and Receiving Explanations
Setting Up Cooperative Groups
Group Composition
Assigning Roles
Examples of Cooperative Learning Techniques
Reciprocal Questioning
Constructive/Structured Controversies
Reaching Every Student: Using Cooperative Learning Wisely
Guidelines: Using Cooperative Learning
Module 32 Summary
Designing Interactive Digital Learning Environments
Technology and Learning
Technology-Rich Environments
Mobile Learning
Virtual Learning Environments
Immersive Virtual Learning Environments
Computational Thinking and Coding
Media Use, Digital Citizenship, and Media Literacy
Developmentally Appropriate Activities
Digital Citizenship
Critical Media Literacy
Guidelines: Supporting the Development of Media Literacy
Blending and Flipping: Technology-Powered Pedagogy
Dilemmas of Constructivist Practice
Module 33 Summary
Key Terms
Connect and Extend to Licensure
Teachers’ Casebook—Necessity Is the Mother of Inventive Teaching: What Would They Do?
Cluster 11 Social Cognitive Views of Learning and Motivation
Teachers’ Casebook—Failure to Self-Regulate: What Would You Do?
Overview and Objectives
Social Cognitive Theory
A Self-Directed Life: Albert Bandura
Beyond Behaviorism
Triadic Reciprocal Causality
Modeling: Learning by Observing Others
Elements of Observational Learning
Motivation and Reinforcement
Observational Learning in Teaching
Directing Attention
Fine-Tuning Already-Learned Behaviors
Strengthening or Weakening Inhibitions
Teaching New Behaviors
Arousing Emotion
Guidelines: Using Observational Learning
Agency and Self-Efficacy
Self-Efficacy, Self-Concept, and Self-Esteem
Sources of Self-Efficacy
Self-Efficacy in Learning and Teaching
Guidelines: Supporting Self-Efficacy
Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy
Module 34 Summary
Self-Regulated Learning: Skill and Will
How Does Self-Regulation Develop?
Point/Counterpoint: Are “Grittier” Students More Successful?
Developmental Changes in Self-Regulation
A Social Cognitive Model of Self-Regulated Learning
Reaching Every Student: Technology and Self-Regulation
Self-Regulation of Emotions
Social and Emotional Learning
Teacher Stress and Self-Regulation
Guidelines: Encouraging Emotional Self-Regulation
Teaching Toward Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulated Learning
Complex Tasks
Agency and Control
Bringing It All Together: Theories of Learning
Module 35 Summary
Key Terms
Connect and Extend to Licensure
Teachers’ Casebook—Failure to Self-Regulate: What Would They Do?
Cluster 12 Motivation in Learning and Teaching
Teachers’ Casebook—Motivating Students When Resources Are Thin: What Would You Do?
Overview and Objectives
What Is Motivation?
Meeting Some Students
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
What You Already Know About Motivation
Needs and Self-Determination
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Self-Determination: Need for Competence, Autonomy, and Relatedness
Self-Determination in the Classroom
Need-Supportive Versus Need-Thwarting Classrooms
Guidelines: Supporting Self-Determination and Autonomy
Supportive Relationships as Motivators
Needs: Lessons for Teachers
Module 36 Summary
Goals and Goal Orientations
Goal Setting: What Am I Trying to Do?
Making Goals Work: Feedback, Framing, and Commitment
Goal Orientations: Why Am I Trying to Do This?
Wait—Are Performance Goals Always Bad?
Work-Avoidance Goals
Contextual Influences on Goal Orientation
Social Goals
Goals: Lessons for Teachers
Expectancies, Values, and Costs
Expectancy for Success
Task Value
Perceived Cost
Expectancy, Value, and Cost: Lessons for Teachers
Attributions and Beliefs About Ability
Attributions in the Classroom
Teacher Attributions Trigger Student Attributions
Mindsets About Ability
Ability Mindsets in the Classroom
Mindsets About Failure
Attributions and Mindsets: Lessons for Teachers
Guidelines: Encouraging a Healthy Mindset
Module 37 Summary
How Do You Feel About Learning? Interest, Curiosity, and Emotions
Tapping Interests
Two Kinds of Interests
Catching and Holding Interests
Curiosity: Novelty and Complexity
Point/Counterpoint: Does Making Learning Fun Make for Good Learning?
Guidelines: Building on Students’ Interests and Curiosity
Emotion and the Body
Achievement Emotions
Emotions in the Classroom
Anxiety in the Classroom
Reaching Every Student: Coping with Negative Emotions
Guidelines: Coping with Test Anxiety
Interest, Curiosity, and Emotions: Lessons for Teachers
Module 38 Summary
Strategies to Encourage Motivation to Learn
Why Am I Learning This? Is It Valuable, Useful, Relevant?
Creating Authentic Tasks
Increasing Perceived Relevance and Utility
Will I Enjoy This?
Enhancing Curiosity, Interest, and Intrinsic Value
Supporting Autonomy
Can I Do It? Building Confidence and Positive Expectations
What Do I Need to Do to Succeed? Providing Structures That Support Progress
Do I Belong in This Classroom? Creating Inclusive Opportunities
Guidelines: Family and Community Partnerships: Supporting the Sociocultural Foundations of Motivatio
Module 39 Summary
Key Terms
Connect and Extend to Licensure
Teachers’ Casebook—Motivating Students When Resources Are Thin: What Would They Do?
Part IV Teaching and Assessing
Cluster 13 Creating Supportive Learning Environments
Teachers’ Casebook—Bullies and Victims What Would You Do?
Overview and Objectives
The What and Why of Supportive Classroom Organization
The Basic Task: Gain Their Cooperation
The Basic Goals: Access, Time, Relationships, and Self-Management
Access to Learning
More Time for Learning
Management Means Relationships
Management for Self-Management
Creating a Positive Learning Environment
Relevant Research Results
Routines and Rules Required: In-Person Learning
Routines and Procedures
Guidelines: Establishing Class Routines for In-Person Learning
Rules for In-Person Teaching in Elementary School
Rules for In-Person Teaching in Secondary School
Who Sets the Rules and Consequences?
Routines and Rules Required: Remote Learning
Guidelines: Establishing Routines and Rules for Remote Learning
Planning Spaces for Learning
Personal Territories and Seating Arrangements.
Interest Areas
Guidelines: Designing Learning Spaces
Getting Started: The First Weeks of Class
Effective Managers for Elementary Students
Effective Managers for Secondary Students
Module 40 Summary
Maintaining a Good Environment for Learning
Encouraging Engagement
Guidelines: Keeping Students Engaged
Prevention Is the Best Medicine
Overlapping and Group Focus
Movement Management
Student Social Skills as Prevention
Caring Relationships: Connections with School
Teacher Connections
School Connections and Belonging
Creating Communities of Care for Adolescents
Guidelines: Creating Caring Relationships
Module 41 Summary
Dealing with Discipline Problems
Stopping Problems Quickly
If You Impose Penalties
Guidelines: Imposing Penalties
What About School Suspensions and Zero Tolerance?
Point/Counterpoint: Is Zero Tolerance a Good Idea?
Reaching Every Student: Restorative Justice
Teacher-Imposed Penalties Versus Student Responsibility
Bullying and Cyberbullying
Why Do Students Bully?
What Can Teachers Do? Bullying and Teasing
Special Challenges with High School Students
Guidelines: Handling Potentially Explosive Situations
The Need for Communication
Message Sent—Message Received
Empathetic Listening
When Listening Is Not Enough: I-Messages, Assertive Discipline, and Problem Solving
Assertive Discipline
Confrontations and Negotiations
Diversity: Culturally Responsive Management
Guidelines: Family and Community Partnerships: Classroom Organizationand Management
Module 42 Summary
Key Terms
Connect and Extend to Licensure
Teachers’ Casebook—Bullies and Victims: What Would They Do?
Cluster 14 Teaching Every Student
Teachers’ Casebook—Reaching and Teaching Every Student: What Would You Do?
Overview and Objectives
Research on Teaching
Characteristics of Effective Teachers
Clarity and Organization
Enthusiasm and Warmth
Knowledge for Teaching
Teacher Expectations
Two Kinds of Expectation Effects
Sources of Expectations
Do Teachers’ Expectations Really Affect Students’ Achievement?
Lessons for Teachers: Communicating Appropriate Expectations
Guidelines: Avoiding the Negative Effects of Teacher Expectations
The Goal: Ambitious Teaching
The First Step: Planning
Research on Planning
Learning Goals
An Example of State-Level Goals: The Common Core
Classrooms Goals for Learning
Flexible and Creative Plans—Using Taxonomies
The Cognitive Domain
The Affective Domain
The Psychomotor Domain
The Cognitive Demands of Learning Objectives: Webb’s Depth of Knowledge
Planning from a Constructivist Perspective
Guidelines: Using Learning Objectives
Module 43 Summary
Teaching Approaches
Research on Teaching Strategies
Explicit Teaching and Direct Instruction
Rosenshine’s Six Teaching Functions
Why Does Direct Instruction Work?
Evaluating Direct Instruction
Guidelines: Effective Direct Instruction
Independent Work and Homework
Independent Work
Point/Counterpoint: Is Homework Valuable?
Guidelines: Family and Community Partnerships: Homework
Questioning, Discussion, Dialogue, and Feedback
Kinds of Questions
Asking Authentic Questions
Fitting the Questions to the Students—And Waiting
Responding to Student Answers
Group Discussion and Quality Talk
Lessons for Teachers: Fitting Teaching to Your Goals
Guidelines: Productive Group Discussions
Putting It All Together: Understanding by Design
Differentiated Instruction
Within-Class and Flexible Grouping
The Problems with Ability Grouping
Flexible Grouping
Guidelines: Using Flexible Grouping
Differentiated Instruction in Inclusive Classrooms
Assistive Technology
Reaching Every Student: Differentiation with Universal Design for Learning
Module 44 Summary
Key Terms
Connect and Extend to Licensure
Teachers’ Casebook—Reaching and Teaching Every Student: What Would They Do?
Cluster 15 Classroom Assessment, Grading, and Standardized Testing
Teachers’ Casebook—Giving Meaningful Grades What Would You Do?
Overview and Objectives
Basics of Assessment
Measurement and Assessment
Formative, Interim, and Summative Assessment
Assessing the Assessments: Reliability and Validity
Reliability of Test Scores
Absence of Bias
Classroom Assessment: Testing
Interpreting Any Test Score
Norm-Referenced Test Interpretations
Criterion-Referenced Test Interpretations
Using the Tests from Textbooks
Selected-Response Testing
Using Multiple-Choice Tests
Writing Multiple-Choice Questions
Constructed Responses: Essay Testing
Guidelines: Writing Multiple-Choice Test Items
Constructing Essay Tests
Evaluating Essays
Assessing Traditional Testing
Module 45 Summary
Formative and Authentic Classroom Assessments
Informal Assessments
Exit Tickets
Involving Students in Assessments
Authentic Assessments: Performances and Portfolios
Evaluating Portfolios and Performances
Scoring Rubrics
Guidelines: Creating Portfolios
Reliability and Validity
Guidelines: Developing a Rubric
Diversity and Bias in Performance Assessment
Assessing Complex Thinking
Classroom Assessment: Lessons for Teachers
Norm-Referenced Versus Criterion-Referenced Grading
Effects of Grading on Students
The Value of Failing?
Retention in Grade
Point/Counterpoint: Should Children Be Held Back?
Grades and Motivation
Beyond Grading: Communicating with Families
Guidelines: Using Any Grading System
Module 46 Summary
Standardized Testing
Types of Scores
Measurements of Central Tendency and Standard Deviation
The Normal Distribution
Percentile Rank Scores
Grade-Equivalent Scores
Standard Scores
Interpreting Standardized Test Reports
Discussing Test Results with Families
Guidelines: Family and Community Partnerships: Conferences and Explaining Test Results
Accountability and High-Stakes Testing
Making Decisions
What Do Teachers Think?
Documented Problems with High-Stakes Testing
New Directions: PARCC and SBAC
Using High-Stakes Testing Well: Lessons for Teachers
Reaching Every Student: Helping Students with Disabilities Prepare for High-Stakes Tests
Guidelines: Preparing Yourself and Your Students for Testing
Teacher Accountability and Evaluation
Value-Added Models
So How Should We Evaluate Teachers?
A Broader Approach: Measures of Teacher Effectiveness
Module 47 Summary
Key Terms
Connect and Extend to Licensure
Teachers’ Casebook—Giving Meaningful Grades: What Would They Do?
Licensure Appendix
Name Index
Subject Index
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