
Complex Variables and Applications 9th Edition by James Ward Brown, ISBN-13: 978-0073383170


Complex Variables and Applications 9th Edition by James Brown, ISBN-13: 978-0073383170

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ McGraw Hill; 9th edition (September 3, 2013)
  • Language: ‎ English
  •  480 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 0073383171
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0073383170

Complex Variables and Applications, 9e will serve, just as the earlier editions did, as a textbook for an introductory course in the theory and application of functions of a complex variable. This new edition preserves the basic content and style of the earlier editions. The text is designed to develop the theory that is prominent in applications of the subject. You will find a special emphasis given to the application of residues and conformal mappings. To accommodate the different calculus backgrounds of students, footnotes are given with references to other texts that contain proofs and discussions of the more delicate results in advanced calculus. Improvements in the text include extended explanations of theorems, greater detail in arguments, and the separation of topics into their own sections.

Table of Contents:

1. Complex Numbers
Sums and Products
Basic Algebraic Properties
Further Algebraic Properties
Vectors and Moduli
Triangle Inequality
Complex Conjugates
Exponential Form
Products and Powers in Exponential Form
Arguments of Products and Quotients
Roots of Complex Numbers
Regions in the Complex Plane
2. Analytic Functions
Functions and Mappings
The Mapping w = z2
Theorems on Limits
Limits Involving the Point at Infinity
Rules for Differentiation
Cauchy–Riemann Equations
Sufficient Conditions for Differentiability
Polar Coordinates
Analytic Functions
Further Examples
Harmonic Functions
Uniquely Determined Analytic Functions
Reflection Principle
3. Elementary Functions
The Exponential Function
The Logarithmic Function
Branches and Derivatives of Logarithms
Some Identities Involving Logarithms
The Power Function
The Trigonometric Functions sin z and cos z
Zeros and Singularities of Trigonometric Functions
Hyperbolic Functions
Inverse Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions
4. Integrals
Derivatives of Functions w(t)
Definite Integrals of Functions w(t)
Contour Integrals
Some Examples
Examples Involving Branch Cuts
Upper Bounds for Moduli of Contour Integrals
Proof of the Theorem
Cauchy–Goursat Theorem
Proof of the Theorem
Simply Connected Domains
Multiply Connected Domains
Cauchy Integral Formula
An Extension of the Cauchy Integral Formula
Verification of the Extension
Some Consequences of the Extension
Liouville’s Theorem and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
Maximum Modulus Principle
5. Series
Convergence of Sequences
Convergence of Series
Taylor Series
Proof of Taylor’s Theorem
Negative Powers of (z − z0)
Laurent Series
Proof of Laurent’s Theorem
Absolute and Uniform Convergence of Power Series
Continuity of Sums of Power Series
Integration and Differentiation of Power Series
Uniqueness of Series Representations
Multiplication and Division of Power Series
6. Residues and Poles
Isolated Singular Points
Cauchy’s Residue Theorem
Residue at Infinity
The Three Types of Isolated Singular Points
Residues at Poles
Zeros of Analytic Functions
Zeros and Poles
Behavior of Functions Near Isolated Singular Points
7. Applications of Residues
Evaluation of Improper Integrals
Improper Integrals from Fourier Analysis
Jordan’s Lemma
An Indented Path
An Indentation Around a Branch Point
Integration Along a Branch Cut
Definite Integrals Involving Sines and Cosines
Argument Principle
Rouché’s Theorem
Inverse Laplace Transforms
8. Mapping by Elementary Functions
Linear Transformations
The Transformation w = 1/z
Mappings by 1/z
Linear Fractional Transformations
An Implicit Form
Mappings of the Upper Half Plane
Mappings by the Exponential Function
Mapping Vertical Line Segments by w = sin z
Mapping Horizontal Line Segments by w = sin z
Some Related Mappings
Mappings by z2
Mappings by Branches of z1/2
Square Roots of Polynomials
Riemann Surfaces
Surfaces for Related Functions
9. Conformal Mapping
Preservation of Angles and Scale Factors
Further Examples
Local Inverses
Harmonic Conjugates
Transformations of Harmonic Functions
Transformations of Boundary Conditions
10. Applications of Conformal Mapping
Steady Temperatures
Steady Temperatures in a Half Plane
A Related Problem
Temperatures in a Quadrant
Electrostatic Potential
Two-Dimensional Fluid Flow
The Stream Function
Flows Around a Corner and Around a Cylinder
11. The Schwarz–Christoffel Transformation
Mapping the Real Axis onto a Polygon
Schwarz–Christoffel Transformation
Triangles and Rectangles
Degenerate Polygons
Fluid Flow in a Channel through a Slit
Flow in a Channel with an Offset
Electrostatic Potential about an Edge of a Conducting Plate
12. Integral Formulas of the Poisson Type
Poisson Integral Formula
Dirichlet Problem for a Disk
Related Boundary Value Problems
Schwarz Integral Formula
Dirichlet Problem for a Half Plane
Neumann Problems
Table of Transformations of Regions

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