
Burns and Grove’s The Practice of Nursing Research 9th Edition by Jennifer R. Gray, ISBN-13: 978-0323673174

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Burns and Grove’s The Practice of Nursing Research 9th Edition by Jennifer R. Gray, ISBN-13: 978-0323673174

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Elsevier; 9th edition (October 9, 2020)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 880 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 0323673171
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0323673174

Winner of the 1st-place American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year award in nursing research/evidence-based practice for 2021!

Burns & Grove’s The Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence, 9th Edition is the trusted resource for those wanting to master the research methods that are foundational to evidence-based practice. This highly respected textbook covers how to appraise and apply existing research evidence, as well as how to participate in research and quality improvement projects. This new 9th edition has been extensively updated to reflect today’s focus on online research in the digital era and includes clear, step-by-step guidelines for all major quantitative and qualitative research approaches ― including supporting examples from the latest high-quality literature. There’s also new content on translational research, coverage of the most current research tools and techniques, and an increased use of illustrations, tables, and other visuals to help engage visually oriented readers of all levels.

  • Coverage of quantitative, qualitative, and other research methodologies provides a solid foundation to conduct, appraise, and apply research evidence to the realities of today’s clinical practice.
  • Balanced coverage of qualitative and quantitative methods addresses the qualitative research methodologies that are often the starting point of research projects, particularly in magnet hospitals and DNP programs.
  • Clear, comprehensive coverage is organized into five units that include: an introduction to nursing research; coverage of the research process; application for evidence-based health care; how to analyze data, determine outcomes, and disseminate research; and how to propose and seek funding for research.
  • Strong emphasis on evidence-based practice addresses this key graduate-level QSEN competency and reinforces how to generate research evidence and appraise and synthesize existing research for application to clinical practice.
  • Rich examples from nursing literature bring research principles to life.
  • Emphasis on the most currently used research methodologies focuses on the methods used in both quantitative research and qualitative research, as well as outcomes research and mixed-methods research.
  • Coverage of digital data collection examines the use of online research tools.
  • Quick-reference summaries include a table of research methods inside the front cover and a list of types of research syntheses (with definitions) inside the back cover.
  • Helpful user resources are included with each new text purchase on the companion Evolve website and feature 400 interactive review questions along with a library of 10 full-text research articles.
  • NEW! Extensively updated content reflects the most current quantitative and qualitative approaches to nursing research, as well as the most current research tools and techniques used in the digital era.
  • NEW! Updated research examples throughout incorporate the best examples of current literature, with increased emphasis on international examples to reflect the increasingly global nature of nursing research.
  • NEW! Increased use of visuals includes the addition of more illustrations, tables, and boxes to help break up long passages of text for today’s more visually oriented learners of all levels.
  • NEW! Revised chapters offer improved clarity and usability in the areas of research problems and purpose, quantitative research design, quantitative methodology, and qualitative methodology.
  • NEW! Increased emphasis on hospital magnet status reflects the effect this status has on improving nursing competency and quality outcomes.
  • UPDATED! Coverage of certain qualitative research content has been de-emphasized to reflect the decreased use of certain methodologies (e.g., historical research) and to allow the introduction of additional methodologies that are growing in use.

Table of Contents:

Cover image
Title page
Table of Contents
Contents in brief
Useful tools
List of Tables
List of Illustrations
UNIT 1. Introduction to Nursing Research
1. Discovering the world of nursing
Definition of nursing research
Framework linking nursing research to the world of nursing
Focus of research evidence in nursing
Your role in research
Key points
2. Evolution of research in building evidence-based nursing practice
Historical development of research in nursing
Current national research initiatives
Methodologies for developing research evidence in nursing
Classification of research methodologies presented in this text
Introduction to best research evidence for practice
Introduction to evidence-based practice guidelines
Key points
3. Introduction to quantitative research
Methods for quantitative research
Defining terms relevant to quantitative research
Steps of the quantitative research process
Steps of the quantitative research process for a quasi-experimental study
Key points
4. Introduction to qualitative research
Philosophical perspectives for qualitative research
Unique characteristics of qualitative research
Methodologies for qualitative research
Other approaches to qualitative research
Key points
UNIT 2. The Research Process
5. Research problem and purpose
The research problem
The research purpose
Sources of research problems and purposes
Formulating a research problem and purpose
Example of problem and purpose development
Feasibility of a study
Examples of research topics, problems, and purposes for different types of research
Key points
6. Objectives, questions, hypotheses, and study variables
Use of research objectives or aims in studies
Formulating research questions
Identifying and defining study variables or concepts
Defining concepts and operationalizing variables in quantitative studies
Key points
7. Review of relevant literature
Getting started: Frequently asked questions
Practical considerations for performing a literature review
Stages of a literature review
Key points
8. Frameworks
Introduction of terms
Understanding concepts
Examining statements
Levels of abstraction of statements
Appraising theories and research frameworks
Developing a research framework for study
Key points
9. Ethics in research
Historical events affecting the development of ethical codes and regulations
Early US government research regulations
Standards for privacy for research data
Protection of human rights
Human subject protection in genomics research
Informed consent
Institutional review
Research misconduct
Animals as research subjects
Key points
10. Quantitative methodology: Noninterventional designs and methods
Concepts important to noninterventional research design
Design validity
Decisions to develop and implement noninterventional studies
Noninterventional designs that capture change across time
Descriptive designs
Correlational designs
Key points
11. Quantitative methodology: Interventional designs and methods
Research terms
Study interventions
Threats to validity in interventional studies
Interventional designs
Algorithms for identifying and selecting interventional designs
Other designs
Key points
12. Qualitative research methods
Principles supporting qualitative methods
Research process in qualitative studies
Qualitative sampling
Data collection methods
Data management
Organizing and storing data
Data analysis
Reporting qualitative studies
Methods for specific methodologies
Key points
13. Outcomes research
Current status of outcomes research
The origins of modern outcomes research
Structure, process, and outcome in current research
Federal government involvement in outcomes research
Nongovernmental involvement in outcomes research
Outcomes research and evidence-based practice
Nursing-sensitive patient outcomes
Methodological considerations for outcomes studies
Key points
14. Mixed methods research
Philosophical foundations
Overview of mixed methods designs
Challenges of mixed methods designs
Critically appraising mixed methods designs
Key points
15. Sampling
Sampling theory
Probability (random) sampling methods
Nonprobability (nonrandom) sampling methods commonly applied in quantitative and outcomes research
Nonprobability sampling methods commonly applied in qualitative and mixed methods research
Sample size in quantitative research
Sample size in qualitative research
Research settings
Recruiting and retaining research participants
Key points
16. Quantitative measurement concepts
Directness of measurement
Measurement error
Levels of measurement
Reference testing measurement
Accuracy, precision, and error of physiological measures
Sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratios
Key points
17. Measurement methods used in developing evidence-based practice
Physiological measurement
Observational measurement
Interviews in research
Q-sort methodology
Delphi technique
Measurement using existing databases
Selection of an existing instrument
Introduction to scale construction
Translating a scale to another language
Key points
UNIT 3. Putting It All Together for Evidence-Based Health Care
18. Critical appraisal of nursing studies
Evolution of critical appraisal of research in nursing
When are critical appraisals of research implemented in nursing?
Nurses’ expertise in critical appraisal of research
Critical appraisal process for quantitative research
Critical appraisal process for qualitative studies
Key points
19. Evidence synthesis and strategies for implementing evidence-based practice
Strengths, challenges, and current status of evidence-based practice in nursing
Guidelines for synthesizing research evidence
Models to promote evidence-based practice in nursing
Implementing evidence-based guidelines in practice
Evidence-based practice centers
Introduction to translational research and translational science
Key points
UNIT 4. Collecting and Analyzing Data, Determining Outcomes, and Disseminating Research
20. Collecting and managing data
Study protocol
Factors influencing data collection
Preparation for data collection
Pilot study
Role of the researcher during data collection and management
Research/researcher support
Key points
21. Introduction to statistical analysis
Concepts of statistical theory
Types of statistics
Practical aspects of statistical analysis
Choosing appropriate statistical procedures for a study
Key points
22. Using statistics to describe variables
Using statistics to summarize data
Using statistics to explore deviations in the data
Key points
23. Using statistics to examine relationships
Scatter diagrams
Bivariate correlational analysis
Bland and Altman plots
Factor analysis
Key points
24. Using statistics to predict
Simple linear regression
Multiple regression
Odds ratio
Logistic regression
Cox proportional hazards regression
Key points
25. Using statistics to determine differences
Choosing parametric versus nonparametric statistics to determine differences
One-way analysis of variance
Pearson chi-square test
Key points
26. Interpreting research outcomes
Example study
Identification of limitations through examination of design validity
Generalizing the findings
Considering implications for practice, theory, and knowledge
Suggesting further research
Forming final conclusions
Key points
27. Disseminating research findings
Components of a research report
Types of research reports
Audiences for communication of research findings
Strategies for presentation of research findings
Strategies for publication of research findings
Key points
UNIT 5. Proposing and Seeking Funding for Research
28. Writing research proposals
Writing a research proposal
Types of research proposals
Content of a quantitative research proposal
Content of a qualitative research proposal
Seeking approval for a study
Example quantitative research proposal
Key points
29. Seeking funding for research
Building a program of research
Building capital
Identifying funding sources
Submitting a proposal for a federal grant
Grant management
Planning your next grant
Key points
Appendix A: z values table
Appendix B: Critical values for student’s t distribution
Appendix C: Critical values of r for pearson product moment correlation coefficient
Appendix D: Critical values of F for α = 0.05 and α = 0.01
Appendix E: Critical values of the χ2 distribution
Inside back cover
Inside back cover 1

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